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NDT | ILT-U-2202 | Acoustic Emission Test NDT | Description: Defect measurement, according to Acoustic Emission test Method: EN 13554 | |
Metal, NDT | ILT-U-1402 | Destructive tests on Butt weld steel. | Description: Fracture (Butt Weld. FW). According to EN 1320 - ASME IX / QW182 - ISO 9017 Standard :EN 1320, [:en]ISO 9017[:], ASME IX/QW182 | |
Metal, NDT | ILT-U-273 | Destructive tests on Fillet weld steel. | Description: Fracture (Fillet Weld. FW). According to EN 1320, ASME IX / QW182, ISO 9017 Standard :EN 1320, [:en]ISO 9017[:] | |
NDT | ILT-U-1345 | Eddy Current method – NDT | Description: Eddy Current method – NDT Standard : | |
NDT | ILT-U-1634 | Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) NDT | Description: Examination of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes Method: ASTM E243 | |
NDT | ILT-U-151 | Liquid penetrant testing NDT | Description: ASTM E165 and EN 10228-2. Method: ASTM E165, EN 10228-2 | |
NDT | ILT-U-188 | Magnetic Particle Testing NDT | Description: ASTM E1444 and EN 10228-1. Method: ASTM E1444, EN 10228-1, ASTM E709 | |
NDT | ILT-U-029 | Magnetic Particle Testing Pie Gauge NDT | Description: Magnetic Field Indicator of Magnetic Particle Testing Method: ASTM E709 | |
NDT | ILT-U-271 | Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method | Description: ASTM E797 Method: ASTM E797 | |
NDT | ILT-U-2391 | NDT - Liquid Penetrant determination (forged sample) | NDT – Liquid penetrant (forged sample) ASTM E709 | |
NDT | ILT-U-2390 | NDT - Magnetic particle determination (forged sample) | NDT – Magnetic particle (forged sample). ASTM E709 | |
NDT | ILT-U-2394 | NDT - Ultrasonic determination (forged sample) | NDT – Ultrasonic (forged sample). ASTM A609 | |
NDT | ILT-U-3083 | NDT determination | Description: Visual examination. According to ASME V ART.9 Standard :[:en]ASME V[:] | |
NDT | ILT-U-3336 | Phased Array Ultrasound – NDT | Description: Phased Array Ultrasound – NDT Standard : | |
NDT | ILT-U-256 | Radiographic Examination of Weldments NDT | Description: ASTM E1032. Method: ASTM E1032 | |
NDT | ILT-U-281 | Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments NDT | Description: Method: ASTM E164 | |
NDT | ILT-U-055 | Ultrasound testing NDT | Description: ASTM E114 and EN 10228-3. Method: EN 10228-3, ASTM E114 | |
NDT | ILT-U-3182 | Ultrasound testing – NDT | Description: The number of holes in the specimen, The depth of each hole (reflector) in tenths of mm, and The diameter of each hole (reflector) in tenths of mm. According to EN ISO 13588 Standard :EN ISO 13588 | |
NDT | ILT-U-3183 | Ultrasound testing – NDT | Description: The number of holes in the specimen, The depth of each hole (reflector) in tenths of mm, The diameter of each hole (reflector) in tenths of mm. According to EN ISO 10863 Standard :EN ISO 10863 | |
NDT | ILT-U-049 | Ultrasound testing (ASME V) NDT | Description: ASME V (art. 4) Method: ASME V | |