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ILT-U-2934AASS- Acetic Acid Salt Spray Test determination


AASS. Presence of corrosion (48hrs), and Mass loss. According to ISO 9227

Standard :EN ISO 9227,

ILT-U-268Aluminum determination

Corrosion. According to ASTM G34

ILT-U-722Aluminum determination


Chemical analysis. According to ASTM E1251

Standard :ASTM E1251

ILT-U-2544Aluminum determination

Corrosion. According to ASTM G66

ILT-U-2545Aluminum determination

Corrosion. According to ASTM G67

ILT-U-2290Aluminum determination


N, and O, according to IGF and C, and S, according to Combustion

Standard :

, ILT-U-3529Aluminum determination


X-CUT, GRID-CUT. Accoridng to NBR 14622

Standard :NBR 14622,

ILT-U-1066Aluminum determinations

Description: Method: ASTM B557, IS 1608, ISO 6892

ILT-U-132Analysis of carbon and sulfur by combustion

Description: Method: ASTM E1019

ILT-U-3490Analysis of determiantion grain size in steel


The number of metallographic grain size (G). Intercept method (clause 4.1.3.). According to ASTM E112

Standard :, ASTM E112

ILT-U-157Analysis of determination grain size

Description: Aluminum sample Method: ASTM E112

ILT-U-410Analysis of determination grain size and phase balance

Description: Duplex materials Method: ASTM E112, ASTM E562

ILT-U-258Analysis of determination grain size in steel

Description: ASTM E112 Method: ASTM E112

ILT-U-107Analysis of determination grain size in steel. 0,1

Description: Using image analyzer software Method: ASTM E112

ILT-U-302Analysis of macroetching metals

Description: Homogeneity or Not homogeneity of steel bar sample Method: ASTM E340, ASTM E381

ILT-U-203Average grain size test on cooper

Description: ISO 2624 Method: ISO 2624

ILT-E-09Average grain size test on steels. Open

Description: ASTM E112 Method: ASTM E112, ISO 643

ILT-U-1806Behavior in steam jet

Description: 18 days. Method A Method: PV 1503

ILT-U-387Bend determination

Description: Bend determination Method: ASTM E290

ILT-U-2631Bend determination


Bend test (with a former). Transverse bending specimens of a butt test coupon EN AW-6082 T6 Al 5183, 10 mm thickness, and ISO 18273-A-S filler. According to ISO 5173 Clause 6.2.1

Standard :[:en]ISO 5173[:],

ILT-U-606Bend test – Destructive test on welds in metallic materials

Description: Method: ISO 5173

ILT-U-994Bend testing – corrugated steel bar

Description: Method: ASTM A615

ILT-U-1706Bend testing of welds

Description: Method: AWS B4.0

ILT-U-1136Bending determination

Description: Pb, Cd, and Co Method: ISO 7086

ILT-U-017Bending determination in welded steel sample

Description: ASME SECC. IX ED. 2010 Method: ASME SECC. IX

ILT-U-753Bending steel

Description: Bend. Method: ISO 7438, VDA 238-100, Nch 201

ILT-U-1276Bending welded steel sample

Description: Bend Method: ASTM E190, ASTM A370, ASME BPVC Section IX

, ILT-U-1555Bone plate determination


Static (Bending strength and Bending Structural Stiffness), Fatigue. Curve Maximum Moment x Number of cycles. According to ASTM F382

Standard :, [:en]ASTM F382[:]

, ILT-U-1554Bone screw determinations


Yield Torque, Maximum Torque, Breaking Angle, Insertion Torque, Removal Torque, Maximum pullout load. According to ASTM F543

Standard :, [:en]ASTM F543[:]

ILT-U-1090Breaking load test of slings (lifting cranes)

Description: Inspection bodies Method: ASME B30.9

ILT-U-1099Carbon and sulfur determination

% Carbon, % Sulfur. According to ASTM E1086

ILT-U-2359Carbon in graphite electrode determination

Compressive strength of concrete cylinders. According to NTC 673

ILT-U-1793Cathodic disbondment determination

Description: Cathodic disbondment Method: ISO 21809-3, ASTM G8, ASTM G42

ILT-U-3272Charpy determination.


Lateral expansion, Shear fracture appearance, and Transition temperature (Fracture Appearance Transition Temperature). According to ISO 148-1


Standard :ISO 148-1, ASTM E23

ILT-U-1529Chemical analysis of aluminum

Description: Fe; Si; Zn; V; Cr; and Na Method:

ILT-U-2273Chemical analysis of copper/nickel alloys

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-2271Chemical analysis of ferrous alloy steel

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-1137Chemical analysis of metals

Description: Method: EN 14726

ILT-U-1122Chemical analysis of N, H and O

Description: Determination of Hydrogen; and Oxygen by Infrared detection. Determination of Nitrogen by Thermal conductivity. Method:

ILT-U-371Chemical Analysis of Steel samples

Description: B, V, Cu, and Sn Method: ASTM E415

ILT-U-024Chemical Analysis of Steel samples. 0,1

Description: Method: ASTM A751

ILT-U-1270Chemical Analysis of Steel samples. 0,2

Description: Method: ASTM E1086, ASTM E415

ILT-U-1050Chemical Analysis of Steel samples. 0,3

Description: Vanadium and copper. Method:

ILT-U-636Chemical analysis of Tin metal samples

Description: Arsenic, Bismuth, Cooper, Lead, Iron, Antimony, Tin Method:

ILT-U-1487Chemical analysis of titanium samples

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-2272Chemical analysis of zinc alloys

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-1416Chemical composition determinations

Chemical composition of duplex steel. According to ASTM E1086

ILT-U-870Chemical composition of manganese steel

Description: Method: ASTM E2209

ILT-U-2491Chemical composition of steel determinations

Chemical composition of low carbon steel and duplex steel. According to ASTM E415, ASTM A890

ILT-U-2595Chemicals determination in metals


Chemical composition of metals

Standard :

ILT-U-3576Coating determination


Coating adhesion test tape method. According to NTC 811

Standard :NTC 811,

ILT-U-1138Coating mass determination

Description: Hot dip galvanized coatings Method: ISO 1460

ILT-U-1042Coating thickness determination

Description: Manual and Digital Sphygmomanometers Method:

ILT-U-3070Coating thickness determination


Coating thickness (Eddy Current). According to EN ISO 2360

Standard :EN ISO 2360

ILT-U-1241Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature

Description: Method: ASTM E9

, ILT-U-2370Content of elements in Zircaloy-4

Cr, Fe, Hf and Sn

ILT-U-227Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products

Description: EN 10346 Method: EN 10346

ILT-U-3379Cooper determination


Chemical composition. According to EN 15079

Standard :EN 15079,

ILT-U-3478Cooper determination


Chemical analysis. According to ASTM E255

Standard :ASTM E255,

, ILT-U-813Copper determination


Copper concentration

Standard :

ILT-U-1593Corrosion behavior of stainless steels

Corrosion behavior

ILT-U-2740Corrosion determination

Description: Method: ISO 6509

ILT-U-2698Corrosion determination


Ammonia test for stress corrosion resistance. According to ISO 6957

Standard :ISO 6957,

, ILT-U-2702Corrosion determination


Sulphur dioxide. Accoring to ISO 6988, ASTM G87, DIN 50018

Standard :ISO 6988, ASTM G87, DIN 50018

ILT-U-3391Corrosion determinations


Average rate of corrosion. According to ASTM G4

Standard :ASTM G4,

ILT-U-1331Corrosion in salt spray determination

Description: Method: ASTM D1654, NBR 8094

ILT-U-532Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres — Salt spray tests

Description: Method: EN ISO 9227, ASTM B117

, ILT-U-2318Covered kitchen recessed gas determinations


Corrosion rate. According to NACE SP0775

Standard :NACE SP 0075, NTC 2832-1

ILT-U-1829CTOD – Crack tip opening displacement test of Welded samples

Description: Welded samples Method: BS 7448-2, ISO 15653

ILT-U-1374CTOD determination.


CTOD testing of Single Edge Notched Bend specimens. According to ISO 12135

Standard :ISO 12135,

ILT-U-489CTOD. Crack tip opening displacement test of metallic materials

CTOD Test measures the resistance of a material to the propagation of a crack. (room temperature).

ILT-U-686Degree of Blistering of Paints test

Description: ASTM D714 Method: ASTM D714

ILT-U-685Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces test

Description: Method: ASTM D610

ILT-U-2132Delta ferrite content determination

Description: Delta ferrite content in martensitic stainless steels Method: AMS 2315

ILT-U-287Density testing on steel

Description: Method: ASTM B311, ISO 3369

, ILT-U-1402Destructive tests on Butt weld steel.


Fracture (Butt Weld. FW). According to EN 1320 - ASME IX / QW182 - ISO 9017

Standard :EN 1320, [:en]ISO 9017[:], ASME IX/QW182

, ILT-U-273Destructive tests on Fillet weld steel.


Fracture (Fillet Weld. FW). According to EN 1320, ASME IX / QW182,  ISO 9017

Standard :EN 1320, [:en]ISO 9017[:]

ILT-U-758Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels

Description: Method: ASTM A923

ILT-U-1905Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels. ABC

Description: Method A, B and C Method: ASTM A923

ILT-U-1244Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels. C

Description: Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels (Method C) Method: ASTM A923

ILT-U-975Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Corrosion in Wrought, Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloys

Description: ASTM G28 – method A. Method: ASTM G28

ILT-U-035Determination of carbon and sulphide by combustion of induction furnace and infrared detection, and X-Ray Fluorescence.

Description: ASTM E 1019 /ASTM E 1085 Method: ASTM E1019, ASTM E1085

ILT-U-1274Determination of Coating Mass in zinc coatings on steel wire

Description: Method: EN 10244-2

ILT-U-1055Determination of depth of decarburized layer

Description: Depth of decarbuized Method: ASTM E1077

ILT-U-1607Determination of dry thickness

Description: Painted sheet sample Method: ASTM D5796

ILT-U-1328Determination of Emittance of Materials Near Room Temperature

Description: Determination of Emittance of Materials Near Room. Temperature – Emissometer Model AE Method: ASTM C1371

ILT-U-1091Determination of mass of zinc coating per unit area on galvanized pipes

Description: Strip and weigh method Method: ASTM A90

ILT-U-1437Determination of metals in metal chips concentrates

Description: metals chips concentrate (Ni, Zn, Bi, Pb) Method:

ILT-U-1057Determination of metals in minerals

Description: Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb and Fe (Atomic Absorption) Method:

ILT-U-562Determination of non-metallic inclusions

Description: Method: DIN 50602

ILT-U-206Determination of O, N, C, S, H by LECO analysis

Description: Determination of O, N, C, S, H by LECO analysis Method: ASTM E1447, ASTM E2371, ASTM E1409

ILT-U-201Determination of resistance to corrosion of metal on samples exposed to condensation chamber

Corrosion in salt spray determination. According to ISO 6270-1

ILT-U-1140Determination of resistance to humidity

Description: ISO 6270-2 Method:

ILT-U-444Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels (Method A)

Description: Ferritic,austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels – Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid (Method A) Method: EN ISO 3651-2

ILT-U-473Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels (Method B)

Description: Ferritic,austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels – Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid (Method B) Method: EN ISO 3651-2

ILT-U-125Determination of tension steel rebar

Description: ASTM A370 Method: ASTM A370

ILT-U-1046Determination of the effective depth of hardening after nitriding

Description: Clause 3. Method: DIN 50190

ILT-U-351Determination of Tin impurities.

Description: Determinations: Sb, Pb, Bi, Cu, Fe, As, In, Co, Zn, Ni, Al, S, Cd, Ag and others Method:

ILT-U-066Determination on copper cathodes

Description: BSI Method Method:

ILT-U-033Determinations for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

Description: ASTM A615 Method: ASTM A615

ILT-U-1611Determinations in construction steel bars

Description: Tensile properties; bend performance; and surface geometry measurement Method: BS 4449

ILT-U-040Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel

Description: Manual method Method: ASTM E45

ILT-U-1974Determining the inclusion or second-phase constituent content

Description: Determining the inclusion or second-phase constituent content by automatic image analysis Method: ASTM E1245

ILT-U-611Determining the mass loss and relative corrosion resistance of metal samples exposed in a salt spray chamber (CASS and NSS)

Description: Mass loss and relative corrosion resistance (CASS and NSS) Method: EN ISO 9227

ILT-U-145Determining the occurrence of fractures using the method DWTT

Description: Method: ASTM E436, EN 10274, API 5L3-1996

ILT-U-468Determining the relative corrosion resistance of metal samples exposed in a salt spray chamber.

Description: Appendix A5. Method: ASTM G85

ILT-U-054Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count

Description: ASTM E562 Method: ASTM E562

, ILT-U-3454Dimensional determinations


Dimensional control (length and width). According to ASME Y14.5

Standard :ASME Y14.5,

ILT-U-1220Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature

Description: Ferritic Steels Method: ASTM E208

ILT-U-1908Energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDX) determination

Description: Energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDX) Method:

ILT-U-3013Energy-dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS) determination


Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS). According to ASTM E1508

Standard :ASTM E1508

ILT-U-154Evaluating the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron Castings

Description: ASTM A247 Method: ASTM A247

ILT-U-1867Evaluation of Field Metallographic Replicas

Description: Prepare specimens (Steel samples AISI 1010) for metallography, includes nital etch; Prepare replicas of specimens prepared for metallography, acetate film; Gold coated; and Digital micrographs of samples (100X magnification) Method: ASTM E1351

ILT-U-687Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments

Description: Time test 120 hs Method: ASTM D1654

ILT-U-274Evaluation of pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking. A

Description: Test duration: 96 hours Test solution: A Method: NACE TM 0284

ILT-U-130Evaluation of pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking. C

Description: Total test pressure: 1 bar Partial pressure: 0.005 bar H2S (5 mbar) with CO2 balance Test duration: 720 hours Test solution: C Method: NACE TM 0284

ILT-U-291Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources: Accelerated UV Ageing

Description: Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources: Accelerated UV Ageing (340 nm (UVA) method for 300 hrs) Method: ASTM G154

ILT-U-2115Failure determination by macrographic analysis

Description: Folds, fissures, pores, occlusions, exfoliations or any other defect Method: Nch 1514

ILT-U-2331Ferrite content determinations

Ferrite test

ILT-U-255Film thickness (organic coating) in ferrous and nonferrous materials determination.

Description: 7C method Method:

ILT-U-2366Flattening and Flaring determinations

Flattening and Flaring

ILT-U-1868Four-point bending test (Static)

Description: Four-point bending (Static): Structural Stiffens; Maximum moment; and Yield moment Method: ASTM F2193

ILT-U-1056Gold and silver determination

Description: Au and Ag (Atomic absorption) Method:

, ILT-U-2681Gold plated ring determination


Macrographic examination with a binocular magnifying glass. According to NF S80-772

Standard :NF S80-772,

, ILT-U-2680Gold plated ring determination


Macrographic examination with a binocular magnifying glass. According to ISO 3160-2

Standard :ISO 3160-2,

ILT-U-598Hardness test on arc welded joints

Description: Impact Method: ISO 9016

ILT-U-1045Hardness test on arc welded joints. 0,1

Description: Method: EN ISO 9015-1

, ILT-U-3203Hardness Vickers determination


 Vickers Hardness. According to ASME IX QW 290.5

Standard :ASME IX QW 290.5

ILT-U-3520Heavy metals determination


Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Tin (Sn) and Compounds. Pretreatment: Microwave Extraction. According to ICP/OES Method

Standard :

, ILT-U-3521Heavy metals determination


Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCN). According to GCECD

Standard :GCECD,

ILT-U-1794Holiday detection test

Description: Holiday detection test Method: NACE RP0188, ASTM G62

ILT-U-3204Impact determination


 Impact Test. According to ASME IX QW 170

Standard :ASME IX QW 170

ILT-U-1791Impact resistance determination

Description: Impact resistance Method: ISO 21809-3, ASTM D2794, ASTM G14

ILT-U-1440Impact test in CHARPY type, V-notch specimens

Description: Low enery level, Srike 8mm, and Temperature 0 °c Method: ASTM E23, GOSTO 9454, ISO 148-1, GB/T 229

ILT-U-322Impact test in CHARPY type, V-notch specimens. 0,1

Description: Medium enery level, Srike 2mm, and Temperature 20 °c Method: ISO 148-1, ASTM E23, GB/T 229, GOSTO 9454

ILT-U-1250Impact test in CHARPY type, V-notch specimens. 0,2

Description: High Level enery, Srike 8mm, and Temperature 20 °c Method: ISO 148-1, ASTM E23, GB/T 229, GOSTO 9454

ILT-U-561Impact test in CHARPY type, V-notch specimens. 0,3

Description: High Level enery, Srike 8mm, and Temperature -40 °c Method: ISO 148-1, ASTM E23, GOSTO 9454, GB/T 229

ILT-U-826Impact test in CHARPY type, V-notch specimens. Low enery level

Description: Low enery level, strike 2 mm, and Temperature 20 °c

Method: ASTM E23, GOSTO 9454, ISO 148-1, GB/T 229

ILT-U-2403Impact test in CHARPY type, V-notch specimens. Super High enery level

Description: Super High enery level, and Temperature 20 °c

Method: ASTM E23, GOSTO 9454, ISO 148-1, GB/T 229

ILT-U-2401Inclusion count determination

Inclusion count (method A). ISO 4967

ILT-U-2365Inclusion count determinations

Inclusion count (method A)

ILT-U-1792Indentation resistance determination

Description: Indentation resistance Method: ISO 21809-3, ASTM G17

ILT-U-3370Iron Chip Corrosion determination


Iron Chip Corrosion. According to  ASTM D4627

Standard :ASTM D4627,

, ILT-U-457Jewelry determination


Gold (Au) amount. Pre-treatment: cupellation Analysis. According to ISO 11426

Gravimetric method

Standard :ISO 11426,

ILT-U-2114Jominy qualification test

Description: Jominy qualification Method: ISO 642, ASTM A255

ILT-U-1814Linear weight determination in corrugated bar

Description: Clause 11 Method: ASTM A615

ILT-U-1998Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness CTOD

Description: SENB or CT (Metallic materials specimens) Method: BS 7448-1

ILT-U-1035Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness K1c of Metallic Materials

Description: Method: ASTM E399

ILT-U-1891Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness KIc

Description: SENB or CT (Metallic materials specimens) Method: ASTM E399

ILT-U-1036Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness Kic. 0,1

Description: SENB or CT (Metallic materials specimens) Method: ASTM E1820

ILT-U-605Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds

Description: Method: ISO 17639

, ILT-U-487Magnetic materials determination


Magnetic properties by means of an Epstein frame. According to IEC 60404-2 

Standard :

, , ILT-U-3349Mattress determination


Determination of resilience. According to ABNT NBR 13579-1

Standard :NBR 13579-1, , [:en]API 1104[:]

ILT-U-2102Measurement of coating thickness

Description: Coating thickness in metallic (Microscopical method) Method: ASTM B487

ILT-U-2067Measurement of coating thickness. 0,1

Description: Measurement of coating thickness. X-ray spectrometric methods Method: ISO 3497

ILT-U-1037Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates

Description: Method: ASTM E647

ILT-U-683Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test

Description: Method B – Cross Cut Test. Method: ASTM D3359

ILT-U-1011Measuring the corrugations by manual method

Description: Clause 7 and 8 Method: ASTM A615

ILT-U-2076Mechanical properties of fasteners

Description: Torsional test and minimum torque test Method: ISO 898-7

ILT-U-2080Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel

Description: Proof load test Method: ISO 898-2

ILT-U-1662Metal corrosion testing

Description: 49 CFR 173.137 and described in UN Manual of Tests & Criteria, Section 37 Method:

ILT-U-2554Metal determination

Fatigue (HCF). According to ASTM E466

ILT-U-2555Metal determination

Fatigue (LCF). According to ASTM E606

ILT-U-2748Metal determination


Ni, Cr, Si, Mn, Mo, V, Co, Cu, Ti, Mo, Nb, Sn, B, Al, S), IGF (N), and combustion (C, S).According to OES/Arc-Spark

Standard :

ILT-U-2813Metal determination


Weight, Coating thickness. According to Nch 228

Standard :Nch 228,

ILT-U-2821Metal determination


Flattening Test. According to ASTM A999

Standard :ASTM A999,

ILT-U-2898Metal determination


Salt Spray (SWAAT). Total: 96 hours. (Determine the presence of corrosion every 24 hours). According to ASTM G85 Annex 3

Standard :ASTM G85,

ILT-U-2920Metal determination


Chemical analysis (Si, Mn, Cr, Cu) OES / Arc-Spark. According to ASTM E1999

Standard :ASTM E1999,

ILT-U-2922Metal determination


Proof Load testing (Iron nut) According to ASTM F606/F606M, ASTM A962/A962M, ISO 3506-2, ISO 898-2

Standard :ISO 3506-2, ASTM A962, ASTM F606, [:es]ISO 898-2[:],

ILT-U-2997Metal determination


UT in immersion, according to ASTM E1001, and HIC TEST, according to NACE TM0284

Standard :ASTM E1001, NACE TM 0284,

ILT-U-3068Metal determination


Oxygen in Copper and Copper Alloys by Inert Gas Fusion. According to ASTM E2575

Standard :ASTM E2575

ILT-U-3073Metal determination


Chemical Analysis. According to ASTM E1476

Standard :ASTM E1476

ILT-U-3075Metal determination


Chemical analysis on Inconel 625. According to ASTM E3047

Standard :ASTM E3047

ILT-U-3082Metal determination


Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Nonconductive Protective Coating on Metallic Substrates. According to ASTM D5162

Standard :ASTM D5162

ILT-U-1223Metal determination


Bending test. According to AWS D1.1

Standard :AWS D1.1

ILT-U-3086Metal determination


Hot water soak adhesion test. According to ASTM D6677, CSA Z45.20, Nace SP0394

Standard :ASTM D6677, CSA Z45.20, Nace SP0394

ILT-U-3087Metal determination


Backside contamination, Cross section porosity, Interface porosity. According to CSA Z45.20/ Nace SP0394

Standard :CSA Z45.20, Nace SP0394

ILT-U-3093Metal determination


Shear stress test on bolt/fasteners sample. Accordign to ASTM F606/F606M

Standard :ASTM F606

ILT-U-3094Metal determination


Analysis of Cu and Pb. Accordign to Electrolytic Method (ICP AES, ICP MS)

Standard :

ILT-U-3100Metal determination


Axial tensile on bolt/fasteners. According to ISO 898-1

Standard :ISO 898-1

ILT-U-3108Metal determination


Strain controlled fatigue. According to BS 7270

Standard :BS 7270

ILT-U-3129Metal determination


Hardness. Measurement of thickness of hardened surface layers on ferrous parts. (Rockwell HARDNESS method ISO 6508-1). Accordign to UNI 11153-1

Standard :UNI 11153-1

ILT-U-3377Metal determination


Verification of dimensions, shape, and mass, (welded mesh, Wire, and Steel Bar corrugated). According to NCH 1173, NCH 204, NCH 218

Standard :NCH 1173, NCH 204, NCH 218, , ASTM D3389

ILT-U-3419Metal determination


Stress Rupture Test (Testing hours 400 hrs., temperature 550 ºC). According to ASTM E139

Standard :ASTM E139,

ILT-U-3420Metal determination


Creep test (Testing hours 400 hrs., temperature 550 ºC). According to ASTM E139

Standard :ASTM E139,

ILT-U-3505Metal determination


Sulfide Slow Strain Corrosion Test. According to NACE TM0198

Standard :NACE TM0198,

ILT-U-3537Metal determination


Low Cycle Fatigue Test. According to ISO 15835-2

Standard :ISO 15835-2,

ILT-U-118Metal determination, 1A

Description: Immersion corrosion test Method: ASTM G31, ASTM G1

ILT-U-366Metal determination. 1B

Description: Plastic Strain Ratio r for Sheet Metal Method: ASTM E517

ILT-U-364Metal determination. 1C

Description: Tensile Strain-Hardening Exponents (n -Values) of Metallic Sheet Materials Method: ASTM E646

ILT-U-2089Metal determinations

Description: chemical analysis in stainless steel sample by OES Method: ASTM E1086, ASTM E1019

ILT-U-2284Metal determinations

Silicon and Molybdenum

ILT-U-2285Metal determinations


Chromium, Vanadium and Manganese. Method ICP OES

Rule :

ILT-U-3168Metal determinations


x-ray diffraction volume percent retained austenite. According to ASTM E975

Standard :ASTM E975

ILT-U-3169Metal determinations


Ferrite number. According to ISO 8249

Standard :ISO 8249

ILT-U-3174Metal determinations


Resistance to solvent ( rubbing test). According to EN 13523-11

Standard :EN 13523-11

ILT-U-3173Metal determinations


Resistance to cracking on bending ( T-bend test). According to  EN 13523-7

Standard :EN 13523-7

ILT-U-3175Metal determinations


Adhesion after indentation (cupping test). According to EN 13523-6

Standard :EN 13523-6

ILT-U-101Metallic and oxide coating. Measurement of coating thickness

Description: Microscopical method Method: ISO 1463

ILT-U-2844Metallic determination


Magnetic field change, magnetic-induction principle, and Eddy-current gauge. According to ISO 2808

Standard :[:en]EN ISO 2808[:es]ISO 2808[:],

ILT-U-2899Metallic determination


Coating weight and Coating thickness (dilute hydrochloric acid method). According to Nch 228

Standard :Nch 228,

ILT-U-027Metallic materials – Bend test

Description: NMX-B-113 Method: NMX-B-113

ILT-U-447Metallographic determination of the Delta ferrite content in austenitic Semi-finished products

Description: Fusing test Method: AVS E 63/01 A

ILT-U-1756Microbeam analysis. Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS)

Description: Qualitative analysis. Method: ISO 22309

ILT-U-1317Microetching Metals and Alloys

Description: Method: ASTM E407

ILT-U-445Microstructure of cast irons

Description: Graphite classification by visual analysis Method: EN ISO 945-1

ILT-U-1059Nick Break Test

Description: Method: API 1104

, ILT-U-2693Nickel determination


Detection of nickel. Accrosing to EN 12472

Standard :EN 12472,

ILT-U-486Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings

Dry film thickness. According to: ASTM D 7091 and ASTM D1186

ILT-U-275Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials. 1A

Description: Evaluation of coatings exposed to atmospheric corrosion Method:

ILT-U-2024Paints and varnishes determination

Description: Film thickness Method: ISO 2178

ILT-U-2025Paints and varnishes determinations.

Description: Coating Thickness Amplitude Sensitive Eddy Current (Eddy Current) Method Method: ISO 2360

ILT-U-3470Particle characterization determination


Characterization of morphology. According to ASTM F1877

Standard :ASTM F1877,

ILT-U-104Pending test for low alloy steel and Bar geometry measurement for low alloy steel

Description: BS EN ISO15630-1 Method: EN ISO 15630-1

ILT-U-1263PENT (Pennsylvania Notch Test) test.

Description: Notch Tensile Test to Measure the Resistance to Slow Crack Growth of Polyethylene Pipes and Resins Method: ASTM F1473

ILT-U-2322Pitting and crevice corrosion resistance determination

Corrosion Resistance, ASTM G48 method E

ILT-U-431Pitting and crevice corrosion resistance of Duplex steel by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution (method A)


Corrosion Resistance. According to ASTM G48 method A.

Standard :ASTM G48,

ILT-U-356Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution

Description: Method B Method: ASTM G48

ILT-U-1269Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution (method A)

Description: Method A. Method: ASTM G48

ILT-U-1667Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution (method C)

Description: Method C. Method: ASTM G48

ILT-U-301Preparation and analysis of micro specimen for ferrite count

Description: Microstructure examination Method: ASTM E3, ASTM E407

ILT-U-106Pull-of test for adhesion

Description: ISO 4624 Method: ISO 4624

ILT-U-383Pull-off test for adhesion determination


Pull-off test for adhesion. (method E). According to ASTM D4541

Standard :ASTM 4541

ILT-U-1232Pullout (Static) and Compression bending (Static) test

Description: Pullout Static (Maximum Pullout load); and Compression Bending Static (Stiffens; Maximum Load; Displacement at ultimate load; Yield load; Displacement at yield load; Displacement at 2%; and Elastic displacement) Method: ASTM F1717, ASTM F543

ILT-U-1235Qualitative XRD examination

Description: X-ray diffraction analysis and Crystallographic texture Method: EN 13925-2

ILT-U-1296Reinforcement steel bars for mechanical properties Rm and Re determinations

Description: Method: EN ISO 15630-1

ILT-U-1805Resistance to stone impact

Description: 18 days. Method B Method: ISO 20567-1

ILT-U-2131Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials

Description: Resistivity Method: ASTM B193

ILT-U-3371Rust Protection determination


Rust Protection by Metal Preservatives in the Humidity Cabinet. According to ASTM D1748

Standard :ASTM D1748,

ILT-U-3373Rust-Preventing characteristics determination


Rust-Preventing characteristics. According to ASTM D665

Standard :ASTM D665,

ILT-U-3372Rust-Preventing characteristics determination


Rust-Preventing characteristics. According to ASTM D3603

Standard :ASTM D3603,

ILT-U-1690Salt Spray determinations

Description: Galvanized Steel and Pre-painted Galvanized Steel, samples. (500 hours) Method: ASTM B117

ILT-U-133Silicon gravimetric analysis

Description: ASTM E350 Method: ASTM E350

ILT-U-2279SOHIC determination


, ILT-U-2539Specific migration determination

specific migration of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel and lead. Method GB 4806.9

ILT-U-1850Specific migration of heavy metals in metal article

Description: Simulant: Artificial Tap Water, 5 g/L Citric Acid Method: EN 13130-1

ILT-U-215SSC (Sulfide stress cracking) test.

Classification of etch structure. According to (Method A, Solution A)

ILT-U-969SSC (Sulfide stress cracking) test.


Classification of etch structure. According to ANSI/NACE TM0177 (Method A, Solution B)

Standard :ANSI/NACE TM0177

ILT-U-2457SSC (Sulfide stress cracking) test.


Classification of etch structure. according to ANSI/NACE TM0177 (Method A, Solution D)

Standard :ANSI/NACE TM0177

ILT-U-3109SSC (Sulfide stress cracking) test.


Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking Test (SSCC 720 Hrs.). According to NACE TM 0177 Method B

Standard :ANSI/NACE TM0177

ILT-U-3202SSC (Sulfide stress cracking) test.


Classification of etch structure. According to ANSI/NACE TM0177 (Method A - Solution A).

Standard :ANSI/NACE TM0177

ILT-U-3210SSC (Sulfide stress cracking) test.


Stress Corrosion Test. According to NACE TM 0177 (Method D - Solution A)

Standard :ANSI/NACE TM0177

ILT-U-1564SSC four point bend

Description: Solution A – 720 hs Method: NACE TM 0316

ILT-U-102Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels. ABCE

Description: ASTM A262 Practice A, B, C and E Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-018Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels. AE

Description: ASTM A262 Practice A and E Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-124Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels. BC

Description: ASTM A262 Practice B and C Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-196Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels. C

Description: ASTM A262 Practice C Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-324Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels. CE

Description: Practice C & E Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-172Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels.B

Description: ASTM A262 Practice B Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-171Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels.E

Description: ASTM A262 Practice E Method: ASTM A262

ILT-U-2430Steel wire determinations

Tensile and Bend test. According to ASTM A1064

ILT-U-443Steels – Determination of depth of decarburization

Description: EN ISO 3887 Method: EN ISO 3887

ILT-U-784Surface area for metal powders (BET)

Description: BET – 5 – Point analysis (Nitrogen Gas) Method: ASTM B922

, ILT-U-784Surface area for metal powders (BET) OT

Description: BET – 5 – Point analysis (Nitrogen Gas) Method: ASTM B922

ILT-U-1348Surface discontinuities of bolts

Description: microscopic method – requirements S1 Method: ASTM F788

ILT-U-3205Tensile determination


Tensile Test. According to ASME IX QW 150

Standard :ASME IX QW 150

ILT-U-1467Tensile test determination

Description: Method: EN ISO 15630-3

ILT-U-620Tensile testing determination


Ultimate tensile strength in MPa; Yield strength offset; Elongation in %. According to ASTM A706, NTC 2289

Standard :NTC 2289, , [:en]ASTM A706[:]

ILT-U-266Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. 150

Description: Method of Test at Elevated Temperatures (150 °c) Method: ISO 6892-2

ILT-U-2468Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. 250

Description: Method of Test at Elevated Temperatures (250 °c) Method: ASTM E21

ILT-U-845Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. 350

Description: Method of Test at Elevated Temperatures (350 °c) Method: ASTM E21

ILT-U-421Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. 980

Description: Method of Test at Elevated Temperatures (980 °c) Method: ASTM E21

ILT-U-165Tension testing – Autographic method

Description: clause 7.7.3 Method: ASTM E8

ILT-E-08Tension testing of steel

Description: Ultimate tensile strength in MPa, Yield strength offset = 0,2% in MPa, Elongation in %, Reduction of area in %. Method: ASTM E8, ISO 6892-1, EN 10002-1, IRAM IAS U500 102, GB/T 228.1, GOST 1497, TCVN 197-1

ILT-U-313Tension testing of steel wire

Description: Ultimate tensile strength in MPa, Yield strength offset = 0,2% in MPa, Elongation in %, Reduction of area in %. Method: ASTM E8

ILT-U-156Tension testing on steel

Description: Ultimate tensile strength in MPa, Yield strength offset = 0,2% in MPa, Elongation in %, Reduction of area in %. Method: ASTM E8, ISO 6892-1, EN 10002-1, IRAM IAS U500 102, GB/T 228.1, GOST 1497, TCVN 197-1

ILT-U-006Tension testing on steel (Flat sample)

Description: Ultimate tensile strength in MPa, Yield strength offset = 0,2% in MPa, Elongation in %, Reduction of area in %. Method: GB/T 228.1, ISO 6892, ASTM E8, GOST 1497

ILT-U-1176Tension Testing on steel (sheet sample)

Description: Ultimate tensile strength; Upper Yield strength; and Elongation in % according Method: ASTM A370

ILT-U-001Test of charge to break Sling

Description: ASME B30.9:2006 Method: ASME B30.9

ILT-U-126Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity

Description: 240 hours. Method: ASTM D2247

ILT-U-032Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Fog Apparatus

Description: ASTM D1735 Method: ASTM D1735

ILT-U-3471Thickness of metallic coatings determiantion


Cross Section Thickness Measurement by Scanning Electron Microscope. According to ASTM B748

Standard :ASTM B748,

ILT-U-2651Trace elements in low carbon steel determination


As, Co, V, Pb, Sn, W and B. Method Spectrophotometry

Standard :

ILT-U-1707Transverse tensile test – Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials

Description: Transverse tensile test Method: ISO 4136

ILT-U-423Viscosity determining corrosion inhibitors

Description: ASTM D2196 Method: ASTM D2196

, ILT-U-1552Volumetric expansion determination


Volumetric expansion by water jacket. According to NTC 5171 Section 5, and NTC 2699 Annex E.3.

Standard :NTC 5171, NTC 2699

ILT-U-2810Weld shear determination


Welding shear test on high strength mesh specimens. According to Nch 220

Standard :Nch 220,

ILT-U-1297Welded mesh for shear force determinations

Description: Method: ISO 15630-2

ILT-U-092Wire – Simple torsion test

Description: ISO 7800 Method: ISO 7800

ILT-U-1000Wire determinations

Description: Method: ASTM B3, ASTM B193

ILT-U-1530X-Ray Fluorescence in stainless steel

Description: X-Ray Fluorescence: Mn; P; Si; Cr; Ni; Mo; Cu; V; and Nb Method: ASTM E572

ILT-U-1686Zinc coating mass of flat steel determinations

Description: Zinc coating mass of flat Steel Method: ASTM A90

ILT-U-3475Zinc coating weight determination


Coating weight (X-Ray). According to ISO 3497

Standard :ISO 3497,

ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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