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Personal Safety | ILT-U-1715 | Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash. PS | Description: Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash Method: ISO 9185 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-461 | Determination of different parameters in helmets | Description: ANSI Z89 Method: ANSI Z89 | |
Metal, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3454 | Dimensional determinations | Description: Dimensional control (length and width). According to ASME Y14.5 Standard :ASME Y14.5, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-238 | Dynamic performance testing of energy absorbers determination | Dynamic Performance Testing of Energy Absorbers. According to ANSI Z359.13 clause 4.4 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-240 | Dynamic strength test determination | Dynamic strength test. According to ANSI Z359.11 Clause 4.3.3 | |
Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2812 | Electric rigging (hoist) determination | Description: Load test. According to ASME B30.16 (Clause 16.2.2) Standard : | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3458 | Electrical determiantions | Description: Electrical test in direct voltage with water electrode, test item: Insulating sleeves, MT dielectric gloves. According to ASTM F496 Standard :ASTM F496, | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2119 | Electrical determination | Description: Electrical testing of Hand-Held Live-Line Insulating Tools (Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Method: ASTM F3121 | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2655 | Electrical determinations | Description: Electrical Insulating Matting Dielectric Tests. According to EN 61111 Standard :EN 61111, | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3457 | Electrical determinations | Description: Electrical test in direct voltage with water electrode. According to ASTM F1116 Standard :ASTM F1116, | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3460 | Electrical determinations | Description: Electrical test in direct voltage with metallic electrode. Test item: Telescopic pole, Fiberglass reinforced pole. According to IEEE Standard 516 Standard :IEEE Standard 516, | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3459 | Electrical determinations | Description: Electrical test in direct voltage with metallic electrode. According to ASTM F479 Standard :ASTM F479, | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2888 | Face mask determiantion | Description: Filtration efficiency or penetration of filter material and respiration resistance. According to NIOSH 42CFR84 Standard :42CFR84, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2112 | Face mask determinations. 1A | Description: Differential Pressure for breathability Method: EN 14683 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2108 | Face mask determinations. 1B | Description: Valve Leak Test Method: NIOSH | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2107 | Face mask determinations. 1C | Description: Inhalation and Exhalation Method: NIOSH | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2106 | Face mask determinations. 1D | Description: Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) Method: NIOSH | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2105 | Face mask determinations. 1E | Description: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Method: NIOSH | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2104 | Face mask determinations. 1F | Description: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Challenge screening test Method: NIOSH | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2100 | Face mask determinations. 1G | Description: Microbial Cleanliness for Face Masks Method: EN 14683 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2099 | Face mask determinations. 1H | Description: Particle Filtration Efficiency Method: ASTM F2100 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2098 | Face mask determinations. 1I | Description: Flamability Method: ASTM F2100 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2097 | Face mask determinations. 1J | Description: Synthetic Blood Penetration for Face Masks Method: EN 14683, ASTM F2100 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2091 | Face mask determinations. 1K | Description: Bacterial Filtration Efficiency includes Diff. Pressure for breathability Method: EN 14683, ASTM F2100 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1028 | Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) rod and tube used in live Line tools determination | Description: Power frequency applied voltage. Clause 12.2 (method 1) Method: ASTM F711 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2118 | Flexible and Rigid Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumper | Description: Flexible and Rigid Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumper determinations Method: ASTM F2321 | |
Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-2882 | Gloves determination | Description: Cut Resistance. According to ASTM F2992 Standard :ASTM F2992, | |
Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-2885 | Gloves determination | Description: Small splashes of molten metal, and Large quantity of molten metal, Aluminum splashes, Iron splashes EN 407 Standard :[:es]EN 407[:] | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2925 | Gloves determination | Description: Analysis of Aqueous Extractable Protein. (Lowry with Precipitation method). Sample: Rubber gloves for medical examination, and Surgical rubber gloves for one use. According to ASTM D5712 Standard :ASTM D5712, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3352 | Gloves determination | Description: Thermal insulation for gloves. (Convective Cold). According to EN 511 Standard :EN 511, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3353 | Gloves determination | Description: Thermal resistance for gloves (Contact Cold). According to ISO 5085-1 Standard :ISO 5085-1, | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3455 | Gloves determination | Description: Electrical test in direct voltage with water electrode. According to ASTM F496-20 and EN 60903:2005 Standard :ASTM F496, EN 60903, , [:en]IEC 60903[:] | |
Electrical, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3489 | Gloves determination | Description: Dielectric strength. According to ASTM F496, ASTM D120 Standard :ASTM D120, , ASTM F496 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2096 | Gloves determinations | Description: Burning behaviour of gloves Method: EN 407 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3354 | Gloves for firefighter’s determination | Description: Time for the removal of gloves. According to EN 659 Standard :EN 659, | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-1550 | Gowns determinations. | Description: Synthetic Blood Penetration Method: ISO 16603 | |
Personal Safety, Vehicles | ILT-U-2889 | Helmet determination | Description: Peripheral vision, Shock absorption, Penetration and retention system. According to FMVSS 218 Standard :FMVSS 218, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2906 | Helmet determination | Description: NO electrical test, and electrical test. According to EN 50365 Standard :EN 50365, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2907 | Helmet determination | Description: Materials and construction, External vertical distance, Internal vertical distance, Internal vertical space, Horizontal Distance, Height of use, Harness, cradle, Sweat band, Chin strap, Ventilation, Accesories, Impact absortion, Resistance to penetration, Pre-conditioning low Tª, Pre-conditioning high Tª, Pre-conditioning water inmersion, Pre-conditioning artificial ageing, Resistance to flame, and Chinstrap Anchoring. According to EN 397. pH According to ISO 3071 Standard :EN 397, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2908 | Helmet determination | Description: Materials and construction, Cofia, Sweat band, Retention, headband/nape strap, Chin strap, Ventilation, Accessories, Pre-conditioning low Tª, Pre-conditioning high Tª, Pre-conditioning water immersion, Pre-conditioning artificial ageing, Impact absorption, and Resistance to penetration. According to EN 812. Standard :EN 812, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3466 | Helmet determination | Description: Chin strap Anchorages 4-24 hours and 50°C. According to EN 397, MS 183 Standard :MS 183, , EN 397 | |
Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2912 | Helmet determinations | Description: Mechanical, physical and practical performance test, and visual inspection. According to EN 1384 Standard :EN 1384, | |
Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2915 | Helmet determinations | Description: Materials, Construction, Durability, Chinstrap, Closing device, Colour, pH, Inspection and determination of mass, Pre-conditioning high Tª + 50ºC, Low temperature conditioning -20ºC, Artificial aging, shock absorption capacity, Resistance and ease of opening of the retention system, Retention system effectiveness, and Vision field. According to EN 1078 Standard :EN 1078, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1180 | Helmets determinations | Description: Peripheral vision; Roll-off (positional stability); Retention strength; and Impact attenuation Method: 16 CFR 1203 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1324 | Helmets for motorcycle users | Description: Method: NBR 7471 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-148 | Increased Robustness in safety glasses | Description: EN 166 Method: EN 166 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-422 | Individual protection of eyes determinations | Description: Field of view; Eyepieces without filtering action; Variation in transmittance; Diffusion of light; Minimum strength; High temperature stability; Resistance to ultraviolet radiation; Resistance to ignition; Protection against drops and splashes of liquids; Side protection; Resistance to surface deterioration due to fine particles; and Resistance of the eyepieces to fogging Method: EN 166 | |
Chemical, Consumer Good, Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2531 | Industrial hygiene services determination | Analysis for total particles, Analysis for respirable particles. According to NIOSH 500, NIOSH 600 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-900 | Industrial safety Helmet determination | Shock Absorption. According to BS EN 397 | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3487 | Medical gloves determination | Description: Protein Content. According to ISO 12243 Standard :ISO 12243, | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3488 | Medical gloves determination | Description: Powder Content. According to ISO 21171 Standard :ISO 21171, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-744 | Microbiological determinations in gloves. PS | Description: Total count; Fungi and yeasts count; Staphylococcus aureus (qualitative); Salmonella spp (qualitative); Pseudomonas aeruginosa (qualitative); Enterobacteriaceae (qualitative); and Escherichia Coli (qualitative) in surgical / non-surgical gloves Method: | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-048 | Migration test | Description: Overall migration into aqueous food simulants by total immersion. Ethanol 50% Method: BS EN 1186-3 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1112 | Personal eye protection determinations | Description: Resistance to surface damage by fine particle Method: EN 168 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2913 | Personal eye protection determinations | Description: Field of vision, Extreme temp. Conditioning and test for increased Robustness, Conditioning 55ºC during 60 min, Resistance to high temperature, 50 h UV Conditioning, transmittance, and diffusion, Resistance to ignition, Protection against impacts high speed particles, Protection against drops and liquid splashes, Protection against large dust particles, Protection against gases and fine dust particles, Lateral protection, Sand abrasion conditioning + light diffusion. According to EN 168. Spherical, Astigmatic, and prismatic refractive powers, Diffusion of the light, Filter material and surface quality, Transmittance variation. According to EN 167. Visible and ultraviolet transmittance. According to EN 170. Standard :EN 170, EN 167, [:es]EN 168[:], | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety | ILT-U-2309 | Personal eye-protection | General requirements, Materials, Adjustment and adaptation, Ventilation, Field of vision, Strength resistance, Water and snow protection, Resistance to ignition, Cleaning, Resistance to damage by fine particles (L&R), Resistance to fogging of oculars (L&R) | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-243 | Personal safety determination | Description: Charge to 2 KN according to ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.2; and Charge to 22 KN according to ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.3. Method: ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.2,ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.3 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2850 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static strength test (full body harness sample). According to ANSI Z359.11 clause 4.3.5 Standard :ANSI Z359, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2854 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static resistance test (sling sample). According to ANSI Z359.15 clause 4.2.3 – 4.3.1 Standard : | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2851 | Personal safety determination | Description: Dynamic performance test (full body harness sample). According to ANSI Z359.11 clause 4.3.3 Standard :ANSI Z359, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2853 | Personal safety determination | Description: Dynamic performance test (sling sample). according to ANSI Z359.3 clause 4.2.4 Standard :ANSI Z359, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2855 | Personal safety determination | Description: Dynamic resistance test (sling sample). according to ANSI Z359.15 clause 4.2.2 – 4.2.4 Standard :ANSI Z359, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2856 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static and dynamic resistance test (type A anchorage connector sample). According to ANSI Z359.18 clause, Standard :ANSI Z359, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2954 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static strength testing ANSI Z359.3 Clause 4.2.1 Standard :ANSI Z359.3, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2947 | Personal safety determination | Description: Dynamic performance ANSI-ASC A14.3 clause 7.5.2 Standard :ANSI-ASC A14.3, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2948 | Personal safety determination | Description: Deformation. According to EN 795 Clause 5.3.2 Standard :EN 795, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2949 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static strength testing. According to ANSI Z359.13 Clause 4.6.1 Standard :ANSI Z359.13, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2950 | Personal safety determination | Description: Dynamic performance. According to ANSI Z359.13 Clause 4.5 Standard :ANSI Z359.13, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2951 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static strength. According to ANSI Z359.18 Clause Standard :ANSI Z359.18, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2952 | Personal safety determination | Description: Static strength. According to ANSI Z359.16 Clause 4.2.1 Standard :ANSI Z359.16, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2953 | Personal safety determination | Description: Dynamic performance. According to ANSI Z359.11 Clause 4.3.3 Standard :ANSI Z359.11, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-242 | Personal Safety determinations. | Description: Dynamic performance test. Harnesses (sling) Y dual connection Method: ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.9 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2857 | Personal safety equipment determination | Description: Dielectric Strength. According to ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2014 (R2019) Clause 10.7 Standard :ANSI Z89, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2858 | Personal safety equipment determination | Description: Apex Penetration. According to ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2014 (R2019) Clause 10.3 Standard :ANSI Z89, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2859 | Personal safety equipment determination | Description: Force Transmission. According to ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2014 (R2019) Clause 10.2 Standard :ANSI Z89, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3343 | Personal safety equipment determination | Description: Flammability, according to ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2014 (R2019), Clause 10.1 Standard :, ANSI Z89 | |
Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3242 | Protected eye determination | Description: Field of vision checks on lenses, visors and protective masks, High-speed, Drop test – penetration, Dust Test, Against gas – fine particles, Ignition. According to EN 168 - EN 174, ISO 18526-3, ANSI Z87, ISO 12311 Standard :ANSI Z87, ISO 18526-3, ISO 12311, EN 174, [:es]EN 168[:] | |
Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3254 | Protected eye determination | Description: Transmittance test, Impact – drop test and High speed, Corrosion test, Droplet and Splash test, Ignition test, Lateral protection test, Fine dust particle test (ammonia gas), Dust test (coast particles), Field of vision check on lenses. According to EN 168, ANSI Z87 Standard :ANSI Z87, [:es]EN 168[:] | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3397 | Protected eye determination | Description: Optical quality, Ignition, Corrosion resistance of metal components, Minimum coverage area, Lateral (side) coverage, High mass impact, Penetration test (lenses only), Droplet and splash (D3), Fine dust protector (D5). According to ANSI Z87 Standard :, ANSI Z87 | |
Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-2280 | Protective clothing determination | Protective clothing against pesticide | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1717 | Protective clothing determinations. PS | Description: Puncture resistance; tear resistance; color measurement in new state; color measurement after exposure to light; determination of contact heat transmission through protective clothing or constituent materials; oil repellency-Hydrocarbon resistance test ; determination of resistance to damage by flexing method C: Crumple flex; abrasion resistance, Martindale Method: ISO 5740, ISO 7854, ISO 12127, ISO 14419, EN 863, ISO 9173-4, ISO 20471 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2211 | Protective gloves determinations | Description: Burning behaviour; Contact heat transfer; Convective heat transfer; Radiant Heat transfer; Small splashes of molten metal; and Molten metal splash Method: ISO 9185, EN 407, EN 348, ISO 6942, ISO 12127-2, ISO 6941 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1716 | Resistance to water penetration determination. PS | Description: Resistance to water penetration- after pretreatment-flexing; and resistance to water penetration- after pretreatment-influence of fuel and oil Method: EN 343 | |
Others, Personal Safety | ILT-U-3209 | Respiratory protective devices determination | Description: Breathing resistance. According to EN 13274-3 and EN 1827 Standard :ISO 18219-1, EN 13274-3 | |
Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-3564 | Safety footwear determination | Description: Static dissipation. According to ASTM F2412 Standard :ASTM F2412, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-1622 | Safety gloves determinations | Description: Determination of thickness; puncture resistance; and measurement of surface resistivity Method: EN 1149-1, ISO 2589, EN 388 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-3345 | Safety Helmet for use in insdutry | Description: Flammability test. According to NBR 8221 Standard :NBR 8221, | |
Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-2652 | Shoes determinations | Description: Footwear for Electrical Protection. Insulating Footwear and Overboots Electrical. According to EN 50321-1 Clause 5.2 Standard :[:en]EN 50321[:], | |
Consumer Good, Personal Safety | ILT-U-656 | Single-use medical examination glove. | Description: Physical Dimensions (Length, Width and thickness), Watertight (Leakage), Mechanical properties before aging. According to ISO 11193-2 Standard : | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2268 | Ski goggles determinations | Description: Resistance to Fogging Method: ASTM F659 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2734 | Static resistance determination | Description: Static resistance. According to NBR 15834 Standard :NBR 15834, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-260 | Static resistance test on harness | Description: ANSI Z359.1 Method: ANSI Z359.1 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-2266 | Sunglasses determinations | Description: All requeriments Method: ISO 12312-1 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-251 | Tension test and Free drop test to Full body harness with front attachment. | Description: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause and Method: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause and | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-250 | Tension test and Free drop test to full body harness. | Description: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause; and ANSI Z359.3:2007 clause Method: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause; and, ANSI Z359.3:2007 clause | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-249 | Tension test and Free drop test to positioning and restriction sling with fixed length. | Description: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause and ANSI Z359.3:2007 clause and Method: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause and, ANSI Z359.3:2007 clause and | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-252 | Tension test and Free drop test to rescue harness and a evacuation harness. | Description: ANSI Z359.4:2007 clause and Method: ANSI Z359.4:2007 clause and | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-247 | Tension test and Free drop test to String adjuster | Description: Clause; and clause Method: ANSI Z359.3 clause and clause | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-246 | Tension test and Free drop test, Single sling with energy absorber, | Description: Clause 4.6 and 4.5 Method: ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.6 and 4.5 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-241 | Tension test and Free drop test, synthetic rope hoist | Description: Clause and Method: ANSI Z359.4:2009 clause and | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-245 | Tension test and Free drop test, Y sling with energy absorber, | Description: Clause 4.7 and 4.9. Method: ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.7 and 4.9 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-248 | Tension test to positioning and restraint sling with adjustable length | Description: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause and ANSI Z359.3:2007 clause Method: ANSI Z359.1:2007 clause, ANSI Z359.3:2007 clause | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-243 | Test activation tension on 6 feet energy absorber | Description: Charge to 2 KN according to ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.2; and Charge to 22 KN according to ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.3. Method: ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.3, ANSI Z359.13:2009 clause 4.2 | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-244 | Test activation tension on 6 feet energy absorber. 1A | Description: Charge to 2 KN (clause; and Charge to 22 KN (clause Method: ANSI Z359.1:2009 clause, ANSI Z359.1:2009 clause | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-001 | Test of charge to break Sling. PS | Description: ASME B30.9:2006 Method: ASME B30.9 | |
Personal Safety, Textile | ILT-U-2894 | Textile determination | Description: Resistance to penetration of the sole, and color fastness to rubbing. Accordign to ISO 20344, BS 1006:1990 Standard :BS 1006, ISO 20344, | |
Personal Safety | ILT-U-652 | UVA and UVB grade in sunglasses. PS | Description: Method: EN 1836 | |