Paper determinations

ILT CODE: ILT-U-190 Category:

Ring Crush of Paperboard, Roughness of Paper and Paperboard  (Sheffield Method), Resistance of paper to passage of air  (high-pressure Gurley method), Brightness of pulp, paper, and paperboard (directional reflectance at 457 nm). Accordimg to TAPPI T-818, TAPPI T-538, TAPPI T-536, TAPPI T-452

Ring Crush of Paperboard TAPPI T-818
 Roughness of Paper and Paperboard  (Sheffield Method) TAPPI T-538
Resistance of paper to passage of air  (high-pressure Gurley method) TAPPI T-536
Brightness of pulp, paper, and paperboard (directional reflectance at 457 nm) TAPPI T-452
ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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