Toys determinations. 02

ILT CODE: ILT-U-1005 Category:

Description: Velocity; Electric Energy / Thermal Energy; Plastic Film Thickness; Laces and elastics on toys Length; Holes, openings and accessibility mechanisms Length, Depth; Toys operated by batteries Voltage, Temperature; Length; Safety in Toys: Mechanical and physical properties Various measurands Safety in Toys: Flammability Speed Method: EN 71-1, ASTM F963, EN 71-2

Speed ASTM F963 (Annexed 5 and 6)
Electric Power / Thermal Energy ASTM F963 (Clause 4.4)
Thick Plastic Film ASTM F963 (Clause 4.12)
Laces and elastics in toys Length ASTM F963 (Clause 4.14)
Holes, openings and accessibility mechanisms, length and depth ASTM F963 (Clause 4.18)
Battery operated toys Voltage, Temperature ASTM F963 (Clause 4.25)
Length ASTM F963 (Clause 4.35)
Toy Safety: Various mechanical and physical properties EN 71-1
Flammability EN 71-2
ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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