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ILT-U-1508Adherence in cookware determination. CG

Description: Milk antiadherence test; Non-stick egg assay; Grid Testing; Abrasion test; Corrosion test with sodium chloride; and Corrosion test with detergent solution Method: NBR 15231

ILT-U-936Adhesives determination


Peel Adhesion (180o angle), according to ASTM D3330

Standard :ASTM D3330

ILT-U-3181Adhesives determination


Peel test (180o angle), according to ISO 8510-2

Standard :ISO 8510-2

ILT-U-2133Aerosol dispenser determinations

Description: Internal diameter Aerosol Dispenser; Brimful Capacity Aerosol Dispenser; Net weight content; Hot water immersion test; and Flammability test Method: SASO 1229, SASO 1327

ILT-U-647Air flow from caps for writing instruments. CG

Description: Method: ISO 11540

ILT-U-2150Alkali Drain Cleaner determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of rise in temperature when dissolve in water; Determination of foaming when dissolve in water; Determination of aluminum content; Determination of sodium hydroxide content; Determination of nitrate content; and Determination of chloride/sulphate content Method: SASO 1056

, ILT-U-3529Aluminum determination


X-CUT, GRID-CUT. Accoridng to NBR 14622

Standard :NBR 14622,

ILT-U-3530Aluminum saucepan determination


Dimensions, markings and instruction, Volumetric capacity, Pressure regulating valve and safety valve, Hydrostatic resistance pressure, Safety valve operating pressure, Metal adhesion test (grid test) internal coating, Metal adhesion test (grid test) external coating, Abrasion resistance test, Utensil adhesion test with egg, Corrosion test with boiling sodium chloride solution, Polymeric parts, Fixing of thermodiffuser by impact process. According to Portaria 499 December 20th. 2021

Standard :Portaria 499 December 20th. 2021,

ILT-U-1146Baby bottles determinations.CG

Description: Impact, Torsion, and Traction Method: NBR 13793

, ILT-U-2584Baby carrier determination

Safety requirements and test methods. According to EN 13209-2

ILT-U-463Baby cribs, play yard, bassinets and cradles determinations. CG

Description: ASTM F2194 Method: ASTM F2194

ILT-U-1779Baby diaper and sanitary pad for ladies determinations

Description: pH; Dimension; and Water absorption Method: GSO 143, GSO 750

ILT-U-818Baby items determinations. CG

Description: Peroxide determination; and DTX Test Method: NBR 10334, NBR 13793

, ILT-U-3329baby rocking chair determiantion


Resistance of the structural members of the sides. According to NBR 16067-2:2012, Portaria do INMETRO n.º 143 de 22/03/2021 

Standard :NBR 16067-2,

ILT-U-3275Baby stroller determinations


Test for free space between rocking seats, Security lock, Longitudinal stability of a baby basket with carrying handles, Carrying handles and handle anchor points for baby carriers and seating units, Plastic packaging, Test to simulate accidents with fingers, hands, limbs and heads trapped, Marking durability, Load test, Inflammability, Strollers with swivel seat units, Stability, Dynamic resistance, Shoulder strap, Construction. According to NBR 14389

Standard :NBR 14389

, ILT-U-2434Bag determination

Impact Test (500 cycles). According to QB/T 2922

, ILT-U-727Bag determination

Manually the functionality of zipper and durability of seam strength on the finished product. According to FGT-55

, ILT-U-2476Bag determinations

Handle Jerk Test. According to FGT-53

, ILT-U-2496Bag determinations

Slip resistance strength. According to FGT-62

, ILT-U-2490Bag determinations

Maximum force to seam rupture of finished bags. According to FGT-73

, ILT-U-2480Ball determinations

Trousers Tear Strength and Split Tear. According to ST-02

, ILT-U-2481Ball determinations

Tensile strength and elongation (Cycle 5). According to ST-03

ILT-U-2736Ballpoint pen determination


Verification of package description, Sample writing average determination test. According to NBR 16108

Standard :NBR 16108,

ILT-U-1266Beilstein Test.CG

Description: Detect chlorine in vynils; hydro chlorinated rubbers; and chloroprene rubber-based adhesives Method:

, ILT-U-2823Belt determination


Material identification, Free formaldehyde, Decomposable Harmful Aromatic Amine Dyes, Color fastness to rubbing, The binding force of the buckle and the belt body, Belt breaking force, Appearance quality and sewing (bonding) requirements, and Logo Identity. According to QB/T 1618-2018

Standard :QB/T 1618,

ILT-U-1148Bending tests in pen

Description: Method: NBR 15236

, ILT-U-2585Bicycle determination

Static strength test. Test method for drive system with chain and belt, Drive Belt. Tension strength test, Crank assembly – Fatigue Test. Test method with the cranks at 45º to the horizontal. According to ISO 4210 Part. 8

, ILT-U-2592Bicycle determination


Handlebar and stem assembly - Fatigue test – Out-of-phase, Handlebar and stem assembly - Fatigue test – In-phase. According to ISO 4210-5

Standard :ISO 4210-5, ISO 4210,

, ILT-U-2593Bicycle determination


Bending fatigue test and rearward impact test. According to ISO 4210-6

Standard :ISO 4210,

, ILT-U-861Bicycle determinations

Static strength test, Impact test, Dynamic durability test. According to ISO 4210 part 8.

, ILT-U-2583Bicycle determinations

Falling mass (frame). According to ISO 4210 Part. 2

, ILT-U-359Buttons determination

Description: Hardness Shore A; and Viscosity Method: ISO 7619, ISO 2555

ILT-U-221Cadmium determination in consumer goods

Description: EN 1122 Method: EN 1122

ILT-U-1821Candles determinations

Description: Sooting behaviour; Fire safety; and Annealed Soda-Lime-Silicate Glass Containers That Are Produced for Use as Candle Containers Method: ASTM F2179, EN 15426, EN 15493

ILT-U-2085Candles determinations. 1A

Description: Sooting behavior (container candle) Method: EN 15426

ILT-U-2084Candles determinations. 1B

Description: Burning test (2 weeks) Method: EN 15493

, , ILT-U-2988Cannabinoids determination


Cannabinoids - oil, chocolate, cosmetic, and beverage sample (THC, CBD, THCA, CBN, CBNA, CBDA, CBDVA, CBDV, THCV, THCVA, CBG, CBGA, CBC, CBCA). Accoding to HPLC

Standard :

, ILT-U-2588Carry cot determination
Mechanical. According to EN 1466
ILT-U-362Cartridge determination

Description: Yield determination Method: ISO 24712

ILT-U-2177Ceramic determinations. 1J CG

Description: Determination of Organic Emissions. (Not per CA 01350) Method: ASTM D5116

ILT-U-2176Ceramic determinations. 1K CG

Description: Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Tile Method: ASTM C895

ILT-U-2180Ceramic determinations. 1L CG

Description: Linear Thermal Expansion. T from – 4°F (-20°C) to 212°F (100°C) Method: ASTM C372

ILT-U-2179Ceramic determinations. 1M CG

Description: Mounting Allowable Deviation from Nominal Joint Size; Bond Strength; Compressive Strength; and Thermal Shock Resistance Method: ANSI A137.2

ILT-U-2184Ceramic determinations. 1N CG

Description: Measurement of Light Reflectance Value & Small Color Differences Method: ASTM C609

ILT-U-2183Ceramic determinations. 1O CG

Description: Warpage; Facial dimensions and thickness; and Wedging Method: ASTM C502, ASTM C499, ASTM C485

ILT-U-2182Ceramic determinations. 1P CG

Description: Crazing Resistance Method: ASTM C424

ILT-U-2187Ceramic determinations. 1Q CG

Description: Freeze-Thaw – up to 300 cycles Method: ASTM C1026

ILT-U-2186Ceramic determinations. 1R CG

Description: Chemical Resistance Method: ASTM C650

ILT-U-2185Ceramic determinations. 1S CG

Description: Breaking Strength Method: ASTM C648

ILT-U-2189Ceramic determinations. 1T CG

Description: Static Coefficient of Friction (wet-dry) Method: ASTM C1028

ILT-U-2226Ceramic, glass and enamels determination

Description: Ceramic articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Extractable Pb, Cd in 4% acetic acid Method: Directive 84/500/EEC

ILT-U-2137Chemical Depilatory determinations

Description: Determination of calcium% in Thioglycolic acid; Thermal stability test; and Determination of sulphide content Method: SASO 1745

, ILT-U-922Chemical determinations


Specific migration in metals: Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Tin, Mercury, Silver and Lead. According to RDC 52 and RDC 326

Standard :[:en]Resolution RDC Nº52 [:]

, ILT-U-2878Child use and care articles determination


Child use and care articles - Safety barriers - Safety requirements and test methods. According to EN 1930

Standard :EN 1930,

ILT-U-3018Child use and care articles determination


Safety requirements and test methods. According to EN 1400 + A2

Standard :[:en]EN 1400[:]

ILT-U-1720Child-resistant packaging test

Description: Testing of re-closable child-resistant packaging. Method: ISO 8317

, ILT-U-1419Cleaning agent determination.


Glutaraldehyde and Hydrogen peroxide concentration

Standard :

ILT-U-2225Coatings intended to come into contact with foodstuffs determination

Description: Coatings intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); and Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil. Method:

ILT-U-2231Colorants in plastic materials determination. CG

Description: Colorants in plastic materials and articles coming into contact with food. No visible migration (for finished products); Metals and metalloids; Carbon black (only for carbon black); Inorganic cadmium pigments; Unsulphonated Aromatic amines(only for powder sample, and indicate test according to pigments or dyes ); Specific aromatic amine(Benzidine, 2-naphthylamine, 4-aminodiphenyl) and sulphonated aromatic amines; and Polychlorinated biphenyls Method: Council of Europe AP(89)1

, ILT-U-2302Commercial sterility test


Commercial sterility test (Incubation for 10 days at 37º and 55ºC and subsequent analysis of: - Investigation of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, thermophilic aerobic bacteria, Mesophilic Anaerobic Bacteria, Thermophilic Anaerobic Bacteria, pH, and Visual determination of the container. According to INCUBATION BAM - AOAC

Standard :

ILT-U-3453Condoms determinations


Freedom from Holes (Water leak method), Visible defect, length, Width, Thickness, Burst Volume and pressure, Package Seal Integrity. According to ISO 23409:2011 

Standard :ISO 23409,

ILT-U-3074Cookware determination


As for Hard Anodizing, the utensils must meet the following requirements, Thickness: The minimum measured thickness of the hard anodized layer, in cases where it is not covered by other types of coating, shall be 25 μm, Stain resistance: There must be no visible stains on the surface that comes into contact with food, Resistance to Alkali: Current flow cannot occur, Hardness: The hardness must be greater than 350 HV 0.5. According to Portaria No. 499, 20/12/2021 and Ordinance No. 499 20/12/2021 

Standard :

ILT-U-2227Cork stoppers determination

Description: Cork stoppers and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and Specific migration of formaldehyde in 3% acetic acid Method: Europe Council Resolution ResAP (2004)2

ILT-U-743Cosmetic Dermatological Test

Description: Acute Oral Toxicity Irritation / Corrosion Dermal Repeated. Irritation / Corrosion Eye Skin irritation / corrosion Method: APPRAISAL OF SAFETY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, DRUGS AND COSMETIC F.D.A, OECD 404, OECD 405, OECD 423

ILT-U-2998Cosmetic determination


CBD, Steroids, Colors, Urea, Triclosan, Resorcinol, and Hydrogen Peroxide 

Standard :

ILT-U-3105Cosmetic determination


Chloride (Cl-), Loss on ignition, Moisture, and pH (1% aqueous solution at 25˚C) 

Standard :

ILT-U-1817Cosmetic determination . 1A

Description: 1,4-dioxane in cosmetic products. Method:

ILT-U-3293Cosmetic determination.


Facultative aerobic mesophiles - Quantitative determination using the in-depth counting technique; Total coliforms (Presence/Absence in 1g or 1mL); Fecal coliforms (Presence/Absence in 1g or 1mL); Search for pathogenic microorganisms - Staphylococcus aureus - Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Escherichia coli - Candida albicans. (Presence/Absence in 1g or 1mL) Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th ed. 2019 

Standard :Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th ed. 2019,

ILT-U-1993Cosmetic determinations. 1B

Description: Benzoic acid; Butylparaben; Methylparaben; and Propylparaben Method:

ILT-U-1819Cosmetics and detergents determinations

Description: Total organic matter in the formulated detergents, and Total solids in cosmetics Method: BS 3762

ILT-U-2342Cosmetics and soaps determinations

Determination of Water Insoluble Matter Content, Determination of Chloride Content in Soaps

ILT-U-2686Cosmetics determination


Microbiology. Evaluation of the antimicrobial protection of a cosmetic product. According to EN 11930

Standard :EN 11930,

ILT-U-2146Cosmetics products determinations

Description: Determination of Zirconium and Aluminum; Identification and determination of Formaldehyde; Determination of Potassium and Sodium Hydroxide; Determination of Quinine; Determination of Resorcinol (Hair lotion, Hair colors); Determination of Oxalic acid and its alkaline salts; and Determination of Silver Nitrate Method: SASO 2185

ILT-U-3331Cotton determination


Moisture content (regain) of lint cotton. According to ASTM D2495

Standard :ASTM D2495,

, ILT-U-2903Cotton determinations


Yarn consistency index, Micronaire, Maturity, UHML length (Upper half media length), Uniformity index (%), Short fiber index (%), Resistance, Elongation, Reflectance, Yellowness, Color grade, Garbage Content, Garbage Area, and Garbage Grade. According to ASTM D5867

Standard :ASTM D5867,

, ILT-U-3328Crib determination


Crib base and mattress base resistance test (impact test), Locking mechanisms test – Resistance, and Measurements of holes, gaps, and openings on the exterior side of the crib. Accordign to NBR 15860-1:2016, Portaria Inmetro nº 143 DE 22/03/2021

Standard :, NBR 15860-2, NBR 15860-1

ILT-U-1150Cup determination

Mass, resistance to lateral compression, Total migration. According to NBR 14865

ILT-U-2389Cutlery and feeding utensils determinations
General and mechanical requirements and tests EN 14372
Migration of certain elements(8 items) EN 14372
Phthalate content(6P EN 14372
Volatile compounds content EN 14372
Formaldehyde release EN 14372
Nickel release EN 14372
2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane [Bisphenol A] (BPA) release EN 14372
ILT-U-3295Demineralized water determination.


Total coliform research, Research on pathogenic microorganisms - pseudomonas aeruginosa. According to Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th ed. 2019 -;

Standard :Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th ed. 2019,

ILT-U-777Density determination in Varnish

Description: Pycnometric method Method:

ILT-U-1778Deodorant and antiperspirant determinations

Description: pH; Stability of smell; and Determination of non volatile matter Method: KS 1764

ILT-U-2138Deodorant determinations. 1A

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of Ethanol content in spray; and Determination of formaldehyde Method: SASO 1795

ILT-U-2134Deodorant determinations. 1B

Description: Visual Inspection; Qualitative test for Formaldehyde; and Determination of delivery rate of content Method: SASO 1327

, ILT-U-2945Dermal irritation determination


In Vitro Dermal Irritation - RHE kit (GLP). Microbiological for school supplies. According to OCDE Nº 404:2015, OCDE Nº 405:2017, OCDE Nº 423:2001

Standard :OCDE Nº 404:2015, OCDE Nº 405:2017, OCDE Nº 423:2001,

ILT-U-1351Detergent and soap determinations

Description: Surface active agents: Determination of pH of aqueous solutions – Potentiometric method; Surface active agents. Detergents. Determination of anionic-active matter by manual or mechanical direct two-phase titration procedure; Cosmetics- determination of chloride content; Soaps. Determination of content of ethanol – insoluble matter; Soaps. Determination of moisture and volatile matter content-Oven method; and Surface active agents- Analysis of soaps – Determination of free caustic alkali. Method: ISO 456, ISO 672, ISO 673, ISO 2271, ISO 4316

, ILT-U-2824Detergent determination


Total solids, Stability to hard water, Stability at low temperature, and Germicidal Activity GSO 1949

Standard :GSO 1949,

, ILT-U-2828Detergent determination


Carpet color fastness test, Washing Test, Detection of oxidizing agents, and Detection of reducing factors. according to GSO 461

Standard :GSO 461,

, ILT-U-2829Detergent determination


Determination of water content, Cleaning efficiency test. According to GSO 883:2021

Standard :GSO 883,

, ILT-U-2830Detergent determination


Determination of Free Caustic Alkali, Determination of Free Total Alkali, Determination of Total Free Alkali Content and Total Fatty Matter Content, and Determination of free alkali (as sodium hydroxide content % in mass). According to GSO 801, GSO ISO 684, GSO ISO 456, GSO ISO 685

Standard :GSO ISO 456, GSO ISO 684, GSO ISO 685, GSO 801,

, ILT-U-2831Detergent determination


Determination of viscosity, and Determination of Rosin. According to SASO 127, GSO 1098

Standard :SASO 127, GSO 1098,

, ILT-U-2832Detergent determination


Determination of available chlorine (as sodium hypochlorite content), Measurement of thickness, Determination of the content of insoluble matter in water, and Determination of rancidity. According to GSO 1845, GSO 876, GSO 1111, and SASO-GSO-2172

Standard :GSO 1845, GSO 876, GSO 1111, SASO-GSO-2172,

, ILT-U-2833Detergent determination


Determination of sodium carbonate, Determination of soap content, Determination of toxic mineral elements.0 According to GSO 152

Standard :GSO 152,

, ILT-U-2834Detergent determination


Determination of pH number, Determination of total active materials, Determination of cationic active agent, Determination of chloride content. According to GSO ISO 4316, GSO ISO 2271, ISO 2871-2, ISO 457

Standard :GSO ISO 4316, GSO ISO 2271, ISO 2871-2, ISO 457,

, ILT-U-2835Detergent determination


Determination of moisture and volatile matter, Determination of phosphates, Determination of active oxygen content, Determination of total silicates percentage, Determination of active nonionic matter. According to ISO 4318,  ISO 4313,  ISO 4321, ISO 8215,  ISO 2268

Standard :ISO 4318, ISO 4313, ISO 4321, ISO 8215, ISO 2268,

, ILT-U-2836Detergent determination


Effect of Fatty Spots Remover on fabrics and textiles colors, and Confirming test of fluorescent brightener. According to GSO 2234, GSO 1947

Standard :GSO 2234, GSO 1947,

, ILT-U-2837Detergent determination


Unsaponifiable, unsaponified and Unsaponified Saponifiable Matter, Analysis of Soaps - Determination of Ethanol Insoluble Matter, Determination of specific gravity, Flash point test. According to GSO ISO 1067, ISO 673, ISO 758, ASTM D56

Standard :

ILT-U-3106Detergent determination


Chloride (Cl-), Loss on ignition, Moisture, pH (1% aqueous solution at 25˚C) and Content of anionic active ingredient

Standard :

ILT-U-1980Detergent determinations. 1A

Description: Chloride content; pH; Total surface active agents; Anionic active matter; Biodegradability; Phosphate content; Brightening agent8; Moisture and volatile matter; Rising property; and Metal analysis (Lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, arsenic, nickel) Method: GSO 152

ILT-U-1773Detergent determinations. 1B

Description: pH; Moisture & Volatile matter; Presence of brightening agent; and Rinsing property Method: GSO 4316, GSO ISO 672, GSO 152

ILT-U-2156Detergents determinations. 1C

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of total solid matter; Stability to hard water; Stability at low temperature; Cleaning Efficiency Test; Anti-microbial Activity; Pseudomonas Aeruginosa; and Escherichia coli Method: SASO 2619

, ILT-U-3056Determinaciones en salto de frecuencia


Testing of frequency hopping system equipment. According to ENACOM Test Protocol for Frequency Hopping Systems V20.1

Standard :

ILT-U-1844Determination of Chloroform Soluble Extractive in Resinous and polymeric coatings use as food contacting material. CG

Description: Simulant: Deionized Water, EtOH 8%, n-Heptane Method: 21 CFR 175.300

ILT-U-1490Determination of mercury in cosmetics

Description: Mercury Method:

ILT-U-1473Determination of sunscreen UVA photoprotection in vitro

Description: Determination of UVA factor Method: ISO 24443

ILT-U-1813Determination of the release of lead and cadmium from silicate surfaces other than ceramic ware

Description: Lead and cadmium Method: EN 1388-2

ILT-U-1846Determination of Total Extractives from water and n-Hexane for rubber articles use as food contacting material

Description: Deionized Water, n-Hexane Method: 21 CFR 177.2600

ILT-U-1513Determinations in baby bottles

Description: Volumetric capacity; Labeling; and Physical Method: NBR 13793

ILT-U-1476Determinations in ball point pens and refills

Description: Tip Classification; Shapes and Dimensions of refills; Performance; Writing Performance; Strike Though; Drying Time; Reproducibility; Water Resistance; Light Resistance; and Designation And Marking Method: ISO 12757-1

ILT-U-261Determinations in cosmetics

Description: Enumeration of aerobic plate count; Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus; and Enumeration of Yeast& Mould Method:

ILT-U-790Determinations in ethyl alcohol container

Description: Volumetric capacity of the container; internal diameter of the outlet; and container stability Method: Portaria Nº 269 NBR 15991

ILT-U-759Determinations in male condoms

Description: Dimensional tests and resistance to burst and Holes or porous detection zones test Method: ISO 4074

ILT-U-1511Determinations in pacifiers. CG

Description: Mechanical; Labeling; and Physical Method: NBR 10334

, ILT-U-2513Determinations in work chair - furniture for office

Dimensions. According to EN 1335-1 and ISO 24496

ILT-U-1354Determinations on Condoms

Description: Original trap; Aged trap; Hole detection; and dimensions Method:

, ILT-U-1996Determining Cadmium and Lead from Metal Jewelry

Description: Cadmium and lead Method:

ILT-U-1996Determining Cadmium and Lead from Metal Jewelry. CG

Description: Cadmium and lead Method:

ILT-U-723Diaper determinations. 1A

Description: Rate of Acquisition – Single Insult and Rewet; and Tensile Method: NWSP 070.9, ASTM D5035

ILT-U-1644Diaper determinations. 1B

Description: Visual inspection; pH; and absorbency Method: SASO 1516, GSO 143, GSO 750

ILT-U-1847Different determinations for Nylon Resins use as food contacting material. CG

Description: Extractable Fractions in Nylon Resins (Deionized Water extractives, 95% ethanol extractives, Ethyl acetate extractives, and Benzene extractives); Specific Gravity in Nylon; Melting Point in Nylon Resins; and Solubility in Boiling HCl in Nylon Resins Method: 21 CFR 177.1500

ILT-U-1845Different determinations for Olefin polymers use as food contacting material. CG

Description: Determination of Extractable Fraction for Olefin polymers (Hexane); Determination of Soluble Fraction for Olefin polymers (Xylene); Determination of Density for Olefin polymers; and Determination of Melting Point for Olefin polymers Method: 21 CFR 177.1520

ILT-U-1149Dimensional stability verification

Description: Dimensional stability. Method: NBR 5687

ILT-U-1774Dish wash and hand wash determinations

Description: pH; Non ionic surface active agent; and Chloride content Method: GSO 391, GSO 4316, GSO 1095

ILT-U-1978Dishwash determinations

Description: Rinsing properties; Total active matter; Biodegradability; pH; and Metal analysis (Lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, arsenic, nickel) Method: GSO 391

, ILT-U-2666Disinfectant determination


Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. According to EN 14349 

Standard :EN 14349,

, ILT-U-2668Disinfectant determination


Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary area on porous surfaces without mechanical action. According to EN 16437

Standard :EN 16437,

, ILT-U-2665Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. According to EN 1657

Standard :EN 1657,

, ILT-U-2667Disinfectant determination


Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. According to EN 16438

Standard :EN 16438,

, ILT-U-2670Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity in the medical area. Test method and requirements.  According to EN 13727

Standard :EN 13727,

, ILT-U-2671Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity in the medical area. Test method and requirements. According to EN 13624

Standard :

, ILT-U-2672Disinfectant determination


Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity for instruments used in the medical area.  According to EN 14561

Standard :EN 14561,

, ILT-U-2673Disinfectant determination


Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity for instruments used in the medical area. According to EN 14562

Standard :EN 14562,

, ILT-U-2674Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity against Legionella of chemical disinfectants for aqueous systems. According to EN 13623

Standard :EN 13623,

, ILT-U-2677Disinfectant determination


Quantitative test method for the evaluation of bactericidal and yeasticidal activity on non-porous surfaces with mechanical action employing wipes in the medical area (4- field test). Accroding to EN 16615

Standard :EN 16615,

, ILT-U-2678Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity in the medical area. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2). According to EN 17126

Standard :EN 17126,

, ILT-U-2683Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of basic bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. According to EN 1040

Standard :EN 1040,

, ILT-U-2685Disinfectant determination


Basic sporicidal activity. Test method and requirements. According to EN 14347

Standard :EN 14347,

, ILT-U-2684Disinfectant determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of basic fungicidal or basic yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Test method and requirements. According to EN 1275

Standard :EN 1275,

, ILT-U-2696Disinfectant determination


Laundry Sanitizers and Disinfectants evaluation. According to ASTM E2274, ASTM E2406

Standard :ASTM E2274, ASTM E2406,

ILT-U-2160Disposable Baby Diaper determinations

Description: Absorbant Filler; Adhesive tapes; Back Sheet; Device for fastening the diapers at the femurs; Diapers waist fastening device; Dimensions; Minimum Absorption; pH; Porous Layer; and Top Sheet Method: GSO 1833

ILT-U-739Disposable products determinations.

Description: Primary Cutaneous Irritation; Skin irritation Repeated; and Dermal Sensitization Method:

ILT-U-1512Disposable tableware determinations. CG

Description: Resistance to sweat and spittle (NBR 13883 point 6.3.7) Method: NBR 13883

ILT-U-2042Drinking equipment determinations

Description: Drinking equipment – Silicone Method: EN 14350

ILT-U-1765Enumeration of yeast and mould in cosmetic tissue paper

Description: Enumeration of yeast and mould Method:

ILT-U-2233Epoxy resins determination. CG

Description: Restriction of use of certain epoxy derivatives. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil (fatty foods); Specific migration of primary aromatic amine in 3 % acetic acid; and Soluble heavy metal (Al, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn,Ni) Method: Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1895/2005

, ILT-U-2888Face mask determiantion


Filtration efficiency or penetration of filter material and respiration resistance. According to NIOSH 42CFR84

Standard :42CFR84,

ILT-U-2561Face Mask determination

Particle filtration efficiency (PFE). According to ASTM F2299

ILT-U-2654Face mask determination


Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE)%. According to ASTM F2101

Standard :ASTM F2101,

, ILT-U-2281Face mask determinations

Synthetic Blood Penetration for Face Masks. (80 mmHg). According to ISO 22609 and ASTM F1862

ILT-U-3110Face mask determinations


Differential Pressure. According to ASTM F2100 and EN 14683 - annex C

Standard :[:es]EN 14683[:], [:es]ASTM F2100[:]

ILT-U-2112Face mask determinations. 1A CG

Description: Differential Pressure for breathability Method: EN 14683

ILT-U-2108Face mask determinations. 1B CG

Description: Valve Leak Test Method: NIOSH

ILT-U-2107Face mask determinations. 1C CG

Description: Inhalation and Exhalation Method: NIOSH

ILT-U-2106Face mask determinations. 1D CG

Description: Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) Method: NIOSH

ILT-U-2105Face mask determinations. 1E CG

Description: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Method: NIOSH

ILT-U-2104Face mask determinations. 1F CG

Description: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Challenge – screening test Method: NIOSH

ILT-U-2100Face mask determinations. 1G CG

Description: Microbial Cleanliness for Face Masks Method: EN 14683

ILT-U-2099Face mask determinations. 1H CG

Description: Particle Filtration Efficiency Method: ASTM F2100

ILT-U-2098Face mask determinations. 1I CG

Description: Flamability Method: ASTM F2100

ILT-U-2097Face mask determinations. 1J CG

Description: Synthetic Blood Penetration for Face Masks Method: EN 14683, ASTM F2100

ILT-U-2091Face mask determinations. 1K CG

Description: Bacterial Filtration Efficiency includes Diff. Pressure for breathability Method: EN 14683, ASTM F2100

, ILT-U-2313Fire extinguishers determination

force test

ILT-U-1058Formaldehyde determination. CG

Description: Formaldehyde determination Method: EN 1541

, ILT-U-2346Formamide content determination

Formamide content

, ILT-U-3485Formamide content determination


Formamide content. According to PORTARIA Nº 563

Standard :, Portaria 563/2016, Portaria 302/2021

ILT-U-1772Fragrance and soap determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Turbidity; Water insoluble matter; and Moisture and volatile matter Method: GSO ISO 672, GSO 1046, GSO 1098, GSO 1047

, ILT-U-1509Furniture determination


All determinations, according to ANSI/BIFMA X5.5:2021

Standard :ANSI/BIFMA X5.5

, ILT-U-3099Furniture determination


Strength, durability, and safety. According to EN 15372

Standard :EN 15372

, ILT-U-3098Furniture determination


All determinations. According to ANSI /BIFMA X5.9:2019

Standard :ANSI/BIFMA X5.9

, ILT-U-2317Gas step Heater determinations

Gas circuit tightness test, Nominal calorific consumption test, Minimum calorific consumption test, Rational use of energy test. Performance, Performance characteristics test. Useful, nominal and minimum powers, Performance characteristics test. Automatic gas operated valve by high and low pressure water

ILT-U-435General purpose saucepans. CG

Description: Corrosion test with boiling sodium chloride solution; corrosion test with detergent solution; milk antiadherence test; adhesion test with egg; and corrosion test by salina mist Method: Portaria 21

ILT-U-3274Glass cleaner liquid determination.


Non volatile matter. According to GSO 883

Standard :GSO 883

ILT-U-955Global migration in corks. CG

Description: Method: ISO 10106

, ILT-U-2467Glove determinations

Glove lenght, Gloved finger dexterity. According to ISO 21420

, ILT-U-2925Gloves determination


Analysis of Aqueous Extractable Protein. (Lowry with Precipitation method). Sample: Rubber gloves for medical examination, and Surgical rubber gloves for one use. According to ASTM D5712

Standard :ASTM D5712,

ILT-U-3132Gloves determination


Residual Powder. According to ASTM D6124

Standard :ASTM D6124

ILT-U-3133Gloves determination


Assay (Inhibition ELISA). According to ASTM D6499

Standard :ASTM D6499

ILT-U-3135Gloves determination


Analysis of Aqueous Extractable Protein. According to BS EN 455-3

Standard :BS EN 455-3

ILT-U-3136Gloves determination


Resistance to permeation by chemicals. According to EN 16523-1

Standard :EN 16523-1

ILT-U-3312Gloves determination


Impact. According to EN 388 clause 6.6

Standard :, [:en]EN 388[:]

ILT-U-3580Gloves determination


Contact heat, Convective heat, Radiant heat, Permeation. According to EN 407, ISO 16523-1

Standard :, [:es]EN 407[:]

ILT-U-3166Gloves determinations


Air leak test. According to EN 374-2

Standard :[:en]EN 374-2[:]

ILT-U-2096Gloves determinations CG

Description: Burning behaviour of gloves Method: EN 407

ILT-U-599Gloves determinations. 1A

Description: Abrasion resistance; cut resistance by slicing; cut resistance by tonodynamometer; resistance to tearing; puncture resistance; test method for the measurement of surface resistivity; test method for measuring electrical resistance through a material (vertical resistance); and test methods for measurement of charge decay Method: EN 1149-1, EN 388, EN 1149-2, EN 1149-3

ILT-U-1041Gloves determinations. 1B

Description: Method: EN 388, EN 374-2, EN 374-3, ISO 13997

ILT-U-2139Glycerin soap determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of total free Alkali Content; and Determination of total fatty content Method: SASO 492

, , ILT-U-1550Gowns determinations.

Description: Synthetic Blood Penetration Method: ISO 16603

ILT-U-2163Hair cream determinations. 1A

Description: Visual Inspection; and Determination of water content Method: SASO 1515

ILT-U-2136Hair Cream determinations. 1B

Description: Visual Inspection: and Determination of total non-aqueous content Method: SASO 1515

ILT-U-2162Hair oil determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of peroxide value; and Determination of acid value Method: SASO 1789, GSO 1218

ILT-U-650Handle fatigue determination

Description: Method: BS EN 12983

, ILT-U-2675Handwash determination


Hygienic handwash. Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 2). According to EN 1499

Standard :EN 1499,

, ILT-U-2689Handwash determination


Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Care Personnel Handwash Formulations. According to ASTM E1174

Standard :ASTM E1174,

ILT-U-1979Handwash determinations

Description: Chloride content; pH; Total active matter; Matter insoluble in alcohol; Biodegradability; sulphate content; and Metal analysis (Lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, arsenic, nickel) Method: GSO 2240

, , ILT-U-2643Harmful substances in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries determination


Perfluorooctane sulfonates and perfluorooctanoic acid. According to GB/T 29493.2

Standard :GB/T 29493.2,

, , ILT-U-2644Harmful substances in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries determination


Formaldehyde in emulsion polymers. According to GB/T 29493.5

Standard :GB/T 29493.5,

ILT-U-1093Heavy metals content in metal jewelry

Description: Method: GB/T 28021, GB/T 28019

, ILT-U-2433Heel determination

Heel Attachment Strength. According to EN 12785

, ILT-U-2575Implants for surgery determination

Bending Fatigue, Torsion (STATIC), Driving Torque (STATIC), Pullout, Compression Bending (STATIC), Compression Bending (FATIGUE). According to ASTM F384, ASTM F543, ISO 14801

, , , ILT-U-2531Industrial hygiene services determination

Analysis for total particles, Analysis for respirable particles. According to NIOSH 500, NIOSH 600

, ILT-U-457Jewelry determination


Gold (Au) amount. Pre-treatment: cupellation Analysis. According to ISO 11426

Gravimetric method

Standard :ISO 11426,

ILT-U-1987Ladder determinations

Description: Method: EN 131-2

ILT-U-1851Leachable Lead & Cadmium determination

Description: Simulant 4% Acetic Acid Method: EN 1388-1, EN 1388-2, Directive 84/500/EEC, ISO 7086-1, ISO 7086-2

, , ILT-U-3506Lead and cadmium determination


Lead and cadmium content. According to CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1, CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3, CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3

Standard :CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1, , CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3[:], CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3[:]

ILT-U-3339Lighter determinations


All determination. According to EN 13869

Standard :EN 13869,

, ILT-U-3302Lighters determiantions


All determinations. According to IRAM 3980

Standard :IRAM 3980,

ILT-U-2144Lip stick determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of Softening Point; Determination of Rancidity (Peroxide Number); and Determination of Breaking load Method: SASO 1872, GSO 2019

ILT-U-2145Liquid Carpet cleaner determinations

Description: Determination of total active ingredient content; Visual Inspection; Determination of alkalinity; Detection of oxidizing and reducing agent; Detection of the fluorescence optical brightening; Cleaning power test; and Resoiling test Method: SASO 828

, ILT-U-2697Liquid chemical germicides determination


Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, and Sporicidal Activities (Disk Carrier Method). According to ASTM E2197

Standard :ASTM E2197,

ILT-U-2151Liquid Detergent for Dish washing determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of Active Ionic Material; Determination of Active Anionic Material; Determination of total surface active agent; and Rinsing Test Method: SASO 719

ILT-U-2157Liquid floor cleaner determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Stability at freezing and warming; Test on thin plate; Resistant to water test; Shoe heal black mark test; and Visual Inspection Method: SASO 1793

ILT-U-2153Liquid glass cleaner determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of effect on metallic Surface; Determination of effect on Plastic Surface; Determination of effect on Paint Films; Determination of storage stability; and Determination of Cleaning Efficiency Method: SASO 1194

, ILT-U-2663Liquid laundry soap determination


Chemical textile disinfection for the domestic area. According to EN 17658

Standard :EN 17658,

ILT-U-2164Liquid oxidative hair dye (hair color) determinations

Description: Determination of hydrogen peroxide; and Determination of dye (o-m-p-, phenyl diamines, diamino phenols) Method: SASO 776

ILT-U-2168Mask determinations. 1A

Description: Resistance to Dry Microbial Penetration Method: ISO 22612

ILT-U-2167Mask determinations. 1B

Description: Resistance to Wet Bacterial Penetration Method: ISO 22610

ILT-U-711Matches determinations. 1A

Description: Lighting; thermal stability; ignition surface; and impact Method: NBR 13725

ILT-U-824Matches determinations. 1B

Description: Striking performance Annex A only A.1 to A.9; Thermal Stability Annex B; Performance of the striking surface Annex C; Impact resistance Annex D; and Environmental and toxicological test Annex E Method: EN 1783

ILT-U-1649Material in contact with food determinations. CG

Description: Overall migration into aqueous food stimulants by total immersion (4 simulants); and overall migration into aqueous food stimulants by article filling (4 simulants) Method: BS EN 1186-3, BS EN 1186-9

ILT-U-2081Materials and articles in contact with food stuffs. 1A

Description: Resistance to microwave heating Method: EN 15284

ILT-U-2082Materials and articles in contact with food stuffs. 1B

Description: Water Absorption Method: EN 1217

ILT-U-2068Materials and articles in contact with food stuffs. 1C

Description: Dip Test for coated surface 8hrs Method: ISO 8442-2

ILT-U-1095Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs- Silicate surfaces. CG

Description: Determination of the release of lead and cadmium from ceramic ware, Method: EN 1388-1

, ILT-U-710Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs.


Mono & di-ethylene glycol. According to EN 13130-7

Standard :EN 13130-7,

ILT-U-524Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. 1B

Description: Method: BS EN 1186-9

ILT-U-2232Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. 1C

Description: Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs – Plastics substances subject to limitation. Terephthalic acid in food simulants (Ni, Al, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn); and 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane (Bisphenol A) in food simulants Method: EN 13130-13, EN 13130-2

, ILT-U-2069Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. 1D

Description: Dip Test for Ferritic & Austenitic stainless steel 6hrs Method: ISO 8442-2

ILT-U-2069Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. 1D CG

Description: Dip Test for Ferritic & Austenitic stainless steel 6hrs Method: ISO 8442-2

ILT-U-2075Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. 1E

Description: Dip Test for Martensitic stainless steel 6hrs Method: ISO 8442-2

, ILT-U-3348Mattress determiantion


Rebound force. According to NBR 9176

Standard :NBR 9176,

, ILT-U-3278Mattress determination


Combustion resistance of mattresses — Cigarette test. According to CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.7-2023

Standard :CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.7

, , ILT-U-3349Mattress determination


Determination of resilience. According to ABNT NBR 13579-1

Standard :NBR 13579-1, , [:en]API 1104[:]

, ILT-U-3346Mattress determination


Density. According to ABNT NBR 13579-1

Standard :NBR 13579-1,

, ILT-U-3347Mattress determination


Dynamic Fatigue. According to NBR 9177

Standard :NBR 9177,

, ILT-U-3350Mattress determination


Ash Content. According to ABNT NBR 13579-1

Standard :NBR 13579-1,

ILT-U-884Mattress determination. 1A

Description: Determining the density of the foam mattress, resilience, permanent deformation to compression, indentation force, dynamic fatigue, ash content, packaging evaluation, labeling, gluing and dimensional analysis. Method: NBR 13579-1

, ILT-U-3464Mattress determinations


Deformation, Base durability test, Indentation, Fraying in a Standard Seam, and Yarn density. According to NBR 15413-1, NBR 15413-2

Standard :EN 1725:1998, NBR 15413-1, NBR 9925, NBR 15413-2, NBR 10588,

ILT-U-1724Mattress determinations. 1B

Description: Foam density; permanent compression deformation; and indentation force Method: NBR 9176, NBR 8537, NBR 8797

, ILT-U-2919Medical device determiantion


Bioburden – Microbial cleanliness. According to ISO 11737-1

Standard :ISO 11737-1,

, ILT-U-2442Medical device determinations

Chemical characterization (suture thread). According to ISO 10993-18

ILT-U-740Medical devices determinations

Description: Coliforms total count; count of fungi and yeasts; count of fungi and yeasts; Bacterial and fungal sterility; Bacterial and fungal sterility; Dermal Sensitization Maximized; Acute systemic toxicity; Implant Test; Implant Test; Subacute toxicity; Sub-chronic toxicity; chronic Toxicity; intracutaneous reactivity; Irritation / Corrosion Dermal; Irritation / Corrosion Dermal Repeated; Bacterial endotoxins – Determination using gelclot “in vitro pyrogen”; Bacterial endotoxins; Pirogênio in vivo; Biological Reactivity Systemic; Biological Reactivity intracutaneous Method:

, ILT-U-3487Medical gloves determination


Protein Content. According to ISO 12243

Standard :ISO 12243,

, ILT-U-3488Medical gloves determination


Powder Content. According to ISO 21171

Standard :ISO 21171,

, ILT-U-2478Medical gloves determinations

Water Leak sample, Force at Break – Unchallenged, Force at Break – Challenged, Glove Length and Width, Protein – Modified Lowry. According to EN 455-1, EN 455-2, EN 455-3

ILT-U-2234Melamine products determination. CG

Description: Plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil (fatty foods); Specific migration of primary aromatic amine in 3 % acetic acid; Soluble heavy metal (Al, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn,Ni); Specific migration of formaldehyde in 3% acetic acid; and Specific migration of melamine in 3% acetic acid Method: Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011

ILT-U-2768Metallic household appliances determination


Elastomeric parts, Saline mist. According to NBR 11823, NBR 8094

Standard :NBR 11823, NBR 8094,

ILT-U-2769Metallic household appliances determination


Flexion, Twist, Impact, Fatigue, Leakage at room temperature, Leakage with heating, Heat propagation, Burn resistance, Heat resistance. According to NBR 14876

Standard :

ILT-U-202Metals in Pharmaceutical Products – Cosmetics

Description: Cu, Pb, As, Cd, Sn and others by Atomic Absorption Method:

ILT-U-327Methanol determination in liquid for wipers

Description: Method:

, ILT-U-2695Microbicide’s determination


Microbicides Used in Cooling Water Systems. According to ASTM E645

Standard :ASTM E645,

ILT-U-715Microbiological determinations

Description: Meal: Bacillus Cereus count; Clostridium perfringens count Swabs: Coagulase-positive staphylococcus Method: ISO 18593, ISO 7937, ISO 7932

ILT-U-744Microbiological determinations in gloves

Description: Total count; Fungi and yeasts count; Staphylococcus aureus (qualitative); Salmonella spp (qualitative); Pseudomonas aeruginosa (qualitative); Enterobacteriaceae (qualitative); and Escherichia Coli (qualitative) in surgical / non-surgical gloves Method:

, ILT-U-016Migration determination

Description: Drinking water Method:

, ILT-U-2379Migration of elements in Pigments

Migration of the elements (arsenic, cadmium, zinc, mercury, lead, selenium, chromium, antimony and barium) determination, with 0.1M hydrochloric acid solution in powdered pigment sample

ILT-U-1553Migration test in gloves

Description: EN 1186; RDC N° 105; and RDC N° 51 Method: EN 1186

ILT-U-1991N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosables in latex baby pacifier. CG

Description: N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosables Method: BS EN 12868

ILT-U-820N-nitrosamines, peroxide and DTX in baby bottles. CG

Description: Method: NBR 13793, BS EN 12868

ILT-U-2140Nail Polish determinations. 1A

Description: Adhesion test; and Blush test Method: SASO 2193, GSO 1888

ILT-U-1647Nail polish determinations. 1B

Description: Visual inspection; determination of non-volatile matter; and determination of drying time Method: GSO 1888

ILT-U-1659Nanoparticles determination in cosmetic

Description: Particle size Method:

, ILT-U-2933Needles determination


Needle Bonding Strength Test and Needle Penetration and Drag Force Test. According to ISO 7864

Standard :ISO 7864,

ILT-U-222Nickel determination

Description: EN 1811 Method: EN 1811

ILT-U-1918Nitrosamine in condom. CG

Description: Nitrosamine Method: ISO 29941

ILT-U-3351Non-stick coatings determination


Non-stick coatings. All determinations. According to NBR 15321

Standard :NBR 15321, NBR 15382,

ILT-U-2737Notebook (exercise book) determination


Cover verification, Brain verification, Verification of formats, Paper verification, Verification of sheet numbers, Checking holes, Ink check (Heavy metals), Post print verification, Packaging verification, Phthalates. According to NBR 15732, 

NBR 15236

Standard :NBR 15236, NBR 15732,

ILT-U-2738Notebook (exercise book) determination


Chemical test, Cover verification, Verification of formats, Brain verification, Paper verification, Verification of the number of leaves, Checking holes, Post print verification (security requirements), Packaging verification. According to NBR 15733

Standard :NBR 15733,

ILT-U-2236Nylon products determination

Description: Plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil (fatty foods); Specific migration of primary aromatic amine in 3 % acetic acid; Soluble heavy metal (Al, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn,Ni); and Specific migration of caprolactam in 3% acetic acid Method: Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011

, ILT-U-2787Outdoor furniture determination


Mechanical safety requirements (outdoor table). According to EN 581-3 

Standard :EN 581-3

, ILT-U-1242Outdoor seating determination


General safety requirements, Mechanical safety requirements. According to EN 581-1, EN 581-2

Standard :

ILT-U-3269Oxidation hair dye determination


Hydrogen peroxide. Accoridng to GSO 427

Standard :GSO 427

, ILT-U-2546Pacifier determiantion

Peroxide. According to NBR 13793

ILT-U-2353Pacifier determination

Dimensional – Character height

, ILT-U-2723Pacifier determination


Migration of dyes and pigments, according to  NBR 13793

Standard :NBR 13793,

ILT-U-1147Pacifiers determination

Description: Physical and mechanical determinations Method: NBR 10334

, ILT-U-2350Package determination
Accelerated Aging
, ILT-U-2690Packaging determination


Detecting Gross Leaks in Packaging by Internal Pressurization (Bubble Test). According to ASTM F2096

Standard :ASTM F2096,

, ILT-U-2319Packaging materials determinations

Overall migration into aqueous food stimulants by total immersion.

ILT-U-187Paints and varnishes. CG

Description: Cross-cut test, Determination of film thickness Method: ISO 2409

ILT-U-2228Paper and board articles determination

Description: Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Pentachlorophenol (PCP); Preserving effect; Extractable heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Hg) in cold water or hot water; and Fluorescent matter Method: Europe Council Resolution ResAP (2002)1

ILT-U-819Party items determinations. CG

Description: Airflow determination Method: NBR 13883

, ILT-U-3258Party supplies determination


Physical and mechanical properties, Marking, labeling and packaging. According to NBR 13883:2015, Portaria INMETRO 414/2010

Standard :Portaria 414, NBR 13883

ILT-U-2203PCB determination. CG

Description: PCB content in paper and board Method: ISO 15318

ILT-U-2204PCP determination. CG

Description: PCP content. aper and board Method: ISO 15320

ILT-U-3509Pen determinations


 Starting - Mileage 300m at least - Strike through - Drying time -Reproducibility-Light resistance 15h- Water resistance 1h- Cap off Time (without shelf life time), Erasure - Ethanol -Hydro-Chloridric Acid Resistance- Ammonium Hydroxide Resistance- Bleaching Resistance - Water resistance 24h -Light resistance 60h    ISO 14145-1, ISO 14145-2

Standard :ISO 14145-2, ISO 14145-1,

ILT-U-3508Pen determinations


 Starting - Mileage 300m at least - Strike through - Drying time -Reproducibility-Light resistance 15h- Water resistance 1h  (without shelf life time), Erasure - Ethanol -Hydro-Chloridric Acid Resistance- Ammonium Hydroxide Resistance- Bleaching Resistance - Water resistance 24h -Light resistance 60h. According to ISO 12757-1, ISO 12757-2

Standard :ISO 12757-2, ISO 12757-1,

ILT-U-2735Pencil determination


Appearance, Length measurement, Mine diameter measurement, Verification of coating adherence, Verification of mine eccentricity, Resistance to tip breakage, Verification of mine adherence, Verification of adherence between the parties, Watercolor pencil test, Tip obtaining, Packaging verification. According to NBR 15795

Standard :NBR 15795,

ILT-U-1646Perfume determinations

Description: Visual inspection; turbidity Method: SASO 1849

ILT-U-1976Perfumery products determinations

Description: Methanol content; Ethanol content; Turbidity test; and Heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, Arsenic) Method:

ILT-U-2141Perfumes based on Ethanol determinations

Description: Determination of Ethanol -Methanol- Propanol; and Determination of Denaturant Method: SASO 1849

, ILT-U-2309Personal eye-protection

General requirements, Materials, Adjustment and adaptation, Ventilation, Field of vision, Strength resistance, Water and snow protection, Resistance to ignition, Cleaning, Resistance to damage by fine particles (L&R), Resistance to fogging of oculars (L&R)

, ILT-U-2341PET determinations

Melt Flow index

ILT-U-2149Petroleum Jelly determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of Melting Point; Determination of Saponifiable Matter; Determination of Free Acids and Alkalis; Determination of Sulphated Ash; and Determination of Iodine Value (ppm) Method: SASO 1390

ILT-U-2303Phosphorus determination


Phosphorus. Method ICP OES

Standard :

ILT-U-648Phthalates in dolls determination. CG

Description: Method: EN 14372, NBR 16040

ILT-U-970Physical and mechanical test on wheelchairs and strollers. CG

Description: ASTM F833-1 Method: ASTM F833-1

ILT-U-1796Plastic determinations

Description: Overall Migration from plastic using MPPO as a simulant; and BISPHENOL A Method: EN 1186-13

ILT-U-1152Plastic packaging for mineral water and drinking table — Returnable gallon. CG

Description: Strange odor; Volumetric capacity; Resistance to static compression; and Resistance to fall Method: NBR 14222

ILT-U-233PoHS in cosmetics

Description: PoHS Method: AATCC 61, NTC 1155-3

ILT-U-2235Polycarbonate products determination. CG

Description: Plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil (fatty foods); Specific migration of primary aromatic amine in 3 % acetic acid; Soluble heavy metal (Al, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn,Ni); and Specific migration of BPA in 50% ethanol Method: Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011

, ILT-U-2600Polystyrene determination


Percent residual styrene monomer. According to 21 CFR Part 177.1640

Standard :21 CFR Part 177.1640,

ILT-U-799Pressure cookers determinations

Description: Volumetric capacity and Operating pressures – point 4.3 Method: EN 12778

, ILT-U-2890Primary batteries determination


Rated voltage, Dimensional, Minimum average duration, and Leaks and deformations. According to IEC 60086-1

Standard :IEC 60086-1,

, ILT-U-3088Printing Ink determination


Nonvolatile Content of Heatset and Liquid Printing Ink Systems. According to ASTM D4713

Standard :ASTM D4713

ILT-U-1999Product of school supplies determinations

Description: Detection of pentachlorophenol or its salts in wooden articles by staining; Characterization test of PVC materials using the Beilstein method; Determination of resistance (color fastness) to sweat and saliva; and Detection of pentachlorophenol or its salts in wooden articles by staining. Method: NBR 15236, NBR 13883

, ILT-U-2487Protective glove determinations

pH, Sizing and measurement, Finger dexterity. According to ISO 21420

ILT-U-1291Release of lead and cadmium in ceramic cookware. CG

Description: Method: ISO 8391

, , ILT-U-2751Residential space heating appliances fired by wood pellets determination


Performance tests at rated power, Reduced power, Temperature safety test, NOx emissions (according to D.2.3), VOCs (annex E), and particles (heated filter, point F.2), Electrical consumption (nominal power, reduced power and standby). According to EN 15456, EN 16510-1, EN 14785

Standard :EN 15456, EN 16510-1, EN 14785,

ILT-U-1838Respiratory protective devices. CG

Description: Conditioning; Visual inspection; Inflammability; Penetration of filter material; Carbon dioxide content in the inhalation air; and Respiration resistance Method: EN 149

ILT-U-2072Respiratory protective devices. COVID-19 determinations

Description: COVID-19. PPE-R02.075 EU Certification Method: EN 149

ILT-U-2072Respiratory protective devices. COVID-19 determinations. CG

Description: COVID-19. PPE-R02.075 EU Certification Method: EN 149

ILT-U-1834Roller sports equipment. 1A

Description: Skateboards. Safety requirements Method: EN 13613

ILT-U-1833Roller sports equipment. 1B

Description: Inline-skates. Safety requirements Method: EN 13843

ILT-U-1832Roller sports equipment. 1C

Description: Roller skates. Safety requirements. Method: EN 13899

ILT-U-2230Rubber products determination. CG

Description: Rubber products intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil; Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); Nitrosamine and Nitrosatable; and Specific migration of aromatic amine Method: Europe Council Resolution ResAP (2004)4

ILT-U-1622Safety gloves determinations. CG

Description: Determination of thickness; puncture resistance; and measurement of surface resistivity Method: EN 1149-1, ISO 2589, EN 388

ILT-U-1835Safety of children’s clothing

Description: Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing Method: EN 14682

ILT-U-2121Safety requirements of playgrounds. CG

Description: Mitigating the impact (HIC). Method: NBR 16071-3

ILT-U-1877Safety shoes determinations. CG

Description: Impact resistance; Slip Resistance; Thermal insulation; Electrical resistance; Hydrolysis; and Resistance to electrical voltage (Withstand test voltage) Method: EN 50321, ISO 20344

ILT-U-2159Sanitary Pads – Ladies determinations

Description: Absorbency; Absorbent Filler; Adhesive rear tape; Covering; Length; Length and width of absorbant filler; Length of adhesive rear tape; lumps, oil spots , dirt , dyes and any other foreign matter; pH; Plastic rear base; Porous Tissue; Thickness of absorbent filler; Total Length of pad; Total width of pad: and Width Method: GSO 751

ILT-U-2095Sanitizer (disinfectant) determinations

Description: Ethanol; Methanol; Isopropanol; Butanol; Allergens (egg, soya, milk, and Gliadin / Gluten (qualitative); Heavy metals (As, Pb, Hg, Cd); and pH Method:

ILT-U-2657Sanitizer determination


Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Hygienic hand rub. According to EN 1500

Standard :EN 1500,

, ILT-U-2658Sanitizer determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 1276

Standard :EN 1276,

, ILT-U-2661Sanitizer determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 13704

Standard :EN 13704,

, ILT-U-2659Sanitizer determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 1650

Standard :EN 1650,

, ILT-U-2662Sanitizer determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity against bacteriophages of chemical disinfectants used in food and industrial areas. According to EN 13610

Standard :EN 13610,

, ILT-U-2660Sanitizer determination


Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. According to EN 13697

Standard :

, ILT-U-2664Sanitizer determination


Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. Accoridng to EN 1656

Standard :EN 1656,

ILT-U-738Sanitizers determinations

Description: Disinfectants Test front of Staphylococcus aureus; Disinfectants Test front of Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Mycobactericide Activity Assessment Disinfectants – Mycobacterium smegmatis front; Mycobactericide Activity Assessment Disinfectants – Mycobacterium bovis front; Esporocida Activity Assessment of Disinfectants front of Bacillus subtilis and Clostridium sporogenes; Test Disinfectants front of Escherichia collision – Qualitative determination with carriers; Mycobactericide Activity Assessment Disinfectants – Mycobacterium opposite massiliense; Determination of Bactericidal Activity Assessment – Disinfectants in the forms of “Spray” and Aerossol; Skin irritation / corrosion; Irritation / Corrosion Eye; Acute Oral Toxicity; Dermal Acute Toxicity; Total bacterial count – Determination by the technical inoculation depth – pour plate Method:

ILT-U-738Sanitizers determinations. CG

Description: Disinfectants Test front of Staphylococcus aureus; Disinfectants Test front of Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Mycobactericide Activity Assessment Disinfectants – Mycobacterium smegmatis front; Mycobactericide Activity Assessment Disinfectants – Mycobacterium bovis front; Esporocida Activity Assessment of Disinfectants front of Bacillus subtilis and Clostridium sporogenes; Test Disinfectants front of Escherichia collision – Qualitative determination with carriers; Mycobactericide Activity Assessment Disinfectants – Mycobacterium opposite massiliense; Determination of Bactericidal Activity Assessment – Disinfectants in the forms of “Spray” and Aerossol; Skin irritation / corrosion; Irritation / Corrosion Eye; Acute Oral Toxicity; Dermal Acute Toxicity; Total bacterial count – Determination by the technical inoculation depth – pour plate Method:

ILT-U-2355School article determination

Flow – Air flow test

, ILT-U-3259School articles determination


Mechanical properties. According to NBR 15236:2021, clause 5.1

Standard :NBR 15236

ILT-U-2158School Bags determinations

Description: Adjustable length of waist belt; Adjustable shoulder strap length; Bag Height; Bag Width; Deformities; Depth of back side; Depth of front side; Depth of lunch box pcoket “if found”; Dropping Test; Fixed length of waist belt; Fixed shoulder strap length; Formaldehyde; Height of lunch box pcoket “if found”; Height of lunch right side pocket “if found”; Length of the back belt; Manufacturing and Finishing; pH; Shoulder Strap Width; Side Belt; Fixed length of waist belt; Stitches; Test of removing the handle; Weight; and Width of waist belt “if found” Method: SASO 2900

ILT-U-3080School supplies determination


Mechanical/Physical Properties/Labeling, Electric, chemicals, Phthalates, Phthalate Check, IN Vitro Dermal Irritability, Microbiological, Acute Oral Poisoning IN Vivo, IN Vitro Cytotoxicity, Ftir test, Bisphenol A. According to NBR 15236

Standard :[:en]NBR 15236[:]

, ILT-U-2827Schoolbag determination


Force required to break shoulder straps. According to NF G 92 005:1989

Standard :NF G 92 005,

ILT-U-2143Shampoo determinations. 1A

Description: Determination of surfactant content Method: SASO 724, GSO 395

ILT-U-1775Shampoo determinations. 1B

Description: pH; and Volatile content Method: GSO 395, GSO ISO 672

ILT-U-2161Shaving cream determinations

Description: Determination of stability; and Determination of lathering volume Method: SASO 1388

ILT-U-1981Shoe polish determinations. 1A

Description: Non-volatile matter; pH; and Stability Method: SASO 1957

ILT-U-1777Shoe polish determinations. 1B

Description: pH; Determination of non- volatile matter; and Determination of Stability Method: SASO 1957

ILT-U-2229Silicones determination

Description: Silicones used for applications in contact with foodstuffs. Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods); Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH?4.5 acidic foods); Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content?20% foods); Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions); and Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil Method: Europe Council Resolution ResAP (2004)5

ILT-U-656Single-use medical examination glove

Description: Method: ISO 11193-2

, ILT-U-656Single-use medical examination glove.


Physical Dimensions (Length, Width and thickness), Watertight (Leakage), Mechanical properties before aging. According to  ISO 11193-2

Standard :

ILT-U-2268Ski goggles determinations - CG

Description: Resistance to Fogging Method: ASTM F659

ILT-U-1982Skin cream determinations. 1A

Description: Thermal stability; pH; Total fatty matter; Water content; and Lard and lard derivatives Method: GSO 1513

ILT-U-1776Skin cream determinations. 1B

Description: Marking; Thermal stability; and Total fatty matter Method: IQS 1161

, ILT-U-2589Slings determination

Mechanical. According to CEN TR 16512

ILT-U-155Small saucepan determination

Description: Except clause 8 Method: BS EN 12983

ILT-U-3107Soap determination


Chloride (Cl-), Loss on ignition, Moisture, pH (1% aqueous solution at 25˚C) and Content of anionic active ingredient

Standard :

ILT-U-3271Soap determination


Ethanol insoluble matter. According to ISO 673

Standard :ISO 673

ILT-U-3270Soap determination.


Water insoluble matter. According to SASO 492

Standard :SASO 492

ILT-U-1977Soap determinations

Description: Moisture and volatile matter; Ethanol insoluble matter; Total Fatty matter; Chloride content; Unsaponified matter; Acid value; Metal analysis (Lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, arsenic, nickel…); and Water insoluble matter Method: GSO 1098, GSO ISO 672

ILT-U-2152Sodium Hypochlorite solution determinations

Description: Determination of specific gravity; Visual Inspection; Determination of available chlorine (as Sodium Hypochlorite content %); Determination of Free alkali; Determination of iron content (ppm); and Tests for copper and Nickel Method: SASO 1053

ILT-U-3333Solid and liquid orgnanic matter determiantion


Solid and liquid organic matter. According to EN 16640

Standard :, EN 16640

ILT-U-2044Soother holder determinations. 1A

Description: Safety requirements and test methods Method: GB 28482

ILT-U-2043Soother holder determinations. 1B

Description: Safety requirements and test methods Method: EN 12586

ILT-U-1879Soothers for babies and young children. CG

Description: Safety requirements Method: EN 1400

, ILT-U-2539Specific migration determination

specific migration of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel and lead. Method GB 4806.9

ILT-U-3294Sterile medical devices determination


Sterility test - Determination by membrane filtration method and Sterility test (by direct inoculation method in culture medium). According to Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th ed. 2019 -, The international Pharmacopoea, 11th 2022 - 3.2, USA Pharmacopoea, 44 - NF 39 2021 - <71>, and ISO 17377-2

Standard :Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th ed. 2019, ISO 17377-2,

, ILT-U-2388Strollers determinations
Physical and flammability EN 1888-1
Chemical hazards (8 soluble elements) EN 1888-1
, ILT-U-2956Sun protection factor determination


Type of sun protection (SPF) (Category: ˂14.9 / 15-29.9 / 30-59.9 / 60+) In-vivo test (10 subjects). According to ISO 24444

Standard :ISO 24444,

, ILT-U-2957Sun protection fator, water resistant determination


Water resistance testing (SPF water resistance 40 min) In-vivo test (10 subjects). According to ISO 24444

Standard :ISO 24444,

ILT-U-2267Sunglasses determinations - CG

Description: All requeriments Method: AS/NZS 1067

, ILT-U-2676Surgical hand disinfection determination


Surgical hand disinfection. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) (Between 1 min and 5 min). Accordgin to EN 12791

Standard :EN 12791,

ILT-U-3495Surgical suture determination


Tensile test. According to  USP 881

Standard :USP 881,

ILT-U-2154Synthetic detergent powders determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of Active Oxygen Content; and Determination of surface Active Material Method: SASO 509

, ILT-U-2932Syringes determination


Air Leakage Test, Forces Required to Operate the Piston, Liquid Leakage Test, and Dead Space Test. According to ISO 7886-1 

Standard :ISO 7886-1,

ILT-U-1290Tableware in contact with lead-emission food and cadmium

Description: Lead and cadmium Method: ISO 6486-1

ILT-U-2148Talcum Powder determinations

Description: Visual Inspection; Determination of water soluble content; Determination of acid soluble iron; Determination of water soluble iron salts; and Boric acid or Borates Tests Method: SASO 1751

ILT-U-837Testing of corrosion in surgical instrument

Description: Method: ASTM F1089

ILT-U-1881Textile (parachutes) determinations. CG

Description: Flammability Test; Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles; Conditioning (2 days @ 21C, 65% RH); and Strap strength test Method: PIA 4108E, PIA 502, PIA 504a, ASTM D6413, ASTM D4533, ASTM D6775

, ILT-U-2852Textile determination


Small parts of baby crib quilt sample (tensile strength). According to EN 16779-1 clause 4.2.2

Small parts of Baby´s crib bumper sample (tensile strength). According to EN 16780 clause 4.2.3

Small parts of Children´s sleeping bag sample (tensile strength)According to EN 16781 clause 4.2.3

Standard :EN 16779-1, EN 16780, EN 16781,

, ILT-U-3417Textile determination


Concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD). According to POPs Regulation  (EU) 2019/1021

Standard :EU no. 2019/1021,

, ILT-U-2842Textile products (baby´s crib bumpers) determination


Colour fastness (leather) to rubbing: dry, Colour fastness (leather) to rubbing: wet, Change of appearance after washing, According to EN 16780

Standard :EN 16780,

, ILT-U-2843Textile products (Children's sleeping bags) determination


Colour fastness (leather) to rubbing: dry, Colour fastness (leather) to rubbing: wet, Change of appearance after washing X5. According to EN 16781

Standard :EN 16781,

, ILT-U-2841Textile products determination


Colour fastness (leather) to rubbing: dry, Colour fastness (leather) to rubbing: wet, and Change of appearance after washing X5. Accortding to EN 16779-1

Standard :EN 16779-1,

ILT-U-1151Tire tube testing

Description: Method: NBR 15557

ILT-U-560Tires determinations

Description: FMVSS119, FMVSS139 and FMVSS 109 Method: FMVSS 109, FMVSS119, FMVSS139

ILT-U-2147Toilet Soap determinations

Description: Determination of acid no of mixed fatty acid Method: SASO 492

ILT-U-649Torque resistance in small saucepan determination

Description: Method: BS EN 12983

ILT-U-178Total volatile content in Shampoo

Description: Total volatile content Method: GSO 396

ILT-U-178Total volatile content in Shampoo. CG

Description: Total volatile content Method: GSO 396

, ILT-U-2946Toys determination


In vitro toxicity (OECD 129 - GLP). Microbiological for toys. According to USP 43, NF 38 de 2020

Standard :USP 43, NF 38,

ILT-U-336Toys determination. CG

Description: Bite Resistance; Beilstein Resistance; and General, Mechanical and Physical Properties (visual inspection) Method: Portaria 563/2016

, ILT-U-416Use of impact-resistant lenses determination

Use of impact-resistant lenses. According to 21 CFR Part 801.410

, ILT-U-3306Utility lighters determiantions


All determiantions. According to ISO 22702

Standard :ISO 22702,

ILT-U-652UVA and UVB grade in sunglasses

Description: Method: EN 1836

ILT-U-3273Vaseline (petroleum jelly) determination.


Iodine Value (ppm). According to GSO 1118

Standard :GSO 1118

, ILT-U-2598Vinyl tile determination


Rug Back Staining on Vinyl Tile. According to AATCC 137

Standard :AATCC 137,

ILT – Interlaboratory Test
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