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ILT-U-1745Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning – Deep Learning. How much can it learn?

Description: F1-score Mean Value Method:

ILT-U-1061COMMON CRITERIA for Information Technology Security Evaluation determination

Description: Evaluation of a software TOE for EAL2 Method: Common Criteria (CC), Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CEM), ISO 18045, ISO 15408-3

ILT-U-3579Cyber Security for Consumer Internet of Things


Conformity of IoT devices. According to ETSI EN 303 645, ETSI TS 103 701

Standard :ETSI EN 303 645, ETSI TS 103 701,

ILT-U-1733ECG Ventricular beat detection software verification (Black box testing)

Description: Sensitivity (Se) = TP / (TP + FN) Positive Predictivity (P+) = TP / (TP + FP) TP: number of true detection FN: number of undetected beats FP: number of false detections Method: IEC 62304

, , ILT-U-3101PCA visual Inspection


Section 4 – Hardware, Section 5 – Soldering, Section 6 – Terminal Connections, Section 7 – Through Hole Technology, Section 8 – Surface Mount Assemblies, Section 9 – Component Damage, Section 10 – Printed Circuit Boards and Assemblies, Section 11 – Discrete Wiring, Section 12 – High Voltage. According to IPC-A-610 version H

Standard :, IPC-A-610

ILT-U-3057Penetration Test on Website Application.


Penetration Test on Web Application. OWASP Web Application Penetration Checklist - Version 1.1

Standard :OWASP Web Security Testing Guide

ILT-U-3553Penetration Test on Website Application.


Penetration test on android application. According to OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG), Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS).

Standard :

ILT-U-1746Random Number Generator verification

Description: Software implementation RNG (Random number generators) Method: Remote gambling and software technical standards, RTS 7

ILT-U-3036Security test on Website Application


Security test on website. OWASP Web Security Testing Guide – Version 4.2

Standard :OWASP Web Security Testing Guide

ILT-U-2542Software performance test. Desktop Application

Mean response time, Response time adequacy, Mean turnaround time, Turnaround time adequacy. According to ISO/IEC 25023

ILT-U-1749Software safety validation of software module for an Adaptative Cruise Control System (ACC)

Description: Numerical Equivalence Testing in order to demonstrate numerical equivalence between the model provided and the generated code which has been programed in a Compute Module. Method: IEC 61508-3, ISO 26262

ILT-U-2031Software static test: Code verification to ensure safety requirements

Description: Evaluation of Software static test: Code verification to ensure safety requirements, according to IEC 62443-4-1:2018 (Clause 8.3 SI-1: Security implementation review). Method: IEC 62443-4-1

ILT-U-1744Software static test: Code verification to ensure safety requirements. 02

Description: The Laboratory must verify the code through a static test in order to verify all the design principles that shall applied according to IEC 60880:2006, section 8.2.3 for general purpose-language Method: IEC 61508-3, IEC 60880

ILT-U-1743Software static test: Code verification to ensure safety requirements. 03

Description: The Laboratory must verify the code through a static test in order to verify all the design principles that shall applied according to ISO 26262, section 8.4.4 Table 10. Source code shall be verified in accordance with ISO 26262-8:2011 Clause 9, and by applying the verification methods listed in section 8.4.5, Table 9 Method: IEC 61508-3, ISO 26262

ILT-U-2533Software static test. Desktop Application

SRS document’s format, and SRS document’s content. According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148

ILT-U-2532Software static test. Mobile Application

SRS document’s format, and SRS document’s content. According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148

ILT-U-2534Software static test. Web Application

SRS document’s format and SRS document’s content. According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148

ILT-U-2129Software test technique using Risk Based testing.

Description: It is assumed that the risk analysis and categorization is well done. So, based on this input, it is expected validate de Test Design provided Method: ISO 29119

ILT-U-2045Testing of Requirements for quality of Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) / COTS Software

Description: Product description conformity evaluation. User documentation conformity evaluation. Software conformity evaluation. Method: GB/T 25000.51, ISO/IEC 25051

ILT-U-1823USB Type-C Chargers. 1A

Description: Initial Voltage Test, and USB Type-C Current Adv Test Method: USB Type C Functional Test Specification, IEC 62680-1-3

ILT-U-1826USB Type-C Chargers. 1B

Description: Low level contact resistance, Dielectric strength, Insulation resistance, Resistance between contacts under high current conditions Method: IEC 62680-1-3

ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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