ISQ – Label (Portugal)
KEMA Quality B.V. (The Netherlands)
LabMat – Laboratorio de Materiais (Portugal)
Labmat Analise e ensaios de materiais (Brazil)
Laboratoire D´Essais MAEC (France)
Laboratorio Consultar (Argentine)
LABTESTE Analises e ensaios de materiais metálicos Ltda. (Brazil)
LAMYEN – UTN Santa Fe (Argentina)
LENOR S.R.L. (Argentine)
LGAI Technological Center S.A. (Spain)
Lonestar Technical Services (United Arab Emirates)
Maristas Azterlan – Área Metalúrgica (Spain)
Materiaal Metingen Testgroep B.V. (The Netherlands)
Material Properties Analysis and Development Centre (Thailand)
Materiálové laboratoře Chomutov s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
Materials Testing Laboratories LTD (New Zealand)
Metalinspec (México)
Metalinspec Laboratorios S.A. de C.V. (México)
MSI Testing & Engineering (USA)
National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur (India)
NEXANS Deutschland GmbH (Germany)
Nexans Research Center – Laboratory (Deutschland)
Nuclear Research Institute Rez (Czech Republic)
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. (USA)
Pruebas de Tensión y Prensados S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)
Razi Metallurgical Research Center (IRAN)
Schneider Electric (Spain)
SGS CSTC (China)
SGS Fimko – CB laboratory (Finland)
SGS New Zeland Limited (New Zealand)
SGS Taiwan Ltd.
SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
SMT S.R.L. (Italy)
Soc. de Ingenieria y certificación de calidad Ltda. (Chile)
Soldaduras West Arco ltda. (Colombia)
Stork FDO Inoteq B.V. (The Netherlands)
STR (UK) Ltd. (England)
TEAMS SL – Testing and Engineering of Aeronautical Materials and Structures (Spain)
TISTR – Thailand Institute of Scientific And technological Research (Thailand)
TITANIA, Ensayos y proyectos industriales (Spain)