Acoustic test toys

Description: NM 300-1: 2003; EN71-1:2011 / UNE-EN71-1:2012; ASTM F963-11 Method: NM 300-1, EN 71-1, ASTM F963

Air flow from caps for writing instruments

Description: Method: ISO 11540

Analysis of accessible points in Toys

Description: Clause 4.9 Method: ASTM F963

Baby bottles determinations

Description: Impact, Torsion, and Traction Method: NBR 13793

Baby items determinations

Description: Peroxide determination; and DTX Test Method: NBR 10334, NBR 13793

Baby stroller determinations

Description: Irregular surface test; Stability; and Holes and openings Method: EN 1888, NBR 14389

Beilstein Test

Description: Detect chlorine in vynils; hydro chlorinated rubbers; and chloroprene rubber-based adhesives Method:

Child-resistant packaging test. TO

Description: Testing of re-closable child-resistant packaging. Method: ISO 8317

Children´s products and articles holidays school stuff determinations

Description: Total bacterial count; Count of yeasts and molds; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Staphylococcus aureus; and Escherichia coli Method:

Children’s clothing determinations. TY

Description: Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing. Method: CNS 15291 L1037

Determination of total content of phthalates in toys

Description: CPSC-CH-C1001-09.3 and GB/T 22048 Method: CPSC-CH-C1001-09, EN 14372, GB/T 22048

Determinations in pacifiers

Description: Mechanical; Labeling; and Physical Method: NBR 10334

Determinations in toys

Description: Drop test; Impact test; Compression test; Accessibility of a part or component; Sharpness of edges; Sharpness of points; and Leakage of liquid-filled toys Method: EN 71-1

Determining Cadmium (Cd) Extractability from Childrens Metal Jewelry

Description: CPSC-CH-E1004-11 Method: CPSC CH E1004-11

Determining Cadmium (Cd) Extractability from Children’s Metal Jewelry. Open

Description: CPSC-CH-E1004-11 Method: CPSC CH E1004-11

Dielectric strength in toys

Description: Dielectric strength Method: NM 300-6

Electric test toys

Description: NM 300-6 Method: NM 300-6

Electrical test determinations in toys samples

Description: Electrical tests (excluding radiation/emi-emc tests) Method: IEC 62115

Flammability Test

Description: Method: ASTM F963

Flammability Test Toys

Description: Method: EN 71-2, NM 300-2

Flammability Test. Open

Description: EN 71-2 / NM 300-2 Method: EN 71-2, NM 300-2

Flammabilty Test in plush toys

Description: Method: ISO 3795

Lead determination in children’s products

Description: Children’s Metal Jewelry and Lead in Non-Metal Children’s Products Method: CPSC-CH-E1001-08.2, CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3, CPSC-CH-E1001-08, CPSC-CH-E1002-08.2, CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3, CPSC-CH-E1002-08, CPSC-CH-E1001-08.1, CPSC-CH-E1002-08.1

Lead determinations in toys

Description: Directive 2009/48/EC Method:

Lead in paint determination

Description: Method AOAC 974.024 / ICP. Method: 16 CFR Part 1303

Mechanical Hazard and Small Parts, and Flammability Test in toys

Description: 16 CFR 1610, 16 CFR 1500. 48/53 AND 16 CFR 1501. Method: 16 CFR Part 1501, 16 CFR 1500. 48/53, 16 CFR 1610

Monomers determinations

Description: Monomers Method: EN 71-10

N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosables in latex baby pacifier.

Description: N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosables Method: BS EN 12868

N-nitrosamines, peroxide and DTX in baby bottles

Description: Method: ABNT NBR 13793, BS EN 12868

Nitrosamines in rubber

Description: Method: EN 71-12

Pacifiers determination. TY

Description: Physical and mechanical determinations Method: NBR 10334

Party items determinations

Description: Airflow determination Method: NBR 13883

Phthalates in dolls determination

Description: Method: EN 14372, NBR 16040

Physical and mechanical properties of toys

Description: EN 71:1. Clause 7; 8.7; 8.2; 8.8; 8.3; 8.9; 8.4; and 8.33 Method: EN 71-1

Physical and mechanical properties of Toys. 01

Description: Method: ASTM F963, EN 71-1, NM 300-1

Physical and mechanical test on wheelchairs and strollers. TY

Description: ASTM F833-1 Method: ASTM F833-1

REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Testing

Description: EU REACH-SVHC Method:

Roller sports equipment

Description: Skateboards. Safety requirements Method: EN 13613

Roller sports equipment. 01

Description: Inline-skates. Safety requirements Method: EN 13843

Roller sports equipment. 02

Description: Roller skates. Safety requirements. Method: EN 13899

Safety determination of toys

Description: Migration of certain elements Method: EN 71-3, ASTM F963, NM 300-3, ISO 8124-3

Safety of children’s clothing. TY

Description: Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing Method: EN 14682

Soothers for babies and young children

Description: Safety requirements Method: EN 1400

Specification for migration of certain elements

Description: EN 71-3 and NM 300-3 Method: EN 71-3, NM 300-3

Toy determinations

Description: Determination of general, mechanical and physical properties (sound level). clause 4.28 and 5.26 Method: NM 300-1

Toy determinations. 01

Description: Chemical games other than experimental games Method: NM 300-5

Toy determinations. 02

Description: Chemical experiment games and related activities Method: NM 300-4

Toy safety determinations

Description: Straps Intended to be Worn Fully or Partially Around The Neck; Packaging; Tip Over Test; Sharpness of Points; Flexibility of Metallic Wires; Leakage of Liquid-Filled Toys; Geometric Shape of Certain Toys; Strength of Toy Scooter Steering Tubes; Maximum Design Speed of Electrically-Driven Ride-on Toys; Perimeter of Cords and Chains; Dynamic strength; Toy chest lids; Magnetic flux index; Brake performance; and Sledges with cords for pulling Method: EN 71-1

Toy safety determinations – Flammability

Description: General Requirements; Toys to be Worn on The Head; Toys Intended to be Entered by A Child; Test relating to beards, moustaches, wigs, etc., made from hair, pile or material with similar features (e.g. Free hanging ribbons, paper, cloth strandsor other flowing elements), which protrude 50 mm or more from the surface of the toy; Test relating to beards, moustaches, wigs, etc., made from hair, pile or material with similar features (e.g. Free hanging ribbons, paper, cloth strandsor other flowing elements), which protrude less than50 mm from the surface of the toy, and full or partial moulded head masks; Test relating to flowing elements of toys to be worn on the head (except those covered by 4.2.2 and 4.2.3), hoods, head-dresses, etc. And masks not covered by 4.2.4 which partially or fully cover the head (e.g fabric and cardboard masks, eye masks, face masks), toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be entered or worn by a child; and Test for soft filled toys Method: EN 71-2

Toy safety determinations. 01

Description: Clause 8.2; 8.3; 8.7; 8.9; 8.14; 8.19; 8.20; 8.30; 8.38; 8.39; 8.40 Method: EN 71-1

Toy safety determinations. 02

Description: Clause: 4.14; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5; 8.7; 8.8; 8.9; 8.10; 8.11; 8.12; 8.18; 8.20; 8.21; 8.23.1; 8.25.1; 8.32; and 8.40 Method: EN 71-1

Toys – Mechanical and physical properties

Description: Cords on toys (Point 5.4); toy bags (Point 4.4); and toys comprising monofilament fibres (Point 5.9) Method: EN 71-1

Toys – Mechanical and physical properties. Open

Description: EN 71-1 / NM 300-1 Method: EN 71-1, NM 300-1

Toys determination

Description: Bite Resistance; Beilstein Resistance; and General, Mechanical and Physical Properties (visual inspection) Method: Portaria 563/2016

Toys determination – Small parts

Description: Small balls (clause 4.22); Determination of kinetic energy (clause 8.2); and Small parts cylinder (clause 8.2) Method: EN 71-1

Toys determinations

Description: Small Components; Sharp Edges; Sharp Points; Eye – Nose Security – Dolls, Plush Toys and Soft Toys; and Reasonably Foreseeable Use – Toys Method: SOR/2011-17

Toys determinations. 01

Description: Analysis of Small Part; small objects; accessible edges; and accessible points Method: ASTM F963, 16 CFR Part 1501

Toys determinations. 02

Description: Velocity; Electric Energy / Thermal Energy; Plastic Film Thickness; Laces and elastics on toys Length; Confined Spaces Length; Holes, openings and accessibility mechanisms Length, Depth; Toys operated by batteries Voltage, Temperature; Length; Safety in Toys: Mechanical and physical properties Various measurands Safety in Toys: Flammability Speed Method: EN 71-1, ASTM F963, EN 71-2

Toys determinations. 03

Description: Small parts (tension & torque); sharp points; and sharp edges Method: 16 CFR Part 1501, 16 CFR 1500.48, 16 CFR 1500.49

Toys determinations. 04

Description: Strength of fixing of non-removable parts (clause 3.27), and Strength of seams in soft-stuffed toys (clause 3.81) Method: GOST 25779

Toys determinations. 05

Description: Torque Tests for Removal of Components and Tension Tests for removal of Components Method: ASTM F963

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