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Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2966 | Adhesive determination | Description: Torque strength of adhesives using threaded fasteners. According to ASTM D5649 Standard :ASTM D5649, | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2965 | Adhesive determination | Description: Shear strength of adhesives using pin-and-collar specimens. According to ASTM D4562 Standard :ASTM D4562, | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2964 | Adhesive determination | Description: Shear strength of adhesives using lap-shear specimens. According to ASTM D1002 Standard :ASTM D1002, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1175 | Alpha Olefin Sulphonate (AOS) determinations | Description: Alpha Olefin Sulphonate (AOS): Active matter and Free Alkalinity as Sodium Hydroxide Method: IS 15072, IS 4956 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-868 | Ammonium concentration determination | Ammonium | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1852 | Analysis of ash and volatile combustible matter of coal. | Description: Analysis of ash and volatile combustible matter Method: ISO 562, ISO 1171 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-153 | Analysis of KCl, NaCl,MgCl2,CaCl2 & H2O in fertilizers. CH | Description: Potassium chloride Method: | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2466 | Benzo [a] pyrene concentration determination | Benzo [a] pyrene concentration (µg/l). According to EPA 8310 | |
Chemical, Plastic | ILT-U-2362 | Biobased content in plastic samples based on Carbon-14 | Biobased content analysis based on Carbon-14 | |
Chemical, Rubber | ILT-U-2363 | Biobased content in rubber samples based on Carbon-14 | Biobased content analysis based on Carbon-14 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-3300 | Calcium Chloride determination | Description: Calcium Chloride (Purity). According to ASTM E449 Standard :ASTM E449, | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-114 | Calcium oxide determination | Description: Calcium oxide content Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3085 | Chemical determination | Description: KAu(CN)2 concentration Standard : | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-3092 | Chemical determination | Description: pH of aqueous solutions. According to ISO 4316 and ASTM E70 Standard :ASTM E70, ISO 4316 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3097 | Chemical determination | Description: PdCl2 (Salt concentration) Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3195 | Chemical determination | Description: Total acidity Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3194 | Chemical determination | Description: Total alkalinity as NaOH Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3193 | Chemical determination | Description: Only Chlorine Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-381 | Chlorine Bomb combustion & ISE, Fluorine Bomb combustion & ISE and Minor and Major Elements (Coal Ash). CH | Description: XRF in Coal Method: ASTM D4208, ASTM D3761 | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-1419 | Cleaning agent determination. | Description: Glutaraldehyde and Hydrogen peroxide concentration Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-358 | Coal determnations. CH | Description: Moisture; Total in Coal; Ash Content of Petroleum Products; Volatile Matter; and Sulfur Total Method: ASTM D3302, ASTM D482, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3177 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1458 | Cooper ore determinations | Cooper ore | |
Chemical, Metal | ILT-U-2702 | Corrosion determination | Description: Sulphur dioxide. Accoring to ISO 6988, ASTM G87, DIN 50018 Standard :ISO 6988, ASTM G87, DIN 50018 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-886 | Cu and Zn determinations | Cu and Zn | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2824 | Detergent determination | Description: Total solids, Stability to hard water, Stability at low temperature, and Germicidal Activity GSO 1949 Standard :GSO 1949, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2828 | Detergent determination | Description: Carpet color fastness test, Washing Test, Detection of oxidizing agents, and Detection of reducing factors. according to GSO 461 Standard :GSO 461, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2829 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of water content, Cleaning efficiency test. According to GSO 883:2021 Standard :GSO 883, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2830 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of Free Caustic Alkali, Determination of Free Total Alkali, Determination of Total Free Alkali Content and Total Fatty Matter Content, and Determination of free alkali (as sodium hydroxide content % in mass). According to GSO 801, GSO ISO 684, GSO ISO 456, GSO ISO 685 Standard :GSO ISO 456, GSO ISO 684, GSO ISO 685, GSO 801, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2831 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of viscosity, and Determination of Rosin. According to SASO 127, GSO 1098 Standard :SASO 127, GSO 1098, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2832 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of available chlorine (as sodium hypochlorite content), Measurement of thickness, Determination of the content of insoluble matter in water, and Determination of rancidity. According to GSO 1845, GSO 876, GSO 1111, and SASO-GSO-2172 Standard :GSO 1845, GSO 876, GSO 1111, SASO-GSO-2172, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2833 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of sodium carbonate, Determination of soap content, Determination of toxic mineral elements.0 According to GSO 152 Standard :GSO 152, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2834 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of pH number, Determination of total active materials, Determination of cationic active agent, Determination of chloride content. According to GSO ISO 4316, GSO ISO 2271, ISO 2871-2, ISO 457 Standard :GSO ISO 4316, GSO ISO 2271, ISO 2871-2, ISO 457, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2836 | Detergent determination | Description: Effect of Fatty Spots Remover on fabrics and textiles colors, and Confirming test of fluorescent brightener. According to GSO 2234, GSO 1947 Standard :GSO 2234, GSO 1947, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2837 | Detergent determination | Description: Unsaponifiable, unsaponified and Unsaponified Saponifiable Matter, Analysis of Soaps - Determination of Ethanol Insoluble Matter, Determination of specific gravity, Flash point test. According to GSO ISO 1067, ISO 673, ISO 758, ASTM D56 Standard : | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2835 | Detergent determination | Description: Determination of moisture and volatile matter, Determination of phosphates, Determination of active oxygen content, Determination of total silicates percentage, Determination of active nonionic matter. According to ISO 4318, ISO 4313, ISO 4321, ISO 8215, ISO 2268 Standard :ISO 4318, ISO 4313, ISO 4321, ISO 8215, ISO 2268, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1668 | Determination in Sodium Hydroxide | Description: Determination of concentration and carbonates; chlorides; and iron Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1450 | Determination of antimony in antimony trioxide | Description: Antimony concentration – Sb2O3 Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1608 | Determination of bicarbonate | bicarbonate | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1844 | Determination of Chloroform Soluble Extractive in Resinous and polymeric coatings use as food contacting material.CH | Description: Simulant: Deionized Water, EtOH 8%, n-Heptane Method: 21 CFR 175.300 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1929 | Determination of Ethylbenzene. CH | Description: GC-mass, adsorbed on activated carbon tubes in air samples. Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-658 | Determination of glyphosate | Description: HPLC Method: HPLC | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1347 | Determination of metals in ethanol | Description: Copper; Iron; and Sodium in ethanol Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-596 | Determination of peel test for a flexible bonded to rigid test specimen assembly | Description: 90° peel Method: EN 28510-1 | |
Chemical | ILT-A-01 | Determination of the cyanide concentration in a reference solution | Description: SM 4500-CN-E Method: SM 4500-CN-E | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1846 | Determination of Total Extractives from water and n-Hexane for rubber articles use as food contacting material. CH | Description: Deionized Water, n-Hexane Method: 21 CFR 177.2600 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-373 | Determinations in coal | Description: Coal Sample Preparation, Moisture in the Analysis Sample, Ash Content, Volatile Matter and Total Sulphur by IR Spectroscopy Method: ASTM D346, ASTM D3174, ASTM D3175, ASTM D4239,ASTM D3177 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-3117 | Determinations in fertilizers | Description: Ca & Mg AOAC, Ca, Zn, Fe, Mg, Mn & Cu, Potassium as K2O, Phosphorus as P2O5, Determination of total N, Molybdenum, Boron, Sulfate, pH, Electrical conductivity, Density, Moisture Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1054 | Determinations in Glycerin | Description: Refractive Index Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1521 | Determinations in lithium brine. CH | Description: Density at 25 °C; Calcium; Chloride; Copper; Total dissolved solids; Strontium; Sodium; Chrome; Sulfates; Iron; Aluminum; Lithium; Arsenic; Magnesium; Barium; Manganese; Lead; Zinc; Boron; and Potassium Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-330 | Determinations in phosphate rock and potassium sulphate. CH | Description: Potassium oxide; Water soluble potassium; Sulfur Sulfate (S); and P2O5 Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1053 | Determinations in surfactants | Description: Free fatty acid; Free alkalinity; Volatile matter at 1050; Total active matter (extraction by ethanol); and Acidity Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-862 | Determinations in water and fertilizer. CH | Description: Free residual chlorine, Total dissolved solids, and Soluble citric acid phosphates Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1847 | Different determinations for Nylon Resins use as food contacting material. CH | Description: Extractable Fractions in Nylon Resins (Deionized Water extractives, 95% ethanol extractives, Ethyl acetate extractives, and Benzene extractives); Specific Gravity in Nylon; Melting Point in Nylon Resins; and Solubility in Boiling HCl in Nylon Resins Method: 21 CFR 177.1500 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1845 | Different determinations for Olefin polymers use as food contacting material. CH | Description: Determination of Extractable Fraction for Olefin polymers (Hexane); Determination of Soluble Fraction for Olefin polymers (Xylene); Determination of Density for Olefin polymers; and Determination of Melting Point for Olefin polymers Method: 21 CFR 177.1520 | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2666 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. According to EN 14349 Standard :EN 14349, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2668 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary area on porous surfaces without mechanical action. According to EN 16437 Standard :EN 16437, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2665 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. According to EN 1657 Standard :EN 1657, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2667 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. According to EN 16438 Standard :EN 16438, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2670 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity in the medical area. Test method and requirements. According to EN 13727 Standard :EN 13727, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2671 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity in the medical area. Test method and requirements. According to EN 13624 Standard : | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2672 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity for instruments used in the medical area. According to EN 14561 Standard :EN 14561, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2673 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity for instruments used in the medical area. According to EN 14562 Standard :EN 14562, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2674 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity against Legionella of chemical disinfectants for aqueous systems. According to EN 13623 Standard :EN 13623, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2677 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative test method for the evaluation of bactericidal and yeasticidal activity on non-porous surfaces with mechanical action employing wipes in the medical area (4- field test). Accroding to EN 16615 Standard :EN 16615, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2678 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity in the medical area. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2). According to EN 17126 Standard :EN 17126, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2683 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of basic bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. According to EN 1040 Standard :EN 1040, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2685 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Basic sporicidal activity. Test method and requirements. According to EN 14347 Standard :EN 14347, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2684 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of basic fungicidal or basic yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Test method and requirements. According to EN 1275 Standard :EN 1275, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2696 | Disinfectant determination | Description: Laundry Sanitizers and Disinfectants evaluation. According to ASTM E2274, ASTM E2406 Standard :ASTM E2274, ASTM E2406, | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-067 | Environmental determination | Description: ASTM E1086 and ASTM E415 Method: ASTM E415, ASTM E1019 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-550 | Environmental determination | Description: Method: ASTM D638 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2465 | Environmental determinations | Benzene in carbon tubes. According to NIOSH 1501 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2590 | Epoxy Coating determination | Description: Thermal analysis of epoxy and cured epoxy coating film using DSC. According to ISO 21809-1 Standard :ISO 21809-1, | |
Chemical, Food | ILT-U-3298 | Fertilizers determinations | Description: Indolebutyric Acid concentration, and Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vit. B1) concrentration Standard : | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-3324 | Fertilizers determinations | Description: | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2901 | Foliar determinations | Description: Dry matter, and Metals (B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S) Standard : | |
Chemical, Soil & Sludge, Water | ILT-U-1922 | Fresh water. Taxonomic identification of benthic macroinvertebrates | Taxonomic identification of benthic macroinvertebrates. (fresh water). | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1233 | FTIR characterization of asbests | Description: Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1239 | Glyphosate determination. CH | Description: Active content determination; Moisture content determination; Appearance determination; and Formaldehyde content determination. Method: | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2675 | Handwash determination | Description: Hygienic handwash. Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 2). According to EN 1499 Standard :EN 1499, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2689 | Handwash determination | Description: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Care Personnel Handwash Formulations. According to ASTM E1174 Standard :ASTM E1174, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good, Textile | ILT-U-2643 | Harmful substances in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries determination | Description: Perfluorooctane sulfonates and perfluorooctanoic acid. According to GB/T 29493.2 Standard :GB/T 29493.2, | |
Chemical, Metal | ILT-U-3521 | Heavy metals determination | Description: Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCN). According to GCECD Standard :GCECD, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good, Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2531 | Industrial hygiene services determination | Analysis for total particles, Analysis for respirable particles. According to NIOSH 500, NIOSH 600 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-3077 | Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) determination | Description: Content of LABSA. According to IS:8401 (volumetric Method) Standard :[:en]IS 8401[:] | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1174 | Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic (LABSA) determinations. CH | Description: Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic acid (LABSA): Active matter and Free Oil (Non Detergent Organic matter) Method: ASTM D3049, IS 8401 | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2697 | Liquid chemical germicides determination | Description: Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, and Sporicidal Activities (Disk Carrier Method). According to ASTM E2197 Standard :ASTM E2197, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2663 | Liquid laundry soap determination | Description: Chemical textile disinfection for the domestic area. According to EN 17658 Standard :EN 17658, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2432 | Lithium chloride determinations | Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Lithium, Chlorine, Sulfate in Lithium chloride sample | |
Chemical | ILT-U-863 | Metal determinations in fertilizers. CH | Description: Zinc , Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, and Boron Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-944 | Metals determinations in air sample. CH | Description: Lead and Metals Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-327 | Methanol determination in liquid for wipers. CH | Description: Method: | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2695 | Microbicide’s determination | Description: Microbicides Used in Cooling Water Systems. According to ASTM E645 Standard :ASTM E645, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1553 | Migration test in gloves. CH | Description: EN 1186; RDC N° 105; and RDC N° 51 Method: EN 1186 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1694 | Migration test. CH | Description: Total simulant migration B: Yes. Aqueous foods acid-Acetic acids; Specific mission of metals and others elements: simulant acetic acid %; and Color change rating Method: EN 1186, EN 13130, GMC 15, Resolution RDC Nº52 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-341 | Migration total and specific determinations | Description: Determination of overall migrat on synthetic samples (simulating matrix: ethanol 10%; 20%; 50%, acetic acid 3%, and distilled water); and specific migration: Determination of Ag, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Hg, Sb, Sn e F (aimulating matrix: acetic acid 3%.) Method: EN 1186, EN 13130 | |
Chemical, Mineral | ILT-U-2722 | Molybdenum trioxide determination | Description: Molybdenum, Copper, Lead, Rhenium, Phosphorus, Bismuth, Sulfur, Carbon, and Nitrogen Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1831 | NOx reduction agent AUS 32 determination. CH | Description: Urea Content; Density@ 20 deg.; Refractive Index; Alkalinity; Biuret content; Insoluble Matter content; Identity (FTIR); Aldehyde Content; Phosphate content; Elemental Analysis : (Elemental Contamination); Calcium; Iron; Copper; Zinc; Chromium; Nickel; Aluminium; Magnesium; Sodium; and Pottasium Method: ISO 22241-2 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2982 | Organic compound vapors determinations | Description: BTEX (Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Toluene, Xylene). According to ASTM D3687 Standard :[:en]ASTM D3687[:], | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2027 | Organic Tin compounds in pesticides determination. CH | Description: Organic Tin compounds Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1261 | Oxalic acid determination | Description: Method: | |
Chemical, Food | ILT-U-2940 | Palm oil determiantion | Description: Flashpoint limit test (Flashpoint limit test using Pensky-Martens closed cup flash tester). According to ISO 15267 Standard :ISO 15267, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3519 | PCbs Determination | Description: PCBs Content. According to EPA 3546, EPA 3630 C Standard :EPA 3546, EPA 3630, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-084 | Peel strength test of Adhesives | Description: T-Peel Test Method: ASTM D1876 | |
Chemical, Food | ILT-U-2776 | Pesticide determination | Description: Chlorothalonil concentration HPLC – UV Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-3551 | Pesticide determination | Description: Linuron concentration Standard : | |
Chemical | ILT-U-569 | Physical determinations in tobacco products. CH | Description: Method: ISO 6565, ISO 2971 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1917 | Qualitative analysis of solvents mixture. CH | Description: GC/MS Scan Industrial. EPA 8015 Method D Method: EPA 8015 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2026 | REACH SVHC. CH | Description: REACH SVHC Method: | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2658 | Sanitizer determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 1276 Standard :EN 1276, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2661 | Sanitizer determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 13704 Standard :EN 13704, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2659 | Sanitizer determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 1650 Standard :EN 1650, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2662 | Sanitizer determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity against bacteriophages of chemical disinfectants used in food and industrial areas. According to EN 13610 Standard :EN 13610, | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2660 | Sanitizer determination | Description: Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 13697 Standard : | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2664 | Sanitizer determination | Description: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. Accoridng to EN 1656 Standard :EN 1656, | |
Chemical, Soil & Sludge, Water | ILT-U-2340 | Sea Water. Taxonomic identification of benthic macroinvertebrates | Taxonomic identification of benthic macroinvertebrates. (sea water). | |
Chemical | ILT-U-889 | Soda ash determinations | Description: Total Alkalinity as Na2Co3 (Assay), Chlorides as NaCl, Sulphates as Na2So4, Mater Insoluble in water, and Loss at 250ºC Method: IS 251 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-110 | Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate Determination | Description: Sodium Carbonate: Total Alkalinity – Trimetric; NaCl – Trimetric; Na2So4 Trimetric; Fe Photometric; Water insolubles; and Bulk density Sodium Bicarbonate: NaHCo3; Na2Co3; Cl Trimetric; So42 Photometric; Water insolubles; and Valoration Method: | |
Chemical | ILT-U-284 | Standardization of Alkaline hydroxide solution (0.1N 1.0N) | Description: ASTM E200 Method: ASTM E200 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2541 | Sulphuric Acid determination | Sulphuric Acid 98%. Acidity, Iron Content, Specific Gravity, Manganese, Chloride. According to IS: 266:1993. | |
Chemical, Consumer Good | ILT-U-2676 | Surgical hand disinfection determination | Description: Surgical hand disinfection. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) (Between 1 min and 5 min). Accordgin to EN 12791 Standard :EN 12791, | |
Chemical | ILT-U-237 | Test Method for 90 Degree Peel Resistance of Adhesives | Description: ASTM D6862 Method: ASTM D6862 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-1132 | Total N, P2O5, K2O determinations in liquid fertilizer (Vinasse). CH | Description: Vinasse sample Method: | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-840 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination | Description: ASTM color. Accrodin to ASTM D1500 Standard :, ASTM D1500 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2038 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination | Description: Corrosive sulfur. According to ASTM D1275 Standard :, [:en]ASTM D1275[:] | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2032 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination | Description: Dissolved Gas. According to ASTM D3612 Standard :, [:en]ASTM D3612[:] | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2033 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination | Description: Furanic compounds. According to ASTM D5837 Standard :, [:en]ASTM D5837[:] | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-3425 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination | Description: Dielectric strength. According to ASTM D1816 Standard :, ASTM D1816, ASTM D92 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2041 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination. | Description: Dissipation factor (delta tangent at 90º). According to ASTM D924 Standard :, ASTM D924 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2036 | Transformer (dielectric) oil determination. | Description: Interfacial tension. According to ASTM D971 Standard :, [:en]ASTM D971[:] | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2040 | Transformer oil determination. 1B CH | Description: Neutralization number analysis Method: ASTM D664 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2039 | Transformer oil determination. 1C CH | Description: Particle count and resulting ISO code Method: ISO 4406 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2037 | Transformer oil determination. 1E CH | Description: DBPC Inhibitor content Method: ASTM D4768 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-2034 | Transformer oil determination. 1J CH | Description: PCBs content Method: ASTM D4059 | |
Chemical, Others | ILT-U-2035 | Transformer oil determination. 1K | Description: Moisture content. According to ASTM D1533 Standard :, [:en]ASTM D1533[:] | |
Chemical | ILT-U-380 | Ultimate Analysis of Coal, Carbon, Hydrogen. CH | Description: Instrumental Method, Hardgrove Index (HGI) in coal Method: ASTM D3176, ASTM D 3177, ASTM D5373, ASTM D409 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-904 | Viscosity and Density determination in liquid adhesive | Description: Method: ISO 2555, ASTM D2556, ASTM D1200, EN 452, EN 2811, ASTM D1475, ASTM D4212, ISO 2431 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-423 | Viscosity determining corrosion inhibitors. CH | Description: ASTM D2196 Method: ASTM D2196 | |
Chemical | ILT-U-236 | Viscosity using a Brookfield Viscometer | Description: ASTM D2556 Method: ASTM D2556 | |