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Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1642 | Cardboard determinations | Description: Water absorption capacity – cobb method; thickness; grammage; resistance to column compression; and seal strength of flexible barrier materials (Technique A unsupported) Method: ISO 535, ISO 536, ISO 3034, ISO 3037, ASTM F88 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-549 | Climatic Test (humidity and temperature) for shipping containers | Description: Method: ISTA | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-3380 | Corrugated board determination | Description: All determinations. According to TAPPI T 810 OM-22, TAPPI T 811 OM-17 Standard :TAPPI T 810 OM-22, TAPPI T 811 OM-17, | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-343 | Determination in corrugated cardboard | Description: Resistance to crushing Method: TAPPI 825 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-342 | Determination in paper samples | Description: Traction; resistance to Taber flexion; adhesion between layers (Scott); and resistance to the passage of Gurley air Method: TAPPI 460, TAPPI 489,TAPPI 494, TAPPI 566, TAPPI 569 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-490 | Determination of grammage of the component papers after separation | Description: ISO 3039 Method: ISO 3039 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-492 | Determination of grease resistance Part 1: Permeability test | Description: ISO 16532-1 Method: ISO 16532-1 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-494 | Determination of grease resistance Part 3: Turpentine test for voids in glassine and greaseproof papers | Description: ISO 16532-3 Method: ISO 16532-3 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-P-02 | Determination of the edge crush resistance after laboratory fluting | Description: Method: ISO 16945 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-491 | Determination of the edge crush resistance after laboratory fluting. 0,1 | Description: ISO 16945 Method: ISO 16945 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1360 | Edge Crush determination | Description: Method: ISO 3037 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1069 | Edge Crush Test in corrugated fibreboard | Description: Method: NBR 6737, NFH 13 001 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2098 | Face mask determinations | Description: Flamability Method: ASTM F2100 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1058 | Formaldehyde determination | Description: Formaldehyde determination Method: EN 1541 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1167 | Microbiological determinations in tissue toilet paper | Description: Total plate count; and Mould and yeast Method: | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1484 | Migration in containers | Description: Color migration in 3% acetic acid; Color migration in 10% ethanol; Humidity; Density; Specific migration of primary aromatic amine in 3% acetic acid; and Overall migration in 3% acetic acid Method: EN 646, EU 10/2011 | |
Packaging, Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2637 | Packaging determination | Description: Seal Strength. According to ASTM F88 Standard :ASTM F88, | |
Packaging, Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2638 | Packaging determination | Description: Detecting seal leaks in porous medical packaging by dye penetration (Method A. Injection Method). According to ASTM F1929 Standard :ASTM F1929 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1890 | Packed Products determinations. 1A | Description: Compression Test Method: ISTA 1C | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1889 | Packed Products determinations. 1B | Description: Drop Test Method: ISTA 1B | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-137 | Paper and board Determination of thickness, density and specific volume | Description: EN ISO 534 Method: EN ISO 534 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2228 | Paper and board articles determination. PC | Description: Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Pentachlorophenol (PCP); Preserving effect; Extractable heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Hg) in cold water or hot water; and Fluorescent matter Method: Europe Council Resolution ResAP (2002)1 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2564 | Paper and board determination | Opacity (paper backing). According to ISO 2471 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2565 | Paper and board determination | CIE whiteness, According to ISO 11475 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2566 | Paper and board determination | Residue (ash content) on ignition. According to ISO 1762 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1070 | Paper and board determinations | Description: Determination of grammage; Determination of tensile properties Part 2: Constant rate of elongation method (20 mm / min); and Determination of resistance to traction of perforations – perforation efficiency calculation Method: ISO 12625-12, ISO 12625-4, ISO 12625-6, NBR ISO 12625-12, NBR NM ISO 1924-2, ISO 536 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1144 | Paper and corrugated board determinations | Description: Bursting strength of paper; Bursting strength of board; Cobb Test; and Moisture Method: ISO 535, ISO 2758, ISO 2759, ISO 287 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2744 | Paper determination | Description: Ash. According to ISO 2144 Standard :ISO 2144, | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2865 | Paper determination | Description: Paper thickness by physical analysis ASTM D645, Paper grammage by physical analysis ASTM D646, Moisture in paper by thermogravimetry ASTM D644 Standard :ASTM D0646, ASTM D0645, ASTM D0644, | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2866 | Paper determination | Description: Width on paper by physical analysis, and Length on paper by physical analysis. According to ASTM D5625 Standard :ASTM D5625, | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2867 | Paper determination | Description: pH on paper by potentiometry. According to ASTM D778 Standard :ASTM D778, | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-3061 | Paper determination | Description: Grammage. Mass per unit area (23 °C and 50 % HR). According to ASTM D3776 Standard : | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-3192 | Paper determination | Description: Water absorption after immersion in water. According to ISO 5637 Standard :ISO 5637 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1376 | Paper determinations | Description: Water absorption capacity; Fibrous composition – Test method with Herzberg dye; Fibrous composition – Test method with Lofton-Merritt dye; Fibrous composition – Graff dye test method “C”; Fibre furnish analysis – General method; Determination of holes; Determination of pints; Diffuse reflectance factor in blue (ISO brightness; Dry tensile strength; Wet tensile strength; Water absorption time and capacity, basket immersion test method; and Paper weight for sanitary purposes Method: ISO 535, NBR NM ISO 1924-2, NBR 15010, ISO 2470, NBR 15134, NBR 14129, NBR 14133, NBR 14131, NBR 14132, NBR 8259, ISO 12625-8 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-190 | Paper determinations | Ring Crush of Paperboard, Roughness of Paper and Paperboard (Sheffield Method), Resistance of paper to passage of air (high-pressure Gurley method), Brightness of pulp, paper, and paperboard (directional reflectance at 457 nm). Accordimg to TAPPI T-818, TAPPI T-538, TAPPI T-536, TAPPI T-452 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2392 | Paper determinations | Grammage, Caliper / Thickness, Moisture Contents, Ash Contents, Tearing Strength, Tensile Strength, Bursting Strength. According to TAPPI T-403, TAPPI T-494, TAPPI T-414, TAPPI T-413, TAPPI T-412, TAPPI T-411, TAPPI T-410 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-160 | Paper determinations | Scott Bond, STFI Compression Test, Edgewise crush resistance of liner and corrugating medium (CCT), Flat crush of corrugating medium (CMT test), Water drop, Porosity – Gurley Method, Wax Extraction Test, Bekk Smoothness, Wax Pick Test, Gurley Stiffness. According to TAPPI T-543, TAPPI T-459, TAPPI T-479, TAPPI T-574, TAPPI T-460, TAPPI T-809, TAPPI T-824, TAPPI T-826, TAPPI T-569 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-144 | Paper determinations. Handsheets test. | Handsheets formed (5 sheets). According to TAPPI T-220 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-122 | Paper determinations. Optical test | Brightness, Opacity, Whiteness, Dirt in Pulp. Accordign to TAPPI T-562, TAPPI T-563, TAPPI T-425 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2203 | PCB determination | Description: PCB content in paper and board Method: ISO 15318 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2204 | PCP determination. | Description: PCP content. aper and board Method: ISO 15320 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2127 | Random vibration | Description: 23°C and 50% RH. Vertical vibration – Test duration: 1 hour Method: ASTM D4728, ISO 13355 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-548 | Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers | Description: Method: ASTM D4728 | |
Packaging, Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-976 | Shipping containers and systems determination | Shipping Containers and Systems. Distribution Cycle 2 — Assurance Level II. Schedule B — Warehouse Stacking. Schedule C — Vehicle Stacking. According to ASTM D4169 | |
Packaging, Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2252 | Shipping Containers determination | Description: | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1039 | Shock testing by free fall in packaging | Description: Shock testing by free fall. 10 drops – Height: 1.5 m. Verification: Damage of package / Functionality of content Method: ISO 2248, ASTM D5276 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-2126 | Sine vibration test | Description: 60 minutes. Verification: Damage of package / Functionality of content Method: ISO 8318, ASTM D999 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1645 | Tissue determinations | Description: Grammage; dimension; pH; and visual inspection Method: ISO 536, GSO 143, SASO 1849 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-3118 | Tissue products determinations | Description: Basis Weight, Caliper, MD and CD Dry Tensile Strength, Perforation Tensile Strength, MD, and CD Stretch, CD Wet Tensile Strength (facial, towel), MD Wet Tensile Strength (bath), Total Absorbency Capacity, Basket Absorbency, Color Standard :ISO 12625-3, ISO 12625-5, ISO 12625-7, ISO 12625-8, TAPPI T410, TAPPI T580, TAPPI T581, TAPPI T456, TAPPI T524, [:en]ISO 12625-6[:], [:en]ISO 12625-4[:] | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-1766 | Total bacteria count in board | Description: Total bacteria count Method: ISO 8784 | |
Paper & cardboard | ILT-U-547 | Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers | Description: Method A1. 60 minutes. Verification: Damage of package / Functionality of content Method: ASTM D999 | |