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ILT-U-2059 Disc brake pad determinations

Description: VISUAL TEST & INSPECTION: Identification of defects by Physical examination and other simple tests like sound test, tap test, optical test. Method: IEC 22574

ILT-U-17222D dimensional analysis.

Description: Measurement of a sample in a 2D microscope, Method:

ILT-U-2934AASS- Acetic Acid Salt Spray Test determination


AASS. Presence of corrosion (48hrs), and Mass loss. According to ISO 9227

Standard :EN ISO 9227,

ILT-U-525Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser

Description: Method: ASTM D4060

ILT-U-2000Abrasion resistance of soles determination

Description: Abrasion resistance Method: ISO 4649

ILT-U-442Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics

Description: Martindale Abrasion Tester Method Method: ASTM D4966

ILT-U-637Abrasion test in Textile

Description: Martindale method Method: EN 13520

ILT-U-595Absorbency of Textiles

Description: Method: AATCC 79

ILT-U-2475AC power single phase determinations

AC power (0-200Vac y 0-600Vac)

, ILT-U-625Accelerated Aging determination

Accelerated Aging. According to ASTM F1980

, ILT-U-2368Accelerated exposure of components determination

Fastness to light (800 hours), Brightness / Color evaluation after test after 800 hours

, ILT-U-2367Accelerated exposure of components determination

Fastness to light (800 hours), Brightness / Color evaluation after test after 800 hours

ILT-U-1992Acetaminophen and Risperidone tablets.

Description: Dissolution test (U.V.), and Dissolution test (HPLC) Method:

ILT-U-1443Acid digestion process by microwave in CO2

Description: Acid digestion process by microwave in CO2 (Solutions: Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl and V) Method: NOM-147-SEMARNAT

ILT-U-417Acid soluble chlorides and acid soluble sulfates for aggregate and concrete testing

Description: Acid soluble chlorides, Acid soluble sulfates, stone sample. Acid soluble chlorides, Acid soluble sulfates concrete sample. Method: BS 812, BS 1881

ILT-U-417Acid soluble chlorides and acid soluble sulfates for aggregate and concrete testing. CM

Description: Acid soluble chlorides, Acid soluble sulfates, stone sample. Acid soluble chlorides, Acid soluble sulfates concrete sample. Method: BS 812, BS 1881

ILT-U-1499Acidity and others determinations on distillates

Description: hydrocyanic acid; Ethyl acetate; Volatile acids; Fixed acidity; Total aldehydes; Total acidity; Total sugars; Volatile acidity; and Higher alcohols Method:

ILT-U-896Acidity by measuring PH and conductivity in cable determination
Acidity by measuring PH and conductivity
ILT-U-2166Acoustic determinations. 1A

Description: Evaluation of the sound pressure level emitted Method: ISO 11201

ILT-U-2165Acoustic determinations. 1B

Description: Evaluation of the power level emitted Method: ISO 3744

ILT-U-2202Acoustic Emission Test – NDT

Description: Defect measurement, according to Acoustic Emission test Method: EN 13554

ILT-U-263Acoustic test toys

Description: NM 300-1: 2003; EN71-1:2011 / UNE-EN71-1:2012; ASTM F963-11 Method: NM 300-1, EN 71-1, ASTM F963

ILT-U-1964Acoustic testing class

Description: Acoustic testing class, in the NOISE SEAL test. Portaria n.º 430, de 16 de agosto de 2012 Method:

ILT-U-1185Active ingredient determination (amoxicillin)

Description: Amoxicillin by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1192Active ingredient determination (chlortetracycline)

Description: Chlortetracycline by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1190Active ingredient determination (dexamethasone)

Description: Dexamethasone acetate by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1189Active ingredient determination (dichlorvos)

Description: Dichlorvos by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1193Active ingredient determination (doxycycline)

Description: Doxycycline by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1186Active ingredient determination (Ivermectin)

Description: Ivermectin by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1191Active ingredient determination (trimethoprim and sulfadiazine)

Description: Trimethoprim and sulfadiazine by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1187Active ingredient determination (trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole)

Description: Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-1188Active ingredient determination (vitamins B1, B2, B6)

Description: Vitamins B1, B2, B6 by liquid chromatography HPLC UV. Method:

ILT-U-661Adequacy of Fusion of Extruded Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings by Acetone Immersion

Adequacy of Fusion of Extruded Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings by Acetone Immersion

ILT-U-1508Adherence in cookware determination

Description: Milk antiadherence test; Non-stick egg assay; Grid Testing; Abrasion test; Corrosion test with sodium chloride; and Corrosion test with detergent solution Method: NBR 15231

ILT-U-1508Adherence in cookware determination. CG

Description: Milk antiadherence test; Non-stick egg assay; Grid Testing; Abrasion test; Corrosion test with sodium chloride; and Corrosion test with detergent solution Method: NBR 15231

, ILT-U-2966Adhesive determination


Torque strength of adhesives using threaded fasteners. According to ASTM D5649

Standard :ASTM D5649,

, ILT-U-2965Adhesive determination


Shear strength of adhesives using pin-and-collar specimens. According to ASTM D4562

Standard :ASTM D4562,

, ILT-U-2964Adhesive determination


Shear strength of adhesives using lap-shear specimens. According to ASTM D1002

Standard :ASTM D1002,

ILT-U-936Adhesives determination


Peel Adhesion (180o angle), according to ASTM D3330

Standard :ASTM D3330

ILT-U-3181Adhesives determination


Peel test (180o angle), according to ISO 8510-2

Standard :ISO 8510-2

ILT-U-1406ADSL Filter determination

Description: Method: ETSI TS 101 952-3

ILT-U-1209ADSL Modem determination

Description: Method: ETSI ES 202 913

ILT-U-1106Advanced Ceramic Specific Surface Area (BET)

Description: BET – 3 – Point analysis Method: ASTM C1274

ILT-U-2133Aerosol dispenser determinations

Description: Internal diameter Aerosol Dispenser; Brimful Capacity Aerosol Dispenser; Net weight content; Hot water immersion test; and Flammability test Method: SASO 1229, SASO 1327

ILT-U-434Aflatoxin and Fumonisin determinations in feed

Description: Method:

ILT-U-855Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 determinations in wheat seed

Description: AFLATOXIN B1, B2, G1, and G2 Method:

ILT-U-765Aflatoxins in corn, sunflower, sorghum, wheat and soy determinations

Description: Method:

ILT-U-2763Aggerates determination


Flattening index, Elongation index. According to INV E-230

Standard :INV E-230,

ILT-U-950Aggregate and soil determinations

Description: Aggregate Sieve Analysis; Aggregate Flakiness Index; Aggregate Shell Content; and Soil Sieve Analysis using Test Sieve Method:

ILT-U-2563Aggregate determination

Soundness. According to ASTM C88

ILT-U-2356Aggregate determination

Unit mass and voids between aggregate particles. According to NTC 92

ILT-U-2357Aggregate determination

Resistance to degradation of aggregates smaller than 37.5 mm (1 ½ “) by means of the angel machine, Resistance to abrasion and impact wear of coarse aggregates less than 37.5 mm, using the angels machine, Resistance to the degradation of coarse aggregates of sizes greater than 19 mm (3/4 “) by abrasion and impact in the machine of the angels. According to INV E-218, NTC 98, INV E-219

, ILT-U-2705Aggregate determination


Potential Alkali Reactivity. According to ASTM C1260

Standard :ASTM C1260,

, ILT-U-2653Aggregates determination


Aggregate Impact Value. according to IS 2386-4

Standard :IS 2386-4,

ILT-U-2931Aggregates determination


Mechanical size analysis of extracted aggregate. According to ASTM D5444

Standard :ASTM D5444,

ILT-U-2733Aggregates determination


Particle size distribution - Sieving method. (Aggregates). According to EN 933-1

Standard :EN 933-1,

ILT-U-1256Aggregates determination.


Materials Finer than 75-µm (No. 200). According to ASTM C117

Standard :, ASTM C117

ILT-U-502Aggregates determinations. 1A

Description: Sieving analysis and Apparent Density Method: ASTM D422, ASTM D2854

ILT-U-1718Aggregates determinations. 1B

Description: Determination of density (Particle density and water absorption of aggregate between 40mm and 5mm); particle shape `section 105.1: Flakiness index;; particle shape Section 105.2: Elongation index of coarse aggregate; testing aggregates Part 103: particle size distribution Section 103.1: Sieve tests; determination of particle shape. Flakiness index; determination of particle shape. Shape index. (Elongation Index ); determination of particle size distribution. Sieving method (mass of fines passing the 0.063mm sieve); methods for determination of aggregate crushing value (ACV); method for determination of aggregate impact Value (AIV); test method for materials finer than 75- ?m (No. 200) sieve in mineral aggregates by washing; methods for sampling; density (Particle density and water absorption (10mm aggregate & smaller)); particle size distribution. Sieving method; ten per cent fines value (TFV); determination of shell content. Percentage of shells in coarse; sand equivalent value of soils and fine aggregate Method: EN 933-7, BS 812 Part 111, EN 933-1, BS 812 Part 112, ASTM C117, EN 933-3, EN 933-4, EN 933-8, BS 812 Part 103, BS 812 Part 102, BS 812 Part 110, BS 812 Part 105, BS 812 Part 12

ILT-U-1807Aging behavior. Weathering in dry, hot climate

Description: Duration: 1600 hs Method: PV 3929

ILT-U-1808Aging behavior. Weathering resistance, humid heat

Description: Duration: 1600 hs Method: PV 3930

ILT-U-1666Aging panels determinations

Description: Aging panels (120 hours) Method: CIE 121, CIE 63, CIE 84

ILT-U-984Agrotoxics determinations

Description: Glyphosate and 2,4D Method:

ILT-U-2581Air analyzer calibration

Air flow measure (in two points 0 and 50 ppm)

ILT-U-2410Air conditioner determinations

All determinations. According to IEC 60335-2-40

ILT-U-2902Air determination


Particulate matter. According to EPA method 5

Standard :

ILT-U-2088Air Filter determinations

Description: Marking and labelling Method: SASO 932, GSO 1712

, ILT-U-2482Air filter determinations

Full life arrestance or “efficiency by weight”, capacity test for dry type automotive applications, Initial arrestance or “efficiency by weight”, for dry type automotive applications, and Full element pressure collapse test to 25″ pressure drop. According to ISO 5011

, ILT-U-2483Air filter determinations

Cabin Air Filter Efficiency and Capacity. According to ISO 11155-1

, ILT-U-2485Air filter determinations

Particle filtration (Passenger Compartment). According to DIN 71460-1

ILT-U-2396Air filters determinations

Air filters for general ventilation. According to ISO 16890-1

ILT-U-2420Air filters determinations

Gravimetric efficiency, air flow resistance vs. dust loading and dust holding capacity. According to ISO 16890-3

ILT-U-647Air flow from caps for writing instruments

Description: Method: ISO 11540

ILT-U-647Air flow from caps for writing instruments. CG

Description: Method: ISO 11540

ILT-U-1249Aircraft textile materials fire test

Description: Vertical bunsen burner test, 45º Degree bunsen burner test, Horizontal bunsen burner test, 60º Degree bunsen burner test, and Oil burner test for seats cuchions. Method: CS/FAR 25, DOT/FAA/AR-00/12 Aircraft materials fire test handbook

ILT-U-1016Alcohol absolute determination

Description: Ethanol content of 20 ° C; higher alcohols; METHANOL; aldehydes; ESTERS; ACIDITY; CONDUCTIVITY Method:

ILT-U-1346Alcohol beverage determinations

Description: Dry extract; % Alcohol Vol; Methanol; Higher alcohols; Furfural; Acetaldehyde; Lead; and Arsenic Method:

ILT-U-3325Alcoholmeter measurement


calibration of alcoholmeter (gas flow alcoholmeter).

Standard :

ILT-U-2150Alkali Drain Cleaner determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of rise in temperature when dissolve in water; Determination of foaming when dissolve in water; Determination of aluminum content; Determination of sodium hydroxide content; Determination of nitrate content; and Determination of chloride/sulphate content Method: SASO 1056

ILT-U-1175Alpha Olefin Sulphonate (AOS) determinations

Description: Alpha Olefin Sulphonate (AOS): Active matter and Free Alkalinity as Sodium Hydroxide Method: IS 15072, IS 4956

ILT-U-268Aluminum determination

Corrosion. According to ASTM G34

ILT-U-2544Aluminum determination

Corrosion. According to ASTM G66

ILT-U-2545Aluminum determination

Corrosion. According to ASTM G67

ILT-U-722Aluminum determination


Chemical analysis. According to ASTM E1251

Standard :ASTM E1251

ILT-U-2290Aluminum determination


N, and O, according to IGF and C, and S, according to Combustion

Standard :

, ILT-U-3529Aluminum determination


X-CUT, GRID-CUT. Accoridng to NBR 14622

Standard :NBR 14622,

ILT-U-1066Aluminum determinations

Description: Method: ASTM B557, IS 1608, ISO 6892

ILT-U-3530Aluminum saucepan determination


Dimensions, markings and instruction, Volumetric capacity, Pressure regulating valve and safety valve, Hydrostatic resistance pressure, Safety valve operating pressure, Metal adhesion test (grid test) internal coating, Metal adhesion test (grid test) external coating, Abrasion resistance test, Utensil adhesion test with egg, Corrosion test with boiling sodium chloride solution, Polymeric parts, Fixing of thermodiffuser by impact process. According to Portaria 499 December 20th. 2021

Standard :Portaria 499 December 20th. 2021,

ILT-U-854Amino acid profile

Description: aspartic, taurine, glutamic, alanine, histidine, trypsin, serine, tryptophan, arginine, methionine, glycine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, ornithine, isoleucine, lysine, and leucine Method:

ILT-U-905Ammoniacal nitrogen determination in wastewater

Ammoniacal nitrogen

ILT-U-868Ammonium concentration determination


ILT-U-877Amount of material finer than # 200 sieve in soils

Description: Method: ASTM D1140

ILT-U-1067Amoxicilline determination


Amoxicilin concentratin HPLC

Standard :

ILT-U-2524Amperometric clamp calibration

Amperometric clamp

, ILT-U-3322Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials determination


Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under High-Solids Anaerobic-Digestion Conditions. According to ASTM D5511

Standard :ASTM D5511,

ILT-U-1207Analog telephone determination

Description: Method: ETSI ES 203-021

ILT-U-134Analysis of accessible points in Toys

Description: Clause 4.9 Method: ASTM F963

ILT-U-1897Analysis of antibiotics in food

Description: Sulfonamides (Sulfachloropyridazine, Sulfadiazine, Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfadoxine, Sulfamerazine, Sulfametazine, Sulfamethoxypyridazine, Sulfaquinolaxin, and Sulfathiazole); Chloramphenicol; Tetracyclines (Chlortetracycline, Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, and Tetracycline); Oxolinic; Enrofloxacin; Ciprofloxacin; Flumechin; Sarafloxacin; Organochlorine Pesticides (Aldrin, Chlordane, HCH (ALFA / BETA / RANGE / DELTA), Dieldrin, Endosulfan I and II, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Gamma Clordane, HCB, Heptachlor, Heptachloropoxide, Methoxychlor, ppDDD, ppDDE, ppDDT, Mirex); and PHA polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (Naphtalene – Acenaphtene – Fluorene – Phenantrene – Anthracene – Fluoranthene – Pyrene – Benzo (a) anthracene – Chrysene – Benzo (e) pyrene – Benzo (b) fluoranthene – Benzo (k) fluoranthene – Benzo (a) pyrene – Dibenzo (a, h) anthracene – Benzo (gi) perylene – Ideno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene) Method:

ILT-U-1852Analysis of ash and volatile combustible matter of coal.

Description: Analysis of ash and volatile combustible matter Method: ISO 562, ISO 1171

ILT-U-132Analysis of carbon and sulfur by combustion

Description: Method: ASTM E1019

ILT-U-2292Analysis of concentrate

Analysis of different minerals concentration (XRF). Lithium, Sodium oxide, Aluminium, Silicon, Aluminium(III) oxide, Aluminium, Iron, Magnesium oxide, Silicon dioxide, Potassium oxide, Calcium oxide, Manganese oxide, Iron (III) oxide, and Litium oxide

ILT-U-3305Analysis of concentrate of Aluminium.


Available Al2O3, Total Al2O3, Fe2O3, Reactive SiO2, Total SiO2, TiO2, P2O5, ZrO2, V2O5, MnO, CaO and LOI (Loss On Ignition).

Standard :

ILT-U-3303Analysis of concentrate of high grade copper ore.


(Copper) Cu, (Iron) Fe, (Nickel) Ni, (Gold) Au, (Silver) Ag, (Sulfur) S, (Carbon (C), (Fluorine) F, (Chlorine) Cl, (Arsenic) As and (Silicon) SiO2.

Standard :

ILT-U-3304Analysis of concentrate of iron ore.


Total Fe, FeO, Al2O3, SiO2, Mn, TiO2, P, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O and LOI (Loss On Ignition)

Standard :

ILT-U-2573Analysis of concentrate of lead

Concentrate of lead

ILT-U-2572Analysis of concentrate of zinc

Concentrate of zinc

ILT-U-3340Analysis of concentrates of carbon


Total carbon (range 0% to 6%)

Standard :

ILT-U-3444Analysis of concentrates of cooper


Concentrates of cooper (range 10 to 40%).

Standard :

ILT-U-198Analysis of concentrates of cooper, lead and zinc


Concentrates of cooper, lead and zinc

Standard :

ILT-U-363Analysis of concentrates of Manganese and Tungsten

Description: Manganese and Tungsten Method:

ILT-U-2326Analysis of concentrates of Rare earth elements (REE)

Standard :

ILT-U-1178Analysis of concentrates of Rare earth elements (REE) in ore.

Description: Rare earth elements (REE) in ore. Method:

ILT-U-2464Analysis of concentrates of silver

Concentrates of silver.

ILT-U-360Analysis of concentrates of Tin & Lithium

Description: Tin & Lithium Method:

ILT-U-3366Analysis of concentrates of total graphitic carbon


TGC Total graphitic carbon (range 10 to 30 wt.%). According to Infrared combustion furnace Leco

Standard :

ILT-U-643Analysis of concentrates of Total Graphitic carbon


Analysis of concentrates of Total Graphitic carbon (range 0% to 4%)

Standard :

ILT-U-2325Analysis of concentrates of Total Graphitic carbon


Analysis of concentrates of Total Graphitic carbon (range 15% to 40%)

Standard :

ILT-U-859Analysis of concentrates of Uranium ore

Description: Uranium ore Method:

ILT-U-3490Analysis of determiantion grain size in steel


The number of metallographic grain size (G). Intercept method (clause 4.1.3.). According to ASTM E112

Standard :, ASTM E112

ILT-U-157Analysis of determination grain size

Description: Aluminum sample Method: ASTM E112

ILT-U-410Analysis of determination grain size and phase balance

Description: Duplex materials Method: ASTM E112, ASTM E562

ILT-U-258Analysis of determination grain size in steel

Description: ASTM E112 Method: ASTM E112

ILT-U-107Analysis of determination grain size in steel. 0,1

Description: Using image analyzer software Method: ASTM E112

ILT-U-051Analysis of different flour determinations

Description: Ash; Calcium; Iron; Moisture; Protein; and Fiber Method:

ILT-U-1860Analysis of different parameter of water

Description: Bicarbonate Alkalinity; Carbonate Alkalinity; Total Alkalinity; Ammonia (NH4); Calcium; Chloride; Electrical conductivity 20 ?C; Apparent Color; Carbonate Hardness; Total hardness; Iron; Magnesium; Manganese; Nitrate (N); Nitrite (N); Odor; pH; Total Dissolved Solids; Sulfate; Turbidity; Oxygen Biochemical Demand; Chemical Oxygen Demand; Total Phosphorus Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen; Total Nitrogen; and Oils and Grease Method:

ILT-U-1861Analysis of different parameters of industrial water

Description: Oils and Mineral Fats; Oils and fats Veg. E Animal; Sedimentary Solids (10 min. and 2 hours); Temperature; Total solids; Hydrogen Sulphite; Phosphate; Total solids; Silica; fluorides; Free Residual Chlorine; Dissolved Oxygen; Hexavalent chromium; Total Suspended Solids; Coliformes Totais; and Coliformes Termotolerantes Method:

ILT-U-1853Analysis of different soil determinations

Description: Materials Finer than 75-µm (No. 200); Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass; Particles than less 6 Micrometers in equivalent spherical diameter 2.11 Equipment – Sedimentation Method; and pH in Soil for Corrosion Method: API 13A, ASTM D4972, ASTM C117, ASTM D2216

ILT-U-2002Analysis of flex resistance determinations

Description: Flex resistance (Dry 100.000 cycles) Method: ISO 17694

ILT-U-153Analysis of KCl, NaCl,MgCl2,CaCl2 & H2O in fertilizers

Description: Potassium chloride Method:

ILT-U-153Analysis of KCl, NaCl,MgCl2,CaCl2 & H2O in fertilizers. CH

Description: Potassium chloride Method:

ILT-U-302Analysis of macroetching metals

Description: Homogeneity or Not homogeneity of steel bar sample Method: ASTM E340, ASTM E381

ILT-U-946Analysis of metals in fruit juice

Description: Antimony; Arsenic; Cadmium; Iron; Lead; Tin; and Zinc Method:

ILT-U-498Analysis of Physicochemical determinations in foods

Description: Ash content; Fat content; Moisture; Nitrogen; Fat; TVB-N; Histamine; Nitrite content; pH; EC; TDS; Turbidity; Alkalinity; Ammonium; and Total Chlorine Method:

ILT-U-2001Analysis of slip resistance determinations

Description: Resistance determination of footwear. Method: ISO 13287

ILT-U-506Anemometer calibration


Anemometer 0 a 20 m/seg

Rule :ISO 19918, NACE TM0103

ILT-U-1032Angle and length determinations

Description: Longitudinal and angular measurements. Method:

ILT-U-131Angle measurement in goniometers

Description: Method:

ILT-U-2308Animal and vegetable fats and oils

Melting point in open capillary tubes (SLIP POINT)

ILT-U-2305Animal and vegetable fats and oils

Iodine value

ILT-U-2307Animal and vegetable fats and oils


ILT-U-2306Animal and vegetable fats and oils

Flash point (Pensky-Martens closed cup method)

ILT-U-2352Animal feed determinations

Moisture, Oil, Crude protein, Crude fibre, Crude ash

ILT-U-794Antibiotic residues in meat

Description: Chloramphenicol; and Tetracycline Method:

ILT-U-3406Antioxidant activity determinationNTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY DETERMINATION


Total antioxidant activity service (Capacity). According to ELISA

Standard :

ILT-U-952APEO. Alkylphenol ethoxylates determination


Alkylphenols/ alkylphenols ethoxylates -ap/apeo. According to Oeko-Tex 201 ML-25

Standard :Oeko-Tex Standard 201 ML-25

ILT-U-2012Apparent density and mass per unit area of leathers.

Description: Apparent density and mass per unit area Method: ISO 2420

ILT-U-1787Appliance determinations

Description: Appliances for skin or hair care Method: IEC 60335-2-23

ILT-U-1673Arid and soil determinations

Description: Granulometry; unit weight; and wear Los Angeles Method: ASTM C29, ASTM C136, ASTM C131

ILT-U-406Arid determination

Solid particle density, Net density of sands, Real density of sands. According to Nch 1532, ASTM D854, Nch 1239

, ILT-U-2556Arid determination

Chlorides, Sulfates, Total soluble salts, Sulfate disintegration. According to NCh 1444, 8.202.14 (MC V8), and 8.202.17 (MC V8)

ILT-U-2558Arid determination

Coal and lignite. According to ASTM C123

ILT-U-1988Arid determinations. 1A

Description: Determination of water soluble chloride salts using the Volhard method (reference method); Determination of total sulfur content; and Determination of acid soluble sulfates Method: EN 1744-1

ILT-U-935Arid determinations.1B

Description: Cubicity of particles; Apparent density of stony; Wear of the stony; and Organic impurities Method: Nch 166, Nch 1116, NCh 1369, 8.202.6 (MC-V8)

ILT-U-1584Arids determinations. 1C

Description: Determination of fine material less than 0.080 mm fine per wash less than 0.080 mm; Determination of organic impurities in the sands; and Binder content of asphalt mixtures by centrifugation, tensile test Method: Nch 1223, Método 8.302.36, diciembre 2003, Manual de carreteras, Volumen 8, NCh 166

ILT-U-736Arids determinations. 1D

Description: Granulometry of stone; Real and net density and water absorption of gravel; Real and net density and water absorption of sands; Determination of Gaps; Determination of crumbly particles; Determination. Average volumetric coefficient of gravel; and Extraction and preparation of stone samples Method: NCh 164, NCh 165, NCh 1511, NCh 1326, NCh 1327, NCh 1117, NCh 1239

ILT-U-1745Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning – Deep Learning. How much can it learn?

Description: F1-score Mean Value Method:

ILT-I-04Asbestos Inspection

Description: For inspection bodies and Test laboratories, (FTIR / PLM method). Method:

ILT-U-567Ash content of lubricating greases

Description: Method: ASTM D482

ILT-U-1197Ash determination in coke

Description: ash determination by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Method:

ILT-U-1009Ash determination in PVC pipes and connections

Description: Method A Method: NBR NM 84

ILT-U-730Ash, moisture and pH determinations in food

Description: Method:

ILT-U-3067Asphalt determination


Absolute viscosity at 60°C, and  Kinematic viscosity at 135°C. According to ASTM D2171,  ASTM D2170

Standard :ASTM D2171, ASTM D2170

ILT-U-2995Asphalt determination


Asphalt cement penetration rate. According to NTL 181, INV E724

Standard :NTL 181, INV E724,

ILT-U-2992Asphalt determination


Solubility of asphaltic materials in Trichlorethylene. According to ASTM D2042, INV E713

Standard :ASTM D2042, INV E713,

ILT-U-2990Asphalt determination


Sedimentation and storage stability of asphalt emulsions. According to NTL 328, INV E764

Standard :NTL 328, INV E 764,

ILT-U-2991Asphalt determination


Effects of heat and air on thin sheet and rotary asphalt. According to ASTM D2872, INV E720

Standard :ASTM D2872, INV E720,

ILT-U-2993Asphalt determination


Percentage of voids with air in asphalt mix asphalt, compacted, dense and open. According to ASTM D3203, INV E736

Standard :ASTM D3203, INV E736,

ILT-U-2994Asphalt determination


Softening point of bituminous materials (ring and ball apparatus). According to ASTM D36, INV E712

Standard :ASTM D36, INV E712,

ILT-U-2989Asphalt determination


Tray adhesion test RTA. According to Test Method T 230, INV E740

Standard :RTA Test Method T 230, INV E 740,

ILT-U-1585Asphalt determinations

Penetration, Viscosity by Vacuum, Kinematic viscosity, Cleveland Trials, Density. According to ASTM D5,  ASTM D2171 , ASTM D2170, ASTM D92, ASTM D70

ILT-U-472Asphalt Mixture determination

Description: Thickness of compacted bituminous mixtures; and Extraction, preparatrion and assay of asphlat witness Method: NCh 1117, ASTM D3549

ILT-U-390Asphalt Mixture determination

Description: Real Density, and Resistance to plastic deformation of asphalt mixtures using marshall apparatus (Stability and Fluence). Method: Manual de Carreteras Vol.8 Diciembre 2003 – 8.302.38, Manual de Carreteras Vol.8 Diciembre 2003 – 8.302.40

ILT-U-1715Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash

Description: Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash Method: ISO 9185

ILT-U-1715Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash. PS

Description: Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash Method: ISO 9185

ILT-U-1591Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment

Description: Safety requirements Method: IEC 62368-1

ILT-U-543Authentication, Toxins and GMO in Basmati Rice

Description: Total Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1 y G2); Aflatoxin B1, Ochratoxin, T2/HT2 Toxin, Zearelanone, GMO Test, and Basmati Rice Authentication test Method: HPLC

ILT-U-1466Automatic electrical control

Description: Method: IEC 60730-1

, ILT-U-2610Automobile oil determination


Antioxidant Content, Primary, in New or In-service Oils. According to ASTM D7590

Standard :ASTM D7590,

, ILT-U-2611Automobile oil determination


Antioxidant Concentration in HL Turbine Oils. According to ASTM D6810

Standard :ASTM D6810,

, ILT-U-2612Automobile oil determination


Antioxidant Content in Non-zinc Turbine Oils by Linear Sweep Voltametry. According to ASTM D6971

Standard :ASTM D6971,

, ILT-U-1295Automotive battery determination

Nominal Capacity test (C20)

ILT-U-203Average grain size test on cooper

Description: ISO 2624 Method: ISO 2624

ILT-E-09Average grain size test on steels. Open

Description: ASTM E112 Method: ASTM E112, ISO 643

ILT-U-1021Azo dyes in textile

Description: Method: ISO 14362-1

ILT-U-1146Baby bottles determinations

Description: Impact, Torsion, and Traction Method: NBR 13793

ILT-U-1146Baby bottles determinations.CG

Description: Impact, Torsion, and Traction Method: NBR 13793

, ILT-U-2584Baby carrier determination

Safety requirements and test methods. According to EN 13209-2

ILT-U-460Baby cribs, play yard, bassinets and cradles determinations

Description: Physical & Mechanical Test; Toxicity (CPSIA Lead); Flammability (16 CFR 1500.3) and CPSIA Phthalates Method: ASTM F2194, ASTM F406

ILT-U-463Baby cribs, play yard, bassinets and cradles determinations. 1A

Description: ASTM F2194 Method: ASTM F2194

ILT-U-463Baby cribs, play yard, bassinets and cradles determinations. CG

Description: ASTM F2194 Method: ASTM F2194

ILT-U-1779Baby diaper and sanitary pad for ladies determinations

Description: pH; Dimension; and Water absorption Method: GSO 143, GSO 750

ILT-U-818Baby items determinations

Description: Peroxide determination; and DTX Test Method: NBR 10334, NBR 13793

ILT-U-818Baby items determinations. CG

Description: Peroxide determination; and DTX Test Method: NBR 10334, NBR 13793

, ILT-U-3329baby rocking chair determiantion


Resistance of the structural members of the sides. According to NBR 16067-2:2012, Portaria do INMETRO n.º 143 de 22/03/2021 

Standard :NBR 16067-2,

ILT-U-3275Baby stroller determinations


Test for free space between rocking seats, Security lock, Longitudinal stability of a baby basket with carrying handles, Carrying handles and handle anchor points for baby carriers and seating units, Plastic packaging, Test to simulate accidents with fingers, hands, limbs and heads trapped, Marking durability, Load test, Inflammability, Strollers with swivel seat units, Stability, Dynamic resistance, Shoulder strap, Construction. According to NBR 14389

Standard :NBR 14389

ILT-U-789Baby stroller determinations

Description: Irregular surface test; Stability; and Holes and openings Method: EN 1888, NBR 14389

ILT-U-593Bacterial endotoxin determination

Description: Bacterial endotoxin Method:

, ILT-U-2434Bag determination

Impact Test (500 cycles). According to QB/T 2922

, ILT-U-727Bag determination

Manually the functionality of zipper and durability of seam strength on the finished product. According to FGT-55

, ILT-U-2476Bag determinations

Handle Jerk Test. According to FGT-53

, ILT-U-2496Bag determinations

Slip resistance strength. According to FGT-62

, ILT-U-2490Bag determinations

Maximum force to seam rupture of finished bags. According to FGT-73

, ILT-U-2480Ball determinations

Trousers Tear Strength and Split Tear. According to ST-02

, ILT-U-2481Ball determinations

Tensile strength and elongation (Cycle 5). According to ST-03

ILT-U-1170Ball pressure test

Description: Method: IEC 60695-10-2

ILT-U-2767Ballistic determinations


Resistance (9 mm Parabelellum FMJ). According to NIJ 0108.01 and NIJ III-A Part 2, NTC 5501

Standard :NTC 5501

ILT-U-2270Ballistic determinations

Resistance level I-A, I-B, III-A, III-B, III-C, IV-A, IV-B, IV-C, V-A, V-C

ILT-U-2736Ballpoint pen determination


Verification of package description, Sample writing average determination test. According to NBR 16108

Standard :NBR 16108,

BBCBank charges

Bank charges

ILT-U-2323Barometer calibration

Aneroid barometer

ILT-U-546Bassinets and cradles determinations. 1A

Description: Method: 16 CFR 1220, ASTM F406

ILT-U-545Bassinets and cradles determinations. 1B

Description: Method: ASTM F2194, 16 CFR 1218

ILT-U-544Bassinets and cradles determinations. 1C

Description: Method: ASTM F2194

ILT-U-117Batteries determinations

Description: LR6-2 – Portable lighting LED R6P-2 – Portable lighting LED Method: IEC 60086-2

ILT-U-1697Battery chargers determinations

Description: Battery chargers Method: IEC 60335-2-29

, ILT-U-3450Battery determination


Capacity Check Ce, Cranking performance Test. According to EN 50342-1, EN 50342-6

Standard :EN 50342-1, EN 50342-6,

ILT-U-2492Bedding components determinations

Assessment of the ignitability. According to IMO 2010 FTPC, Part 9, ISO 12952-1, ISO 12952-2

ILT-U-2876Bedding components determinations


Assessment of the flammability of mattresses and upholstered bed boards (smouldering cigarette). According to EN 597-1

Standard :EN 597-1,

ILT-U-2875Bedding components determinations


Assessment of the flammability of mattresses and upholstered bed boards (gas flame). Accordign to EN 597-2

Standard :EN 597-2,

ILT-U-2874Bedding components determinations


Assessment of the flammability of duvets and pillows  (Match flame equivalent 40 sec). According to BS 6807 source 2

Standard :BS 6807,

ILT-U-2873Bedding components determinations


Assessment of the flammability of duvets and pillows (cigarette test). According to BS 7175 source 0

Standard :BS 7175,

, ILT-U-3011Beer determination


Total Polyphenols analysis. According to Spectroscopy

Standard :

, ILT-U-3012Beer determination


Gluten. According to Elisa method R5 Gliadin analysis

Standard :

ILT-U-1806Behavior in steam jet

Description: 18 days. Method A Method: PV 1503

ILT-U-1266Beilstein Test

Description: Detect chlorine in vynils; hydro chlorinated rubbers; and chloroprene rubber-based adhesives Method:

ILT-U-1266Beilstein Test.CG

Description: Detect chlorine in vynils; hydro chlorinated rubbers; and chloroprene rubber-based adhesives Method:

, ILT-U-2823Belt determination


Material identification, Free formaldehyde, Decomposable Harmful Aromatic Amine Dyes, Color fastness to rubbing, The binding force of the buckle and the belt body, Belt breaking force, Appearance quality and sewing (bonding) requirements, and Logo Identity. According to QB/T 1618-2018

Standard :QB/T 1618,

ILT-U-2631Bend determination


Bend test (with a former). Transverse bending specimens of a butt test coupon EN AW-6082 T6 Al 5183, 10 mm thickness, and ISO 18273-A-S filler. According to ISO 5173 Clause 6.2.1

Standard :[:en]ISO 5173[:],

ILT-U-387Bend determination

Description: Bend determination Method: ASTM E290

ILT-U-606Bend test – Destructive test on welds in metallic materials

Description: Method: ISO 5173

ILT-U-994Bend testing – corrugated steel bar

Description: Method: ASTM A615

ILT-U-1706Bend testing of welds

Description: Method: AWS B4.0

ILT-U-1136Bending determination

Description: Pb, Cd, and Co Method: ISO 7086

ILT-U-017Bending determination in welded steel sample

Description: ASME SECC. IX ED. 2010 Method: ASME SECC. IX

ILT-U-753Bending steel

Description: Bend. Method: ISO 7438, VDA 238-100, Nch 201

ILT-U-1148Bending tests in pen

Description: Method: NBR 15236

ILT-U-1276Bending welded steel sample

Description: Bend Method: ASTM E190, ASTM A370, ASME BPVC Section IX

ILT-U-293Benzene determination charcoal tubes

Description: NIOSH 1501 Method: NIOSH 1501

, ILT-U-2466Benzo [a] pyrene concentration determination

Benzo [a] pyrene concentration (µg/l). According to EPA 8310

ILT-U-769Beta-carotenes determination in canned tomato

Description: Method:

, ILT-U-1142Beverage determination


Sodium benzoate and Caffeine, according to HPLC

Standard :

, ILT-U-2606Beverage determination


Humidity in Beverage

Standard :

ILT-U-577Beverages determinations

Description: Benzoic Ac, Ac ascorbic, caffeine, and Preservatives (sorbic acid and benzoic acid) Method:

, ILT-U-2585Bicycle determination

Static strength test. Test method for drive system with chain and belt, Drive Belt. Tension strength test, Crank assembly – Fatigue Test. Test method with the cranks at 45º to the horizontal. According to ISO 4210 Part. 8

, ILT-U-2592Bicycle determination


Handlebar and stem assembly - Fatigue test – Out-of-phase, Handlebar and stem assembly - Fatigue test – In-phase. According to ISO 4210-5

Standard :ISO 4210-5, ISO 4210,

, ILT-U-2593Bicycle determination


Bending fatigue test and rearward impact test. According to ISO 4210-6

Standard :ISO 4210,

, ILT-U-861Bicycle determinations

Static strength test, Impact test, Dynamic durability test. According to ISO 4210 part 8.

, ILT-U-2583Bicycle determinations

Falling mass (frame). According to ISO 4210 Part. 2

, ILT-U-2362Biobased content in plastic samples based on Carbon-14

Biobased content analysis based on Carbon-14

, ILT-U-2363Biobased content in rubber samples based on Carbon-14

Biobased content analysis based on Carbon-14

ILT-U-1330Biodiesel (glycerine) determinations

Description: Determination of free and total glycerol and mono-, di- and triglyceride content Method: EN 14105

ILT-U-839Biodiesel Corrosion determinations

Description: Corrosion (copper foil method) Method: ASTM D130

ILT-U-806Biodiesel determination. 1A

Description: Water Content; flash point; kinematic viscosity,40ºC; density at 15ºC; monoglyceride content; diglyceride content; triglyceride content; free glycerol; total glycerol; acid number; oxidation stability; cloud point; ester content; linolenic acid methyl ester; total contamination; and cold soak filtration test Method: EN 14112, EN 14103, EN 12662, ASTM D2500, EN 14105, ASTM D4052, ASTM D445, ASTM D93, ASTM D4928, ASTM D7501, ASTM D664, EN 15751

ILT-U-2101Biodiesel determinations. 1B

Description: Mo, Be and Te elements Method:

ILT-U-729Biodiesel determinations. 1D

Description: Monoglycerides; Diglycerides; Triglycerides; Total Glycerin; Glycerin Free; Ethanol; Methanol and Content of esters Method: EN 14103, EN 14110, ASTM D6584

ILT-U-1635Biodiesel determinations. 1F

Description: Water content; flash point; kinematic viscosity, 40ºC; density at 15ºC; content of monoglycerides; content of diglycerides; triglyceride content; free glycerol; total glycerol; acid number; stability of oxidation; cloud point; content of ester; methylene ester of linolenic acid; and total pollution; hot cold filtration test Method: ASTM D93, ASTM D6751, EN 14103, EN 12662, ASTM D664, EN 14112, ASTM D2500, ASTM D1298, ASTM D445, EN 14105, ASTM D4928

ILT-U-1159Biodiesel determinations. 1C

Description: Fatty acid / methyl esters – Determination of calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium contents; Determination of the total ester content; Flash point by Pensky-Martens closed cup tester; Corrosiveness to copper from petroleum products by copper strip test; Kinematic viscosity of transparent and opaque liquids (and calculation of dynamic viscosity; Acid number of petroleum products by potentiometric titration; Sulfated ash from lubricating oils and additives. Density and relative density of liquids by digital density meter; Determination of additive elements in lubricating oils; Determination of total sulfur in light hydrocarbons, spark ignition engine fuel, diesel engine fuel, and engine oil; Determination of water in petroleum products, lubricating oils, and additives; Cold filter plugging point of Diesel and heating fuels; Determination of total monoglyceride, total diglyceride, total triglyceride, and free and total glycerin in b-100 biodiesel methyl esters; Determination of ignition delay and derived cetane number (DCN) of Diesel fuel oils; Determination of cold filter plugging point; Corrosiveness to copper – Copper strip test; Transparent and opaque liquids – Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity; Determination of flash point – Rapid equilibrium closed cup method; Determination of sulfated ash; Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels – Cetane engine method; Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products. Oscillating U-tube method; Determination of contamination in middle distillates; Determination of water – Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method; Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) (ester and linolenic acid methyl ester contents, phosphorous content, free and total glycerol and mono-, di- and triglyceride content, Determination of methanol content, iodine value, oxidation stability and Ca, K, Mg and Na content); plasma (ICP-OES); and Determination of sulfur content of automotive fuels. Method: ASTM D93, ASTM D445, ASTM D664, ASTM D130, ASTM D6304, ASTM D5453, EN 14538, EN 14112, EN 14110, EN 14103, EN 12662, ASTM D4052, ASTM D6584, ASTM D6890, ISO 2160, EN 116, ASTM D6371, ISO 12185, ISO 12937, EN 14107, ISO 3104, EN 14111, ISO 3987, ISO 3679, ISO 20846, ISO 5165, ASTM D4951, ASTM D874, NBR 15553, NBR 15764

ILT-U-807Biodiesel determinations. 1E

Description: Cetane number; Contamination and Corrosion (copper foil method) Method: ASTM D6890, EN 12662, ASTM D130

ILT-U-542Biomass determination. 1A

Description: Method: EN 14774-1, EN 14775, EN 15148, EN 15104, EN 15289

ILT-U-1222Biomass determination. 1B

Description: Ash content; Moisture; and Organic Matter Method: ASTM D2974

ILT-U-499Biomass determinations

Description: GCV, % ash, % Sulphur and % Carbon value. Method:

ILT-U-2577Bird food determination

Fiber, Protein, Fat, Ash in bird food sample

ILT-U-1280Bitumen content of asphalt

Description: Bitumen content of asphalt Method: ASTM D6307, ASTM D2172

ILT-U-914Blanket determination

Flammability of blankets. According to ASTM D4151

ILT-U-1208Boldina determination

Description: Qualitative Method:

, ILT-U-1555Bone plate determination


Static (Bending strength and Bending Structural Stiffness), Fatigue. Curve Maximum Moment x Number of cycles. According to ASTM F382

Standard :, [:en]ASTM F382[:]

, ILT-U-1554Bone screw determinations


Yield Torque, Maximum Torque, Breaking Angle, Insertion Torque, Removal Torque, Maximum pullout load. According to ASTM F543

Standard :, [:en]ASTM F543[:]

ILT-U-2863Bore gage measurement


bore gage measurement

Standard :

ILT-U-1736Brake and suspension determinations

Description: Brake Testing System; Suspension Testing System; and Side slip Method: SASO 1284, GSO 971

ILT-U-479Breaking force and extension at break of shoe laces

Description: Dry and Wet Method: SATR TM94

ILT-U-1090Breaking load test of slings (lifting cranes)

Description: Inspection bodies Method: ASME B30.9

ILT-U-1090Breaking load test of slings (lifting cranes). IP

Description: Inspection bodies Method: ASME B30.9

ILT-U-2384Brick determinations

Water absorption (Brick) and Water absorption (Adocrete). According to NTC 4017, NTC 4017

ILT-U-3338Bricks determinations


Compressive strength, Water absorption. According to ASTM C67

Standard :ASTM C67,

ILT-U-574Brinell Hardness

Description: HBW 1/30 Method: ASTM E10, ISO 6506

ILT-U-574Brinell Hardness. CB

Description: HBW 1/30 Method: ASTM E10, ISO 6506

ILT-U-270Bromate determination in water

Description: EPA 317.0 Method: EPA 317.0

, ILT-U-2519Bronze Lock Key determination

Classification, designation, and hydrostatic pressure loss. According to EN 1213

ILT-U-2339Brown sugar determinations.

Arsenic, Copper, Mercury & Lead content, Reducing sugar (as invert sugar), Conductivity ash, Moisture (Loss in dryness) (105°C), Colour of solution, Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Insoluble components (foreign matter), Total Mesophilic bacterial count, Yeasts and Moulds, Presumptive Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp

ILT-U-1329BTEX and MTBE determination

Description: Sample water Method:

ILT-U-1506BTEX determination in activated carbon


ILT-U-726BTEX, PAH, TPH and Ethanol determination in soil


ILT-U-1349BTEX, TPH and PAH in soils and water

Description: BTEX, TPH and PAH Method:

, ILT-U-2495Building and transport products determinations

Non-combustibility test. According to ISO 1182

, ILT-U-2493Building materials determinations

Ignitability of products subjected to direct impingement of flame. According to ISO 11925-2

, ILT-U-2494Building products determinations

Reaction to fire tests. Sample tested fully adhered with PVA adhesive to a calcium silicate board. According to EN 13823

ILT-U-911Bulk density and volatile matter determinations in Polyvinyl chloride

Description: Bulk density and Volatile matter Method: ASTM D2584, ASTM D1622

ILT-U-1579Burning behavior – measurement of flame spread properties of vertically oriented

Description: Method: ISO 6941

ILT-U-983Bursting strength and bursting distension determinationin textile

Description: Bursting strength; and Bursting distension Method: ISO 13938-1

ILT-U-986Bursting Strength of Textiles

Description: bursting strength of textiles—constant-rate-of-traverse (CRT) Ball Burst Test Method: ASTM D3787

ILT-U-2860Cable determination


Fire Testing. According to UL 2556 FV-1, FV-2, and VW-1

Standard :UL 2556,

ILT-U-2775Cable determination


Physical properties of conductors  (Tensile strength, elongation at break and ultimate strength). Accroding to UL 2556 and NTC 5786 Clause 3.5.1

Standard :NTC 5786, UL 2556,

ILT-U-2770Cable determination


DC current resistance of the conductor. Accroding to UL 2556 and NTC 5786 Clause 3.4

Standard :NTC 5786, UL 2556,

ILT-U-2772Cable determination


Insulation resistance in water (Short term insulation resistance). According to UL 2556 Clause and NTC 5786 Clause

Standard :NTC 5786, UL 2556,

ILT-U-2773Cable determination


Conductor cross-sectional area by weight method. Thickness. According to UL 2556 Clause 3.2, 4.1 and NTC 5786 Clause 3.2, 4.1

Standard :NTC 5786, ASTM D2556,

ILT-U-2774Cable determination


Cross-sectional area. According to UL 2556 and NTC 5786

Standard :

ILT-U-2591Cable determination

Insulation resistance at ambient temperature and at maximum conductor temperature. According to IEC 60502-1

ILT-U-2594Cable determination


Direct current resistance of 1 km conductor at 20 ̊ C, Average thickness of sheath & insulation (PVC & XLPE), and Tensile & Elongation of insulation & sheath (PVC & XLPE). According to IEC 60502-1

Standard :[:en]CEI 60502 [:],

ILT-U-3533Cable determination


Fire resistance Tests. According to BS 6387, EN 50200, BS 8434

Standard :BS 6387, EN 50200, BS 8434

ILT-U-3532Cable determination


Insulation Diameter/Thickness, Sheathing Diameter/Thickness, Elongation and Tensile Strength. According to EN 60811-201, EN 60811-1-1, EN 60811-501

Standard :, IEC 60811-501, IEC 60811-201, IEC 60811-1-1, EN 60811-201

ILT-U-3200Cable determination


Physical Tests (ultimate elongation and tensile strength). According to UL 2556

Standard :UL 2556

ILT-U-3531Cable determination


Capacitance, Conductor Resistance, Inductance, Insulation Resistance, Voltage Test. According to EN 50289-1-5, EN 50395, EN 50289-1-12

Standard :EN 50289-1-5, EN 50395, EN 50289-1-12

ILT-U-2825Cable determination


Burning particles (dropping). According to UL 2556 Clause 9.2

Standard :UL 2556,

ILT-U-2826Cable determination


Vertical tray flame tests (Method 1 Vertical tray and Method 2 FT4). According to UL 2556 Clause 9.6

Standard :UL 2556,

ILT-U-310Cable determination

Description: Clause 3.5.1. Method: UL 2556

ILT-U-290Cable determinations

Description: Clause 9.1, 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 Method: UL 2556

ILT-U-2405Cable determinations

Cross-sectional area of electrical conductors as a function of their mass, Analysis for electrical conductors. According to UL 2556 and NTC 5786

ILT-U-221Cadmium determination in consumer goods

Description: EN 1122 Method: EN 1122

ILT-U-2435Caffeine determination

Caffeine in coffee. Method Cortez

, ILT-U-3300Calcium Chloride determination


Calcium Chloride (Purity). According to ASTM E449

Standard :ASTM E449,

, ILT-U-114Calcium oxide determination


Calcium oxide content

Standard :

ILT-U-1234Calcium, sodium and phosphorus determinations in chicken

Description: Calcium; Phosphorus; and Sodium Method:

ILT-U-3358Calibration determination.


Dial indicator (range 0 – 25mm) measurement in three points.

Standard :

ILT-U-3359Calibration determination.


• Height Gauge (range 0 – 600mm) measurement in three points.

• 3 pattern blocks will be sent to measure the height of each one, with Height Gauge (range 0 – 600mm)

Standard :

ILT-U-457Calibration of electrical magnitudes

Description: Voltage (DC); Voltage (AC @ 50 Hz); Current (DC); Current (AC @ 50 Hz); Frecuency; and Resistance Method:

ILT-U-2050Calibration of electrical safety tester

Description: Calibration, Insulation resistance DC. Calibration, Ground bond test. Method:

ILT-U-1725Calibration of network analyzer equipment

Description: Tension Method:

ILT-U-1042Calibration of Sphygmomanometers

Description: Manual and Digital Sphygmomanometers Method:

ILT-U-778Calibration of temperature sensors

Description: PT100 temperature resistance range -30 °C to + 400 °C; and Thermocouple K range 400 °C to 1100 °C Method:

ILT-U-2472Calibration of thermometer

Infrared Thermometer Range -30 oC to 500 oC

ILT-U-1643caliper gauge. 1A

Description: caliper 0-300 mm (Reading 0.02mm) Method:

ILT-U-377caliper gauge. 1B

Description: caliper 0-1000 mm (Reading 0.02mm). Method:

ILT-U-842Calorific value (top/ bottom) determination

Description: Calorific value top and Calorific value bottom Method:

ILT-U-1565calorific value determination

Description: Determination of the gross heat of combustion Method: ISO 1716

, ILT-U-223Can examination program

Description: Closing Evaluation or Double seam Method:

ILT-U-1821Candles determinations

Description: Sooting behaviour; Fire safety; and Annealed Soda-Lime-Silicate Glass Containers That Are Produced for Use as Candle Containers Method: ASTM F2179, EN 15426, EN 15493

ILT-U-2085Candles determinations. 1A

Description: Sooting behavior (container candle) Method: EN 15426

ILT-U-2084Candles determinations. 1B

Description: Burning test (2 weeks) Method: EN 15493

, , ILT-U-2988Cannabinoids determination


Cannabinoids - oil, chocolate, cosmetic, and beverage sample (THC, CBD, THCA, CBN, CBNA, CBDA, CBDVA, CBDV, THCV, THCVA, CBG, CBGA, CBC, CBCA). Accoding to HPLC

Standard :

, ILT-U-2896cannabinoids in oil determiantion


Cannabinoids in oil 

Standard :

ILT-U-1876Canned fish organoleptic physicist

Description: External appearance; Internal appearance; Type of container; Species; Presentation; Appearance; Smell and taste; Texture; and Parasites Method:

ILT-U-1359Canned meat and coffee determinations

Description: Clostridium sulfite reductant; Coagulase positive Staphylococcus count; and Caffeine Method:

ILT-U-1373Canned meat and water determination

Description: Total count of heterotrophic bacteria; NMP Total coliforms; Fecal coliforms; Escherichia Coli; Presence / absence of Total Coliforms; Total count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria; and NMP Total Coliforms Method:

ILT-U-1373Canned meat and water determination. WT

Description: Total count of heterotrophic bacteria; NMP Total coliforms; Fecal coliforms; Escherichia Coli; Presence / absence of Total Coliforms; Total count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria; and NMP Total Coliforms Method:

ILT-U-1133Canned meat determination. 1A

Description: protein determination by Dumas method, Energy by Bomb calorimeter and Kcal/100g by calculation. Method:

ILT-U-1454Canned meat determinations. 1B

Description: Calorific value; Carbohydrates; Proteins; Humidity; Total Fat; Ashes; and Dietary / food fiber Method:

ILT-U-1453Canned meat determinations. 1C

Description: Antibiotics (qualitative); Humidity; Protein; Total Fat; Starch; Nitrites; Nitrates; Chlorides; Calcium; Phosphorus; Ashes; Peroxide Index; Total sugars; Sodium chloride; and pH Method:

ILT-U-1494Canned vegetables pesticides determinations

Description: Chlorpirifos ethyl; Diazinon; Disulfoton; and Parathion ethyl Method:

ILT-U-1099Carbon and sulfur determination

% Carbon, % Sulfur. According to ASTM E1086

ILT-U-603Carbon black determinations. 1B

Description: Sieve Residue, %; and Surface Area by Multi-Point Nitrogen Surface Area Adsorption Method: ASTM D1514, ASTM D6556

ILT-U-604Carbon black determinations. 1C

Description: Iodine Absorption Number; Oil Absorption Number {OAN}; and Tinting Strength, g/100g Method: ASTM D1510, ASTM D2414, ASTM D3265

ILT-U-1015Carbon black determinations.1A

Description: Absorbance of cyclohexane extract and Determination of solvent extractable materials Method: ASTM D7772, ISO 6209

ILT-U-1693Carbon determinations

Description: Iodine Number-Carbon Black; Oil Absorption Number; Crushed Oil Absorption Number; Tint Strength; Sieve Analysis-Carbon Black – 35 Mesh; Sieve Analysis-Carbon Black – 325 Mesh; Pellet Hardness; and N2SA/STSA Method: ASTM D6556, ASTM D1514, ASTM D3265, ASTM D2414, ASTM D1510, ASTM D5230, ASTM D3493

ILT-U-1642Cardboard determinations

Description: Water absorption capacity – cobb method; thickness; grammage; resistance to column compression; and seal strength of flexible barrier materials (Technique A – unsupported) Method: ISO 535, ISO 536, ISO 3034, ISO 3037, ASTM F88

ILT-U-1577Carpets determination

Description: Determination of tuft withdrawal force Method: ISO 4919

, ILT-U-2588Carry cot determination
Mechanical. According to EN 1466
ILT-U-362Cartridge determination

Description: Yield determination Method: ISO 24712

ILT-U-2079Castors and wheels determination

Description: Castors and wheels Type U+ Type H Method: EN 15259

ILT-U-2078Castors and wheels determination. 1A

Description: Castors and wheels Type U+ Type W Method: EN 15259

ILT-U-2077Castors and wheels determination. 1B

Description: Castor test Method: EN 12527, EN 12528

ILT-U-2079Castors and wheels determination. H

Description: Castors and wheels Type U+ Type H Method: EN 15259

ILT-U-2078Castors and wheels determination. W

Description: Castors and wheels Type U+ Type W Method: EN 15259

ILT-U-1793Cathodic disbondment determination

Description: Cathodic disbondment Method: ISO 21809-3, ASTM G8, ASTM G42

ILT-U-505CBR and humidity determination

Description: Method: ASTM D1883, ASTM D2216

ILT-U-3449Ceilings determination


Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements. According to BS EN 1364 

Standard :EN 1364,

ILT-U-2358Cement determination

Density of hydraulic cement, Cement fineness Blaine method, Setting times with the Vicat apparatus, Resistance of hydraulic cement mortars to compression, using cubes of 50 mm or 2 inches on each side. ASTM C204, ASTM C188, NTC 221, NTC 33, NTC 220, NTC 118

ILT-U-1612Cement determination. 1A

Description: Composition and notation; and designation Method: BS EN 197-1

ILT-U-2387Cement determinations

Determination of organic impurities in fine aggregate for concrete. According to NTC 127

ILT-U-2386Cement determinations

Amount of water required for the normal consistency of a hydraulic cement paste and Setting time of hydraulic cement by VICAT. According to NTC 110, NTC 118

ILT-U-1154Cement determinations. 1B

Description: Part size distribution and Compaction-related tests determination of dry density/ moisture content relationship Method: BS 1377-4, BS 1377-2

ILT-U-1060Cement determinations. 1C

Description: Chlorides; Compressive strength; and Specific surface Blaine

ILT-U-958Cement determinations. 1D

Description: Normal consistency; Forged times; Volume expansion in autoclave; Air content; Compressive strength; Blaine fineness; Fineness 45 µm; False set; and Expanding cement mortar bars immersed in water Method: ASTM C1038, ASTM C451, ASTM C430, ASTM C204, ASTM C109, ASTM C185, ASTM C151, ASTM C191, ASTM C187

ILT-U-1587Cement setting reaction determination

Description: cement setting reaction Method: NCh 152

ILT-U-3398Centrifuge machine calibration


RPM (3 points: 500, 1000 and 3000)

Standard :

ILT-U-3461Ceramic determination


Water Absorption. According to EN 1217

Standard :, [:es]EN 1217[:]

ILT-U-2691Ceramic determination


X-ray diffraction qualitative phase analysis will be performed for ceramic sample in order to identify the crystalline phases present. According to ASTM D934

Standard :ASTM D934,

ILT-U-2200Ceramic determinations. 1A

Description: Deep Abrasion Method: ASTM C1243

ILT-U-2195Ceramic determinations. 1B

Description: Water Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity / Density Method: ASTM C97

ILT-U-2194Ceramic determinations. 1C

Description: Mohs Scratch Hardness Method: ASTM C1895

ILT-U-2193Ceramic determinations. 1D

Description: M.O.R. & Breaking Strength Method: ASTM C1505

ILT-U-2192Ceramic determinations. 1E

Description: Dynamic Coefficient of Friction. (DCOF—wet only) Method: ANSI A326.3

ILT-U-2190Ceramic determinations. 1F

Description: Staining Resistance Method: ASTM C1378

ILT-U-2188Ceramic determinations. 1G

Description: Surface Abrasion Method: ASTM C1027

ILT-U-2181Ceramic determinations. 1H

Description: Water Absorption Method: ASTM C373

ILT-U-2178Ceramic determinations. 1I

Description: Determination of Solar Reflectance Index Method: ASTM E1980

ILT-U-2177Ceramic determinations. 1J

Description: Determination of Organic Emissions. (Not per CA 01350) Method: ASTM D5116

ILT-U-2177Ceramic determinations. 1J CG

Description: Determination of Organic Emissions. (Not per CA 01350) Method: ASTM D5116

ILT-U-2176Ceramic determinations. 1K

Description: Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Tile Method: ASTM C895

ILT-U-2176Ceramic determinations. 1K CG

Description: Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Tile Method: ASTM C895

ILT-U-2180Ceramic determinations. 1L

Description: Linear Thermal Expansion. T from – 4°F (-20°C) to 212°F (100°C) Method: ASTM C372

ILT-U-2180Ceramic determinations. 1L CG

Description: Linear Thermal Expansion. T from – 4°F (-20°C) to 212°F (100°C) Method: ASTM C372

ILT-U-2179Ceramic determinations. 1M

Description: Mounting Allowable Deviation from Nominal Joint Size; Bond Strength; Compressive Strength; and Thermal Shock Resistance Method: ANSI A137.2

ILT-U-2179Ceramic determinations. 1M CG

Description: Mounting Allowable Deviation from Nominal Joint Size; Bond Strength; Compressive Strength; and Thermal Shock Resistance Method: ANSI A137.2

ILT-U-2184Ceramic determinations. 1N

Description: Measurement of Light Reflectance Value & Small Color Differences Method: ASTM C609

ILT-U-2184Ceramic determinations. 1N CG

Description: Measurement of Light Reflectance Value & Small Color Differences Method: ASTM C609

ILT-U-2183Ceramic determinations. 1O

Description: Warpage; Facial dimensions and thickness; and Wedging Method: ASTM C502, ASTM C499, ASTM C485

ILT-U-2183Ceramic determinations. 1O CG

Description: Warpage; Facial dimensions and thickness; and Wedging Method: ASTM C502, ASTM C499, ASTM C485

ILT-U-2182Ceramic determinations. 1P

Description: Crazing Resistance Method: ASTM C424

ILT-U-2182Ceramic determinations. 1P CG

Description: Crazing Resistance Method: ASTM C424

ILT-U-2187Ceramic determinations. 1Q

Description: Freeze-Thaw – up to 300 cycles Method: ASTM C1026

ILT-U-2187Ceramic determinations. 1Q CG

Description: Freeze-Thaw – up to 300 cycles Method: ASTM C1026

ILT-U-2186Ceramic determinations. 1R

Description: Chemical Resistance Method: ASTM C650

ILT-U-2186Ceramic determinations. 1R CG

Description: Chemical Resistance Method: ASTM C650

ILT-U-2185Ceramic determinations. 1S

Description: Breaking Strength Method: ASTM C648

ILT-U-2185Ceramic determinations. 1S CG

Description: Breaking Strength Method: ASTM C648

ILT-U-2189Ceramic determinations. 1T

Description: Static Coefficient of Friction (wet-dry) Method: ASTM C1028

ILT-U-2189Ceramic determinations. 1T CG

Description: Static Coefficient of Friction (wet-dry) Method: ASTM C1028

, , ILT-U-439Ceramic tiles determinations

Dimensions and surface quality, Water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density, Modulus of rupture and breaking strength, Resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles, Resistance to surface abrasion for unglazed tiles, Crazing resistance for glazed tiles, Frost resistance, Chemical resistance, and Resistance to stains. Accroding to ISO 10545-2; ISO 10545-3; ISO 10545-4; ISO 10545-6; ISO 10545-7; ISO 10545-11; ISO 10545-12; ISO 10545-14; and ISO 10545-13 Method: ISO 10545-3, ISO 10545-4, ISO 10545-7, ISO 10545-13, ISO 10545-12, ISO 10545-14, ISO 10545-2, ISO 10545-6, ISO 10545-11

, , ILT-U-2508Ceramic tiles determinations

Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution, and Small colour differences. According to ISO 10545-5, ISO 10545-16

, ILT-U-2762Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives determination


Initial adherence, Adhesion after immersion in water, Adhesion after heat aging, Adhesion after freeze/thaw cycles, Slip, Transverse deformation, Open time (20 and 30 minutes). According to ISO 13007-2

Standard :ISO 13007-2,

, ILT-U-2765Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives determination


Crack Bridging ability (23ºc). According to ISO 13007-5

Standard :ISO 13007-5,

, ILT-U-2766Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives determination


Flexural and Compressive strength (without cycles). according to ISO 13007-4

Standard :ISO 13007-4,

ILT-U-2226Ceramic, glass and enamels determination

Description: Ceramic articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Extractable Pb, Cd in 4% acetic acid Method: Directive 84/500/EEC

ILT-U-404Cereal & pulses, Guar gum, Spices & condiment, Oil seeds and Drinking water determinations

Description: AOAC Method:

ILT-U-276Cereal determination. 1A

Description: Moisture; protein; fat; ash; dietary fiber; vitamin A; vitamin C; vitamin B1; vitamin B2; calcium; iron Method:

ILT-U-583Cereal determinations. 1B

Description: Iron; Vitamins (B1-B2); Total Nitrogen; Mesophilic aerobic microorganisms count; Bacillus cereus count; and Yeast and mold count Method:

ILT-U-1393Chair determinations. 1A

Description: Method: ISO 21015

ILT-U-1375Chair determinations. 1B

Description: Method: ANSI/BIFMA X5.1

ILT-U-195Change of colour with accelerated ageing in leather

Description: Heat aging in a stove at 60 ºc for 24 hours (Method 6A); and Heat aging and humidity in a climatic chamber at 50 ºc and 90% hr for 24 hours (Method 7A) Method: ISO 17228

ILT-U-2421Charcoal briquettes determination

Labeling. According to 16 CFR Part 1500.14

, ILT-U-3145Charcoal determination


Total moisture, Analytical moisture, Ash, Fixed carbon, Volatile substance. According to EN 1860-2

Standard :EN 1860-2

ILT-U-3272Charpy determination.


Lateral expansion, Shear fracture appearance, and Transition temperature (Fracture Appearance Transition Temperature). According to ISO 148-1


Standard :ISO 148-1, ASTM E23

ILT-U-1529Chemical analysis of aluminum

Description: Fe; Si; Zn; V; Cr; and Na Method:

ILT-U-745Chemical Analysis of Chocolate Drink Powder

Description: Ory matter; Ash (550°C); Fat (total); Protein (N x 6.25); Vitamin A; Vitamin B1; Vitamin 03; Calcium; Phosphorus; Lead; Cadmium; Sucrose; and Lactose Method:

ILT-U-2273Chemical analysis of copper/nickel alloys

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-2271Chemical analysis of ferrous alloy steel

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-1137Chemical analysis of metals

Description: Method: EN 14726

ILT-U-1122Chemical analysis of N, H and O

Description: Determination of Hydrogen; and Oxygen by Infrared detection. Determination of Nitrogen by Thermal conductivity. Method:

ILT-U-371Chemical Analysis of Steel samples

Description: B, V, Cu, and Sn Method: ASTM E415

ILT-U-024Chemical Analysis of Steel samples. 0,1

Description: Method: ASTM A751

ILT-U-1270Chemical Analysis of Steel samples. 0,2

Description: Method: ASTM E1086, ASTM E415

ILT-U-1050Chemical Analysis of Steel samples. 0,3

Description: Vanadium and copper. Method:

ILT-U-636Chemical analysis of Tin metal samples

Description: Arsenic, Bismuth, Cooper, Lead, Iron, Antimony, Tin Method:

ILT-U-1487Chemical analysis of titanium samples

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-2272Chemical analysis of zinc alloys

Chemical analysis

ILT-U-026Chemical and Physical determinations in Fish Meal and Fish Oil

Description: Method:

ILT-U-1416Chemical composition determinations

Chemical composition of duplex steel. According to ASTM E1086

ILT-U-870Chemical composition of manganese steel

Description: Method: ASTM E2209

ILT-U-2491Chemical composition of steel determinations

Chemical composition of low carbon steel and duplex steel. According to ASTM E415, ASTM A890

ILT-U-2137Chemical Depilatory determinations

Description: Determination of calcium% in Thioglycolic acid; Thermal stability test; and Determination of sulphide content Method: SASO 1745

Chemical determination


Free alkali, and Available chlorine (as sodium hypochlorite content %). 

Standard :

ILT-U-3085Chemical determination


KAu(CN)2 concentration

Standard :

ILT-U-3195Chemical determination


Total acidity

Standard :

ILT-U-3194Chemical determination


Total alkalinity as NaOH

Standard :

ILT-U-3193Chemical determination


Only Chlorine

Standard :

, ILT-U-3092Chemical determination


pH of aqueous solutions. According to ISO 4316 and ASTM E70

Standard :ASTM E70, ISO 4316

ILT-U-3097Chemical determination


PdCl2 (Salt concentration)

Standard :

, ILT-U-922Chemical determinations


Specific migration in metals: Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Tin, Mercury, Silver and Lead. According to RDC 52 and RDC 326

Standard :[:en]Resolution RDC Nº52 [:]

ILT-U-1758Chemical determinations in cement. 1A

Description: Loss on ignition, Alumnia, Al2O3, Dry, Calcium oxide, Cao, Dry, Free calcium oxide, CaO%, Chlorine, Cl, Dry, Iron oxide, Fe2O3, Dry, Magnesium oxide, MgO, Dry, Potassium Oxide, K2O, Dry, Silica, SiO2, Dry, Sodium oxide, Na2O, Dry, and Sulfur Trioxide, SO3, Dry Method:

ILT-U-1709Chemical determinations in cement. 1B

Description: MgO Magnesium oxide; manganese oxide Mn2O3, loss on Calcination; insoluble residue; and S03 sulfur trioxide Method: ASTM C114

ILT-U-592Chemical tests in leather

Description: pH Method: ISO 4045

ILT-U-2595Chemicals determination in metals


Chemical composition of metals

Standard :

ILT-U-1361Chicken pathogens determination

Description: Salmonella; Listeria; and Campylobacter Method:

ILT-U-3018Child use and care articles determination


Safety requirements and test methods. According to EN 1400 + A2

Standard :[:en]EN 1400[:]

, ILT-U-2878Child use and care articles determination


Child use and care articles - Safety barriers - Safety requirements and test methods. According to EN 1930

Standard :EN 1930,

ILT-U-1720Child-resistant packaging test

Description: Testing of re-closable child-resistant packaging. Method: ISO 8317

ILT-U-1720Child-resistant packaging test. TO

Description: Testing of re-closable child-resistant packaging. Method: ISO 8317

ILT-U-737Children´s products and articles holidays school stuff determinations

Description: Total bacterial count; Count of yeasts and molds; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Staphylococcus aureus; and Escherichia coli Method:

ILT-U-3479Children's furniture determination


Construction, Materials(Flammability), Formaldehyde, Migration of certain elements. According to EN 1130

Standard :EN 1130,

, ILT-U-2423Children’s folding chairs determination

Safety determinations. According to ASTM F2613 and 16 CFR 1232

ILT-U-2786Children’s folding chairs determination


Safety (children’s folding chairs). According to EN 17191

Standard :EN 17191,

ILT-U-1669Children’s clothing determinations

Description: Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing. Method: CNS 15291 L1037

ILT-U-1669Children’s clothing determinations. TY

Description: Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing. Method: CNS 15291 L1037

ILT-U-670Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution Systems

Description: Method: ASTM D2846

ILT-U-381Chlorine – Bomb combustion & ISE, Fluorine – Bomb combustion & ISE and Minor and Major Elements (Coal Ash)

Description: XRF in Coal Method: ASTM D4208, ASTM D3761

ILT-U-381Chlorine – Bomb combustion & ISE, Fluorine – Bomb combustion & ISE and Minor and Major Elements (Coal Ash). CH

Description: XRF in Coal Method: ASTM D4208, ASTM D3761

ILT-U-2440Chlorine meter determination

Chlorine meter calibration

ILT-U-779Chlorophyll determination in water

Description: Spectrophotometric method Method:

ILT-U-1651Chromium VI in leather

Description: Chromium VI Method: ISO 17075

, ILT-U-1419Cleaning agent determination.


Glutaraldehyde and Hydrogen peroxide concentration

Standard :

ILT-U-549Climatic Test (humidity and temperature) for shipping containers

Description: Method: ISTA

ILT-U-549Climatic Test (humidity and temperature) for shipping containers. PK

Description: Method: ISTA

ILT-U-1562Climatic test. 1A

Description: *85°C / 85% UR; 168 hs; 1 cycles Method: IEC 60068-2-67

ILT-U-1560Climatic test. 1B

Description: *0°C / T max °C; 1 hs; 10 cycle (ISO 16750-4 chapter 5.4.3) Method: ISO 16750-4

ILT-U-1559Climatic test. 1C

Description: *20°C / -40°C / 140°C; 5 hs; 1 cycle (ISO 16750-4 chapter 5.2) Method: ISO 16750-4

ILT-U-1557Climatic test. 1D

Description: 55°C / -10°C / 25°C; 20 / 65 / 80 / 96 %UR; 24 hs; 11 cycles Method: IEC 60068-2-38

ILT-U-1238Clostridium perfringens and Enterobacteria determination

Description: Clostridium perfringens (food); and Enterobacteria (water) Method:

ILT-U-1238Clostridium perfringens and Enterobacteria determination. WT

Description: Clostridium perfringens (food); and Enterobacteria (water) Method:

ILT-U-587Closure strength of touch and close fasteners

Description: Peel + shear; and peel + shear – after fastener 5000 revolutions Method: SATRA TM123

ILT-U-213Coal and coke determinations

Description: Ash content; volatile matter; fixed Carbon; inherent moisture; moisture; hardgrove index; chlorine; and fluorine Method: ASTM D3761, ASTM D4208, ASTM D409, ASTM D3302, ASTM D3173, ASTM D3172, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3174

ILT-U-213Coal and coke determinations. 1A

Description: Ash content; volatile matter; fixed Carbon; inherent moisture; moisture; hardgrove index; chlorine; and fluorine Method: ASTM D3761, ASTM D3302, ASTM D4208, ASTM D409, ASTM D3173, ASTM D3172, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3174

ILT-U-2758Coal determination


Ash Content, Moisture, Volatile Matter, Calorific value in a carbon matrix. According to ASTM D3174, ASTM D3173, ASTM D3175, ASTM D5865

Standard :ASTM D5865-12, ASTM D3175, [:en]ASTM D3174[:es]ASTM D3174-12[:], [:en]ASTM D3173[:es]ASTM D3173-11[:],

ILT-U-1999Coal determinations

Description: Te and Sn elements Method:

ILT-U-1999Coal determinations. HY

Description: Te and Sn elements Method:

ILT-U-358Coal determnations

Description: Moisture; Total in Coal; Ash Content of Petroleum Products; Volatile Matter; and Sulfur Total Method: ASTM D3302, ASTM D482, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3177

ILT-U-358Coal determnations. CH

Description: Moisture; Total in Coal; Ash Content of Petroleum Products; Volatile Matter; and Sulfur Total Method: ASTM D3302, ASTM D482, ASTM D3175, ASTM D3177

ILT-U-526Coated Fabrics determination

Hydrostatic resistance (Procedure A — Mullen Type Tester 42 – 45). Appearance of the first drop

ILT-U-1843Coating determination


Pull-Off strength of coatings on concrete using portable pull-off adhesion. (1 average (3 pulls)). According to ASTM D7234

Standard :ASTM D7234,

ILT-U-1138Coating mass determination

Description: Hot dip galvanized coatings Method: ISO 1460

ILT-U-3070Coating thickness determination


Coating thickness (Eddy Current). According to EN ISO 2360

Standard :EN ISO 2360

ILT-U-2225Coatings intended to come into contact with foodstuffs determination

Description: Coatings intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); and Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil. Method:

ILT-U-1134Cobalt and Arsenic determination in human urine

Cobalt and Arsenic

ILT-U-309Cocoa determinations


Net Weight, Color L*a*b* Analysis CIELAB scale, Moisture Content, pH, Water Activity, Brix, Refractive Index, Sensory Evaluation - Hot Cocoa Tasting Protocol.

Standard :

ILT-U-507Cocoa determinations

Norma :

ILT-U-517Coefficients of friction

Description: Method: ASTM D1894

ILT-U-011Coke and coal determinations. 1B

Description: Sulfur; gross calorific value; net calorific value; carbon; total hydrogen; nitrogen; and total oxygen Method: ASTM D3176, ASTM D5373, ASTM D5865, ASTM D4239

ILT-U-011Coke and coal determinations. HY

Description: Sulfur; gross calorific value; net calorific value; carbon; total hydrogen; nitrogen; and total oxygen Method: ASTM D3176, ASTM D5373, ASTM D5865, ASTM D4239

ILT-U-321Color APHA determination in water

Description: Color APHA Method:

ILT-U-1221Color determination in drinking water

Description: SM 2120 C Method:

ILT-U-1714Color difference and reflectance

Description: Color and reflectance (250nm to 2500nm) Method: ASTM E903

ILT-U-1782Color fastness to organic solvents determination

Description: To organic solvents Method: ISO 105 X05

ILT-U-1027Color fastness to rubbing – Veslic

Description: Dry felt and wet felt Method: ISO 11640

ILT-U-045Color fastness to washing

Description: ISO 105-C06:1994 Method: ISO 105-C06

, ILT-U-3124Colorants determination


No visible migration, Metals and metalloids(Sb,As,Ba,Cd,Cr,Pb,Hg,Se), Unsulphonated Aromatic amines(aniline,benzidine,2-naphthylamine, 4-aminobiphenyl), Sulphonated Aromatic amines, Toluene extractives(only for carbon black), Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB), Cadmium content. According to Council of Europe AP(89)1

Standard :Council of Europe AP(89)1

ILT-U-2231Colorants in plastic materials determination

Description: Colorants in plastic materials and articles coming into contact with food. No visible migration (for finished products); Metals and metalloids; Carbon black (only for carbon black); Inorganic cadmium pigments; Unsulphonated Aromatic amines(only for powder sample, and indicate test according to pigments or dyes ); Specific aromatic amine(Benzidine, 2-naphthylamine, 4-aminodiphenyl) and sulphonated aromatic amines; and Polychlorinated biphenyls Method: Council of Europe AP(89)1

ILT-U-2231Colorants in plastic materials determination. CG

Description: Colorants in plastic materials and articles coming into contact with food. No visible migration (for finished products); Metals and metalloids; Carbon black (only for carbon black); Inorganic cadmium pigments; Unsulphonated Aromatic amines(only for powder sample, and indicate test according to pigments or dyes ); Specific aromatic amine(Benzidine, 2-naphthylamine, 4-aminodiphenyl) and sulphonated aromatic amines; and Polychlorinated biphenyls Method: Council of Europe AP(89)1

ILT-U-774Colorfastness determination in watersea

Description: Method: AATCC 106

ILT-U-169Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated

Description: AATCC 61 Method: AATCC 61

ILT-U-843Colour fastness determinations in textile

Description: Determinations of colour fastness to perspiration; colour fastness to rubbing; and colour fasness to hot pressing. Method: ISO 105 E04, ISO 105 X12, ISO 105 X11

ILT-U-1019Colour fastness to bleaching determination in textile

Description: colour fastness to bleaching (Hypochlorite) Method: ISO 105 N01

ILT – Interlaboratory Test